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  1. Pull up Pull up Gass

    trueeeee die gozer is gwn niet helmaal 100% killde me net in pd omdat ik zei dat ze moeder stonk

    trueeeee die gozer is gwn niet helmaal 100% killde me net in pd omdat ik zei dat ze moeder stonk
  2. Pull up Pull up Gass

    AR on pussylounge XXX

    let me start off by saying i was very nice letting him store his sniper before killing him i had my gun pulled out at the back off his head and waited for him to store his new bought sniper....... however the reason i killed you is because you purposly drove over my friend (rhys mistry) better...
  3. Pull up Pull up Gass


    shay dealth with this in game
  4. Pull up Pull up Gass

    ar on bonquiqui mandela

    you made an AR (action report) meaning you think i broke a rule. im asking you questions so i can correctly defend myself. just answer my questions i just asked you?!
  5. Pull up Pull up Gass

    ar on bonquiqui mandela

    Goodafternoon, in the admin sit we talked about the sitiuation with brinch, as we concluded in the admin sit alll three off us, was that the singing might have been a little stupid. but howevery alejandro rojas killed me not for the singing but for asking him where he wanted me to stand because...
  6. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Ar on jonathan blueberry, thanov devgru and bryan devgru

    they break the rules all the time yaseen but nobody bothers to report them
  7. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Ar on jonathan blueberry, thanov devgru and bryan devgru

    i didnt get any weapon out i actually stored my weapon? you never saw me get anything out so why take the risk off killing me i didnt instantly ram you you stopped out of no where on the middle of the road?
  8. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Ar on jonathan blueberry, thanov devgru and bryan devgru

    may i remind you you guys blocked me in in the middle off the intersection and were just standing and torlling aorund there in the middle of the road for more then 5 minutes ?
  9. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Ar on jonathan blueberry, thanov devgru and bryan devgru

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Bonquiqui mandela His/Her Steam/In-game Name: In game names are thanov devgru bryan devgru and jonathan blueberry His/Her SteamID: they logged out after it happend so i have no idea Why Should This Player Be Punished: In my opinion they broke rule: 2.5, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5...
  10. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    So i read this whole thread and it looks kind of stupid to me. WE are allower to kill people raid mug and grow use and sell drugs but this person wants to ban rape from the server. You are talking about traumatic expierences all the time but if you have that just dont play this game if you cant...
  11. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Forced to Quit.

    we never got along that good i mean i didnt hate you or something but it just never clicked, although we didnt talk or had any good contact with each other i know you were a great community member and one of the people that will be missed by the server its sad to see all the og's leave but it is...
  12. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Nuestra Familia Applications.

    Steam name: bonquiqui mandela Age: 17 Playtime: 22 days How active are you?: i hope on everyday for more then 3 hours sometimes even 8 -IC Info- In game name: Bonquiqui mandela What cars do you have?: range 2012 double upgraded Previous orgs: trapani, trapani pasta and loads more Why...
  13. Pull up Pull up Gass


    We had our diffrences but had alot of fun with you !!
  14. Pull up Pull up Gass

    I think its time.

    Just saw this but its sad to see you leave this community you were a great friend talk to you on teamspeak bb
  15. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Leaving, Forever

    Fuck jumbo LIDL TOT DE DOOD
  16. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Well thats a statement

    Well thats a statement
  17. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Waarom leaved iedereen perp ?

    Waarom leaved iedereen perp ?
  18. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Cmon man free quiq❤️ Gimme some christmas spirit

    Cmon man free quiq❤️ Gimme some christmas spirit
  19. Pull up Pull up Gass


    The second one its just stays black When i connect my playstation to it it does work so its not the screen
  20. Pull up Pull up Gass


    so my pc has a weird issue if i turn it on it wont connect to my keyboard and my screen but my mouse does turn on does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
  21. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Staff Resignation

    You were a great staff member, thank you for the chances you gave me ❤️❤️
  22. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Resignation and Goodbye

    Man you sucked in the cs go tournemant
  23. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Rennen rennen mattie speeeddddaaa

    Rennen rennen mattie speeeddddaaa
  24. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Yup en youssef

    Yup en youssef
  25. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Ik was voor 4 maanden van de forums gebanned

    Ik was voor 4 maanden van de forums gebanned
  26. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Maybe cus i have a iphone ?

    Maybe cus i have a iphone ?
  27. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Im on my phone so i guess you can put heart smileys on here with your phone

    Im on my phone so i guess you can put heart smileys on here with your phone
  28. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Spow pow

    Spow pow
  29. Pull up Pull up Gass

    Im unbanned from the forums❤️

    Im unbanned from the forums❤️
  30. Pull up Pull up Gass

    illias op de kanker beat

    illias op de kanker beat