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  1. jjjackier

    Creepis Appreciation Thread

    what's worse than tower of god? tower of god fans
  2. jjjackier

    Getting mugged at DD

    bro just stand BEHIND the DD with your gun in passive, this way you can see who's pulling up, ez
  3. jjjackier

    demoted for inactivity, despite helper not having a requirement for activity and god forbid i...

    demoted for inactivity, despite helper not having a requirement for activity and god forbid i try to enjoy my summer holiday
  4. jjjackier

    Getting mugged at DD

    Should've worded it better. You're a petty loser if you're mugging a new player who's doing shit for the first time.
  5. jjjackier

    Getting mugged at DD

    You're a petty loser in my books if you mug someone trying to sell his shit, that's just how I see it.
  6. jjjackier

    28/06/20 - Staff Meeting Notes

    don't worry bro i broke these cuffs
  7. jjjackier

    28/06/20 - Community-Wide Bans Information

    Turkish staff member SINGLE HANDEDLY DESTROYS the shoutbox 2019 LIVE
  8. jjjackier

    Creepis Appreciation Thread

    like camping with a bunch of japanese children on the way to Mt. Fuji
  9. jjjackier

    28/06/20 - Community-Wide Bans Information

    Yeah, I thought the monthly shoutbox revolution was taking longer than expected. Finally arrived I see.
  10. jjjackier

    28/06/20 - Community-Wide Bans Information

    ah yes, how could i forget, the freedom of speech country known as "the americas"
  11. jjjackier

    Steam Summer Sale 2020

    Just bought Yakuza 0. Shit's 75% off and probably funny as shit too.
  12. jjjackier

    back again

    TempleOS do be having an interrupt routine doe
  13. jjjackier

    VR games

  14. jjjackier

    perp clips

  15. jjjackier

    20/06/20 - Community Updates

    i fear what will be written on those signs
  16. jjjackier

    [SFM Poster] Night

    this is what perp mafia orgs think they look like
  17. jjjackier

    Should CM have been voted on?

    fucking mage lmao
  18. jjjackier

    Should CM have been voted on?

    It was what AyJay wanted (makes it sound like he passed away or smth) so I'd rather do it that way. The rank is about transparency and communication anyway. I'd like to see who the applicants were and decide for myself if they fit or not.
  19. jjjackier


    jericho mald session #2
  20. jjjackier

    Official 2020 Perpheads best dog awards!

    Dogs name: Cheems Dogs age: 6 In your opinion, is the dog fat: chubby 1 interesting thing, fact or quirk about your dog: he has a speech impediment Picture of the dog:
  21. jjjackier

    new headset/microphone

    I'm using Superlux HD668B. It's studio headphones so sound quality is arguably better than gaming headsets. I'm using it along with a Modmic. Been using it for years and still in same condition as when I bought it.
  22. jjjackier

    Speed Racer is a murderer, a self absorbed douche, and an overall cunt, FUCK SPEED RACER.

    go speedracer go speedracer go speedracer goooooo
  23. jjjackier

    Steam Disk Write Error

    Steam acted very weird when I installed GMOD on my C drive instead of my D drive. Try reinstalling on another drive and possibly Steam as well? Could also be your antivirus, try disabling it first.
  24. jjjackier

    Action Requests Jamal Ross

    You're not allowed? Since when?
  25. jjjackier

    What brings you back to keep playing?

    I have urges to run people over. I’ve been told I’m pretty good at using my 7 year old Audi S5 as a weapon, which is a good choice for my stuttering/dying PC. But for real, I roleplay sometimes and have a good time, but mostly there’s just some funny people here. I’m here for the laughs.
  26. jjjackier

    Remove Helper

    I voted yes since there were no other options for my opinion, but Aquaa worded it pretty well.
  27. jjjackier

    Remove Helper

    i'll remember this
  28. jjjackier

    stuff v9

  29. jjjackier


  30. jjjackier

    In regards to recent events

    i was gone for a day what the fuck happened when i was gone?