Search results

  1. Askasta

    Ar against big talker Sparrow

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Askasta / Juan Ambarta His/Her Steam/In-game Name: sparrow / Santo Dooley His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123231623 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1. Stalled Mugging He had 1972 Money on him and more then a phone @Gimic dealt with the report so he knows Infront RC NPC...
  2. Askasta


    Once i was basing with my friends. And a RC was trolling around. Later he ended up calling the cops and telling them a whole lie about us gunpointing him etc. the cops said "He is a goverment worker" and belived him and arrested him. Later I've been told that a RC is NOT a Goverment worker hes...
  3. Askasta

    Selling a fortnite account

    Epic Games bannes you for sharing accounts btw. They track it via IP adress. They look from wich locations you logg in So i wouldn't really suggest buying a account or selling
  4. Askasta

    [NEWS] Armed Men Mug Sweatervest and friend while they fish

    you should honestly stop crying. When i was a sweater i got fucked from olsen and pengiun ship all the time and none gave a fuck about me. If you don't wanna get mugged bring a gun or fish somewhere else. Because you fishing at Hicktown they think u growing drugs aswell or whatever and GP you...
  5. Askasta

    Why Does This Häppän ?

    sorry uploaded wrong video try again
  6. Askasta

    2 problems with my laptop/server for me

    Like everyone knows and everyone said this over and over. Source 2 is shit. Ether get a better machine or fiddle around with some CFG's I Suggest you to try out Geforce Now. That helped me alot with FPS issues because it uses some 12 core I7 Server CPU and i think a 1080TI As their GPU EDIT...
  7. Askasta

    Why Does This Häppän ?

  8. Askasta

    perpheads - baby powder

    Hey 2:06 thats me :D First time im in a montage now :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i shouldn't have rushed out :/ xd EDIT: Lmfao the first clip is funny as fuck. 4-5 People with guns raiding also throwing a grenade. What comes out the corner ? Some dude with baseball bat hitting the air to scare...
  9. Askasta

    PH Meme Thread

    Perpheads Staff: You can't stand on someone's head its unrealistic you can't do that in reallife. Me:
  10. Askasta


    lmao ok surfing on the forums just gonna make you wanna play perp
  11. Askasta


    umm it still says on ur ban page that you are banned for 1 year for massRDM ?
  12. Askasta


  13. Askasta

    dance for how do i quickscope

    i get the joke about him lying but who is this male you all posting ??
  14. Askasta

    how did Kenty get Enforcer

    what is that for a gamemode wtf ?
  15. Askasta

    Geforce Now Dosen't sync correctly

    My normal PC is 64 bit. Idk what system geforce now uses but i guess it should be also 64
  16. Askasta

    Geforce Now Dosen't sync correctly

    @Aquaa I can use Geforce Shadowplay but it automaticly stops the recording after 20 minutes ??? How can i record my whole gameplay
  17. Askasta

    Geforce Now Dosen't sync correctly

    i though it should save on the PC also ??
  18. Askasta

    Geforce Now Dosen't sync correctly

    Hello perpheads community, I have another problem with geforce now as it dosent sync correctly with my PC. everytime i play via geforce now the demos dont save on my PC it saves on the CloudPC. Everytime i then go offline all the demos on the CloudPC gets deleted Also everytime i start...
  19. Askasta


    well idk honestly i cant tell my old PC always lagged and on geforce now i didnt run anybody over so i cant tell yet
  20. Askasta


    i think its something related to the source engine. Once while i was running my casino at bazaars a random shootout between cops and crims started and after it ended i was bored and took all bodys i found and threw them on a couch in my casino but they all fell over into a corner behind a prop...
  21. Askasta


    Wasnt really random it was just becoming way to aids and im just saying the whole situation was aids not involving much.
  22. Askasta

    my dispute: a footnote

    @John Daymon great words from a wise men
  23. Askasta

    my dispute: a footnote

    @Sorle nah im not on any body team but i still find it stupid that he got banned for IA thing. I just found it funny that he qoutes the rule then threatnen somebody wich then he breaks the rule xD
  24. Askasta

    my dispute: a footnote

    fun fact: You just qouted the rule 2.5 in your post then threatning the AR maker "the furry who got exrobite banned, fuck you seriously it's a joke you even reported it, i'll be sure to point out every single rule i see you violate and make an AR or a report about it. " that you gonna report...
  25. Askasta


    as you can see me in the video i was there aswell. That whole situation was honestly aids. The hired SS killed like 3 people for little reason. In my eyes it was a quite funny situation and a little bit trolling involved. But rip someone made AR
  26. Askasta

    Question to Geforce Now Users

    ok thx the CPU on geforce now dosent support hyperthreading anyways
  27. Askasta

    Question to Geforce Now Users

    is that "R" supposed to be wrote in capital letter or did you do that by accident ?
  28. Askasta

    Question to Geforce Now Users

    my internet speed is fast i dont have any input lag or whatsoever its at stable 60 FPS per geforce now but ingame its not always 60 fps
  29. Askasta

    Question to Geforce Now Users

    isnt there any trick to fix the police lights cause that currently causes so much aids they drain so much FPS and in my CFG wich i used for my crappy PC i had some commands wich almost disabled the sirens and even caused me to not see street lights lmao but yea like isnt there a few commands...
  30. Askasta

    Question to Geforce Now Users

    Hello there Perpheads community, i have a question towards the people who play with geforce now. Since we cant really access the CFG i wanted to ask you guys what ingame setting are you using when playing on perpheads through Geforce now. Mine are Models = High Texture = Super high/Ulta High...