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  1. Askasta

    The end of a Journey

    why didnt you atleast receive honorary
  2. Askasta

    well i dont buy premium cause its too expensive 90k i see it being selled around for. All he had...

    well i dont buy premium cause its too expensive 90k i see it being selled around for. All he had to do is lower price
  3. Askasta

    so you wanted to buy perpcash for real money ?, Then why didnt you just sell premium and why...

    so you wanted to buy perpcash for real money ?, Then why didnt you just sell premium and why didnt the sellers get banned lol
  4. Askasta

    Recommended Settings for Perp?

    oki doki
  5. Askasta

    Recommended Settings for Perp?

    waht does this mean
  6. Askasta

    Recommended Settings for Perp?

    lol thanks, thats the only thing i remembered because back then i used ur first cfg
  7. Askasta

    Recommended Settings for Perp?

    all gucci, thx for the help yall
  8. Askasta

    Recommended Settings for Perp?

    wtf is that i remember that creepis i think once said when you set texture quality to very high you even get better fps then having it on low if im remembering correct
  9. Askasta

    Recommended Settings for Perp?

    they do, well did for me back when i had a more trash PC. i even remember that i had some cfg wich i autoran so my game looked like shit and i was able to count every pixel but atleast had some fps. Even tho i was very inactive i checked out updates made and i recently saw that there were quite...
  10. Askasta

    Recommended Settings for Perp?

    Yo yo yo, im very bored and playing with the thought to hop onto Perpheads again, i also have a bit better PC now but since i know that Perpheads specially laggy i want to take out much as possible. CPU: i5 4440 GPU: GTX 750 TI RAM: 12GB 1333MHz dxdiag tells me DirectX 12, thats the current...
  11. Askasta

    thanks buddy

    thanks buddy
  12. Askasta

    Melee Update - 15/12/2021

    i dont get it, from the attribute the hammer looks much better compared to the bat. What about range tho ? or do they basicly have the same range, The Hammer is just a better baseball bat at this point
  13. Askasta


  14. Askasta

    oh well if he shot someone in noclip then big oofie. I feel like already only using wallhacks...

    oh well if he shot someone in noclip then big oofie. I feel like already only using wallhacks you have such a big bonus in perp cause u know where enemys could be at no need to use aimbot
  15. Askasta

    i really wonder how dfq perp staff detect hacks/cheats so good

    i really wonder how dfq perp staff detect hacks/cheats so good
  16. Askasta

    its private

    its private
  17. Askasta


  18. Askasta

    what did you do my guy lmao ?

    what did you do my guy lmao ?
  19. Askasta

    what did you do my guy lmao ?

    what did you do my guy lmao ?
  20. Askasta

    what did you do my guy lmao ?

    what did you do my guy lmao ?
  21. Askasta

    hell yea

    hell yea
  22. Askasta

    Action Request (@Na1 / Tommy Gunna)

    @Na1 yea my bad i corrected myself
  23. Askasta

    Action Request (@Na1 / Tommy Gunna)

    who are you. Why do you answer on this AR, if you not involved then dont reply ?. He got shot for scamming why the fuck would i even be scared. EDIT: Lmao i just realized you are the person i am reporting. Dont try to change the topic and turn it to your side lmao. Answer why you behave so toxic.
  24. Askasta

    Action Request (@Na1 / Tommy Gunna)

    Your Steam Name: [VAL] Askasta Your Roleplay Name: Anton Prukavic Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82185287 Player's Steam Name: @Na1 Player's Roleplay Name: Tommy Gunna Players's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169176970 Why should this player be punished?: i belive this was 2.5 too. This happend after the story...
  25. Askasta

    Action Request (Cup_master / Charlie Dynasty)

    Your Steam Name: [VAL] Askasta Your Roleplay Name: Anton Prukavic Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82185287 Player's Steam Name: Cup_master Player's Roleplay Name: Charlie Dynasty Player’s SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47529486 Why should this player be punished?: I think its 2.5 what she broke, not sure. What...
  26. Askasta

    Delta 2: Protect The Land

  27. Askasta

    Delta 2: Protect The Land

    so thats what you needed me for, i see
  28. Askasta

    Moin, Servus, Moin

    @Auris i agree to the part "im dumb"
  29. Askasta

    Moin, Servus, Moin

    this is not a good bye this is a comeback post
  30. Askasta

    Moin, Servus, Moin

    ello perp community, this is me Anton Prukavic. I have pretty big memory trouble but im a quite old Player who quit a while ago. Recently i came back to see if perp is playable and i quite enjoyed it again. if im not wrong i was in a org with this censoredexe guy that time around i left perp...