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  1. Askasta

    2.5 - [NOS] Askasta

    Yea as he said. There was a raid going on while raiding he suddenly comes out and we already know that they are mates with the apartment downstairs. I Told him to go back he still wanted to talk so i just shot him in the head to get the danger eliminated. There was no chance to talk i told him...
  2. Askasta

    Ar on david doman/ Rico Sanchez

    You can see in the videos other people proppushing why you wrote only their names and steamID and make it against them lol ?
  3. Askasta

    What pushes a man to his limits?: A phylosophical view on massRDM.

    If its boring to do the same over and over again. Then start going for a PLPD career or start going for passiveRP. Example if i get sick of drugging all the time i visit bazaar open a casino and enjoy the time there cause its a fun place in perp. Also because of the casino i sometimes make good...
  4. Askasta

    taxation is theft

    we said that back in them 80ies and 90ies
  5. Askasta

    taxation is theft

    lmao bro just pay your taxes. We dont say "Tax evaders are getting arrested." Here in germany we say "Der Staat nimmt dich anal hops habibi" and i think thats beautiful.
  6. Askasta

    Askasta's Ban Dispute

    The Second rule is to cover me about another factor. Once a person bet 100k and someone mingegrabbed it and the user though i took it. So he rolled and won the roll. I ran after the mingegrabber but he got away. The Winner still wanted his 200k because he practically won and its my fault for...
  7. Askasta

    Askasta's Ban Dispute

    Even if cops would have "catched me". It was not a scam and his money wouldnt be returned since it was one of my rules in the casino. From my perspektive i was in second floor when i tabbed back in i saw no car in my stage or no person. I was also escaped over 30 mins so from my perspektive i...
  8. Askasta

    Askasta's Ban Dispute

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: Jack Peterson Your Steam Name: [NOS] Askasta Your In-game Name: Anton Prukavic Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:82185287 Why were you banned?: Thats the changed version the first version also claimed...
  9. Askasta

    dont pick a site if you dont know both sides. I did NOT scam as you can see in the unbann text...

    dont pick a site if you dont know both sides. I did NOT scam as you can see in the unbann text from the mod. I also talked to him private and he dealt with it hearing my side. I was just put in a bad light by the Users friend and himself since they didnt use the correct words or lied idk. I had...
  10. Askasta

    Askastas Ban Appeal

    I didnt even know that cops catched up to me. Also the amount of money in that reason is a lie. He bet 200k and practically won 400k. They just wanted me to agree to give 350k back. Even that amount is a lie and the moderator in that case understood it wrong. Like i said around me was none so i...
  11. Askasta

    Askastas Ban Appeal

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: Jack Peterson How long were you banned for: 3 Days Your Steam Name: [NOS] Askasta Your In-game Name: Anton Prukavic Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:82185287 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.20 Scammed a player in roleplay, when...
  12. Askasta

    ripperino 1 week

    ripperino 1 week
  13. Askasta

    Gmod Crashes once connected to server

    sure whats ur paypal
  14. Askasta

    Gmod Crashes once connected to server

    Hello. This thread can be closed. I would like to thank @rogue his answer helped me. Also i would like to thank @Creepis because i went to his gmod FPS booster thread and followed the instructions. Everything works i can play a bit laggy but better then nothing i guess. Its anyways slowly time...
  15. Askasta

    Gmod Crashes once connected to server

    Oh okey, But the only thing i had in my launch option was options to start my gmod with windowed and no border and the screensize and -novid but i still gonna try this
  16. Askasta

    Gmod Crashes once connected to server

    Ay Perp Community, After a long time i wanted to try to play sometimes on perp however i have this weird issue i once had back in 2016 when the old perp was running that when i connect to the server i instantly crash even when 10 players are on the server and with a FPS of 80 ???. I am also...
  17. Askasta

    Max the raider

    Just accept that you got rekt @Testa
  18. Askasta

    do you freeze milk

    @Dukeburger818 What do you do when you wanna use that frozen stone ass milk ?. You just gonna wait till it becomes fluent again ? What is your goal by freezing it boi ?
  19. Askasta

    do you freeze milk

    why on earth would someone freeze its milk hard as a stone. Like for what ?
  20. Askasta

    Making guns for PERP

    i kinda wanna make a gun too but im also lazy as fuck to learn how to use blender
  21. Askasta

    do you freeze milk

    What exactly oyu mean with "freeze milk" do you mean but the milk into the fridge ? So when you take it out its Cold ? Or do you mean to freeze it so its solid hard ?
  22. Askasta

    Askasta fucks up

    What are you talking about ? there is no music
  23. Askasta

    Reset my phone - Every memo

    oh lmfao dai busts down the door at home shows paper that he study's physics now HA BITCH IM NOT WORTHLESS CUNT ANYMORE I MADE SUMTHING OUTTA MY LIFE
  24. Askasta

    Reset my phone - Every memo

    Are you okey ? Like in your position i would be hella sad if your own mom dosen't belive in yourself. When i was Young i also started playing games and get on PC to escape the real world now i do it as a hobby or something to get time passed.
  25. Askasta

    Reset my phone - Every memo

    those last ones wtf ?
  26. Askasta

    Askasta fucks up

    Lmfao i wanted to type in LOOC /act surrender then tell him ingame to type that but accidently only made / instead .// Also i was hella nervous to get one tapped by the blue clothing guy in backround so i wanted to do it quickly xd. EDIT: Here is FUll video orginal with HD quality what shit...
  27. Askasta

    dirty hacker

    dirty hacker
  28. Askasta

    Ar against big talker Sparrow

    He didnt had any mags and fired all the bullets so thats why i attacked him. He only had a empty gun
  29. Askasta

    Ar against big talker Sparrow

    Hahahha that just happen hahahahah
  30. Askasta

    lmao idk man i was nervous because the guy in backround the guy in blue keeps disappearing and...

    lmao idk man i was nervous because the guy in backround the guy in blue keeps disappearing and appearing xd