Getting mugged at DD

Too OP

  • EZ payday

  • People who mug at DD are losers

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@BigBenji read the shout box and threads. Some staff members consider it in realistic to be pointing your gun in the dealers face when selling
Closure would be good but I consider it unrealistic to point a gun in the face of an NPC you're trying to do business with, at the end of the day its just a workaround for this rule change.
I thought you could mug at the DD still? cus the DD is technically a criminal after all, and why would he call cops when he probably has alot to lose himself?
A gun in attack stance when selling isnt "unrealistic" and no one would be punished for doing this. The issue is that normally having a gun in passive stance would prevent you from being gunpointed and having to comply, however we clarified that if you are gunpointed from behind, realistically you would have next to no chance should you turn around and pull a gun.

We are also looking at adding to the rules regarding criminal activity impacting Passive roleplay, generally, if you were to go and raid an empty shop which was open and clearly there would be no benefit, then it would still be considered 2.5 and this is now going to be dealt with more harshly.
If you are mugging someone who is either:

1. Doing Passive RP
2. New/ mugging them would cause a massive financial blow.

Then you = an arsehole

I not tried to mug anyone in this situation I just had to defend my org member that start shooting there :D
bro just stand BEHIND the DD with your gun in passive, this way you can see who's pulling up, ez