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  1. Help Help I'm being Oppressed!

    Want my opinion on all this? I said mine a while ago, seems they finally put it in place. It might give you a better perspective on things. + Just to make things clear to you all, staff can tell me if I'm wrong. But giving your...
  2. Commenting on Appeals/AR's.

    Staff now using my ideas for rules :pompus: #JeffersForHelper the movement boys
  3. Euros 2016

    If England plays Vardy it should be a breeze Jamie Vardys having a party #lcfc If anyone supports anyone else, then a wise man once said Chat shit get banged
  4. The Ewogs

    Whenever we raid he always claims he never has a gun so takes something like a baseball bat ~ has over 100 Aks/M4s alone. Pussy cunt you owe me some guns for all the times you've let me lose them
  5. League of Legends

    Best Rengo EUW* :pompus:
  6. Blicky

    Over the time on the server i have seen Blicky on a lot, and while he has been on all this time he has been doing a lot of reports. And from me making a lot of them, I have just came to realise how well he handles them. I think Blickys instincts and professionalism is easily enough to the...
  7. Ayyy it's a pug

    Ayyy it's a pug
  8. Meeting Minutes

    This isn't really an idea for the server so I didn't know whether or not it would need the template. But its mainly aimed at the staff team but of course the community will be affected. What do you guys think about the staff creating a new weekly/monthly updated thread called 'Meeting Minutes'...
  9. Defences Discussion (Staff and community don't communicate)

    +Support Why the fuck Staff members should be allowed just to go into a base when the owner isn't even present and start tearing it apart because of 'Admin Discretion' is complete bullshit. It's not our fault if one Mod checked our base at the start of the day and gave us the all clear, and...
  10. Banter....

  11. shit champ mate

    shit champ mate
  12. Knife giveaway! - M9 Bayonet Marble Fade

    i can kill kids without being arrested soz teemo m8
  13. Action Request on Dai John

    In all fairness, sometimes people do act in the heat of the moment without thinking things through; I understand he could of dealt with the situation differently however I can understand that at first thought if he didn't expect you to be coming back he could of panicked and shot you which is...
  14. Cars

    You should be able to swap engines in cars, I want my Mini Cooper (G) to have a Lamborghini engine so I can look like a real nigga :pompus:
  15. Creep

    Easy Geez, Creepis in my eyes has shown superb role play and moderating skills recently, not only has he created a huge org which he has to watch over and spend his time helping out, but on top of that he does reports whenever possible, and generally helps players out getting to grips with the...
  16. MrLewis

    MrLewis would make a great Snr Admin, he's always doing report :kappa: l, he's never afk :kappa: and he has never used his noclip for any gain :kappa: . With all jokes aside Lewis has helped me out just about when I first joined the server, ever since he banned me for using +left we've had a...
  17. Increase jail time

    If you make increased jail time, then make fucking death times longer. Because police raids are just so cancer how they can pretty much never end as long as one government employee lives to tell the tale.
  18. I know cba to change it tho

    I know cba to change it tho
  19. wheres singed m8

    wheres singed m8
  20. What do boys do when they're inlove

    Wack it out and hope for the best is what I do Worked on :kitty:
  21. Fack off Lewis you sweaty noclip burger mug

    Fack off Lewis you sweaty noclip burger mug
  22. Giving my knifes away | SC:GO

    My CSGO mechanics are rusty and have always been rusty, so a rusty knife to go with it would be perfect. Respect for even giving away an item to the community. Good luck to everyone and enjoy them whoever wins c:
  23. * Just a normal day on PERPheads *

    + Support clearly meta gaming in police dispatch room; the constabulary is corrupt we got to fight back boys. :kitty: This message was sponsored by our proud sponsors ' I don't want to get warned for not using comment section' corp. Hope you enjoy the message. #Goodsave
  24. After I get un banned ye nig

    After I get un banned ye nig
  25. Rdm AR

    Without a Steam name, Ingame name, or Steam ID. You're making it really difficult for the Staff to deal with it. You should definitely provide a demo or nothing can really be done. To find out how to provide a demo use this :
  26. AR on Jeffers

    Right; as this AR is on me breaking 3.4 I just want to explain my actions on how I thought they were a worth while risk. 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk - Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from...
  27. AR on Jeffers

    I did have a getaway planned which would of worked, but Aaron and me both closed the door at the same time, which lead to it staying open and letting all the cops through. I was going to run through the back of my shop and get in my car and drive away. Another flaw in the actual getaway ~ I...
  28. Punishments IC from the PD

    Or even laws like Threat of physical harm and Physical assault; Like if I was to say to someone, I'm going to knock you out, then 2 minutes later started punching them, do I get charged for both offences or just one?
  29. Punishments IC from the PD

    Another example could be; Headlights and Reckless Driving or Speeding and Reckless Driving; Officers could see as not using your headlights as not driving with due care and attention. Therefore give you a max ticket for both offences (I've had this before). But technically in my opinion I could...
  30. Punishments IC from the PD

    I just want to get 1 thing clear, because recently it has really started to piss me off. Right I just want to know,do laws interlink with each other so that you can do 1 thing wrong, however get punished for 2 separate laws. Let's take one of the easiest to explain examples; Illegal parking...