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So I have noticed that everytime I run somebody over I just get a random lagspike, and I am sure its the same with most people aswell. I was wondering if anyone knows if the problem is server sided, client sided or source engine .
Thanks in advance
i think its something related to the source engine.

Once while i was running my casino at bazaars a random shootout between cops and crims started and after it ended i was bored and took all bodys i found and threw them on a couch in my casino but they all fell over into a corner behind a prop and started to move around and made the whole server lag for like 10 minutes and then brinch removed the bodys after i shouted in OOC that its might of the bodies in bazaars
yeah i don't know i think server lag? i ran people over never but staff dont understand that it lag and i not do wrong
well idk honestly i cant tell my old PC always lagged and on geforce now i didnt run anybody over so i cant tell yet
Depends what you mean by Lag-spike.
The most common types that I myself and others seem to experience here is: Connection Delay/Failure, Freezing, Low Frames and Stuttering.
What one would you say exactly is your issue.

I'd like to add also that rag-dolls do cause issues on both Client and Server due to their physics properties. Don't forget there are Enhanced Blood scripts on here and the Rag-doll is spawning slightly inside your vehicle do to the fact that the rag-doll completely replaces the person in this situation and spawns in place, up-right in a T Bone position and will then adjust to the environment around the rag-doll.

When rag-dolls are inside an object they act a bit frantically and cause issues with the game. There are also other lag factor issues that rag-dolls cause but the developers here seem to let that happen for the benefits that having intractable rag-dolls in the game.
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