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Under Lewis088's bed
Should it be considered metagame when you're sitting in discord with your friends and you do simple things which don't affect rp or anyones experience such as, "can you pass me some seeds" "Can I use your car" "Filling my jugs" Yes people can obviously use this is an advantage in a shootout but I know a lot of people that just mute themselves when this happens, I feel as if metagame should only be considered when it affect another player directly. What do you think?
well the thing is there is no way of stopping people from using it for meta game staff cant be there to enforce it and there is no guarantee i reckon a good addition would be being able to use the ingame team speak with non org members by some sort of invite code
You could argue the point above made by censored that it’s not serious, but said actions could easily just be said in game and there’s a minuscule but possible chance someone could hear you say it in game and use that info validly in RP so Yes, the described above situation is against the rules.
Asking for seeds or things like that isnt really an issue in my eyes it when your calling someone out in a raid is the issue.
why cant you just say you got a ear piece and like talk through discord???
Doubt you’ll ever been punished for it however it’s a bad habit to form.
I dont see an issue with it but it often leads to wider things that staff realistically cant control or administrate to a decent standard, the only way of understanding who is meta gaming at that point is via witchhunts lol
To be honest, I just find it easier to stick to using the game so there is no grey area.

Even if you aren't doing it to deliberately meta-game, it is very easy for you to accidently provide information. Then again, with org chat and org teamspeak there isn't much difference lol
What I used to do is stay on discord but whenever I need something in-game I also use my in-game mic to say it unless if I'm in a tense situation like a raid then I'd deafen. I don't use discord anymore on perp tho, it's quite redundant but I get some people wanna chat privately with their friends.