Askasta's Ban Dispute

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: Jack Peterson

Your Steam Name: [NOS] Askasta
Your In-game Name: Anton Prukavic
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:82185287

Why were you banned?: Thats the changed version the first version also claimed that i scammed a User and then DCed to prevent me loosing it.

3.20 Disconnected in Roleplay Situation.

Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: The Situation was like this. The User played at my casino but broke a casino rule i had. "Pre Roll = loose". He exactly saw this and still pre rolled but far away for me not to notice wich i still did. His first bets were low so i let it slide didnt wanna cause trouble. And with low i mean he bet 30k. After he pre rolled a big bet wich would made me loose all my money i stopped righ there cause he already made profit but he became greedy. I Decided to not payout his win and also keep his 200k. Since pre rolling makes you loose the bet automaticlly. I instantly ran away to prevent him GP me and mug it off me. My hiding was successfully i can say that i was hidden for over 30 mins without him finding me.

To the special situation my last hiding spot i was at was city garage stage 2. I Was tabbed out while being there because i had a staff meeting in another community i am staff in. It was over Teamspeak. When it finished i tabbed back in and saw around me NONE
this is the video from his perspektive showing that the cops were downstairs and from mine i saw no cops didnt evne know they were after me. So i left the server as i though the situation is over since over 30 mins passed. I then check forums and see i was banned and i went teamspeak and also made a "apology" and talked with peter and gave him my demos. After he saw my side the ban got lifted directly and the "scamming" was removed off the reason and also the RR request from the user got changed into denied.

I made a "apology" because Jack told me he can deal with it instantly because when i make a dispute i had to wait for another staff to deal with it. Only downside is that apology means that i "accept i broke a rule and please to be forgiven" in this was it wasnt. So im writing this and asking if the ban can be removed completly because the downside is that in a apology jack cant remove the ban.

If wanted i can provide the Demos aswell to the next staff.

Additional Comment(s):
Evidence (Required for all server bans):
video showing the "scammed user" perspektive and also shows that i couldnt see anyone in my stage so i left server.
The cops had lights on so you would've seen it on the walls of city garage, the cops also asked someone and he then replied in chat second floor, and just after that moment you disconnected. That's why you got banned.
yes the only thing that was very visible was the when I pick up the money you roll, that's why i rolled after he picked up my 200k and then cause i won he just run away
first times I bet at above 55 table so I was unable to see the soda can. and didn't notice it afterwards. You should inform someone if he's pre-rolling and you have such rules and not just let them go just only to scam them when they win.
The scamming was fine, even if you win and follow all his rules he can still scam you according to server rules, him disconnecting just before he was caught is more of an issue as the money could have been returned to you by Police
@curak You wouldn't have been able to get the money refunded even if it was a complete scam, the only shot you had disappeared when @Askasta did
@User0ne due to it not beeing scamming according to jack, i can't get my money back either way not via cops not via RR
@User0ne the fact is the can was hidden behind him mostly since he was standing in front of it but yeah he ain't here to go on nice roleplaying like super runs his casino.
Even if cops would have "catched me". It was not a scam and his money wouldnt be returned since it was one of my rules in the casino. From my perspektive i was in second floor when i tabbed back in i saw no car in my stage or no person. I was also escaped over 30 mins so from my perspektive i though it was okey to disconnect. I Also explained jack this and showed my demos he agreed and unbanned me. My only issue here is that the ban is still on my record because i did it as "apology" so Jack can deal with it asap. Now i made a dispute after unbann to get the ban removed off my record.

So please stop commenting and let staff deal with this.
The Second rule is to cover me about another factor. Once a person bet 100k and someone mingegrabbed it and the user though i took it. So he rolled and won the roll. I ran after the mingegrabber but he got away. The Winner still wanted his 200k because he practically won and its my fault for letting the mingegrabber get away.

So i made the rule "After i picked up the money/item the roll counts". To prevent mingegrabber ruining me. But Today most people do it via /me anyways but still i put that rule up to just cover me up if a person does not do /me.
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