Speed Racer is a murderer, a self absorbed douche, and an overall cunt, FUCK SPEED RACER.

Speed racer is a

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Hello, today I am going to be going over the main character and so called “hero” of the 1966 Japanese cartoon “Speed racer” And how Go is the biggest fucking heap of shit of a person in cartoon history.

This self absorbed piece of shit lives for 1 thing and 1 thing only: Winning. He’s like lightning mcqueen at the start of cars but lacks any sort of development of empathy at all.

Let’s go over some undesirable traits he seems to have.

His desire to win outshines any sense of morality he might have in him.

His reason for wanting to win to fund his fucking power boner to a point where he would happily let a young girl die disgusts me to the core. Look at his face in the last shot. Smug prick stood there with a fucking roblox avatar looking smile on his face, knowing he’s just disregarded a human life, possibly one with a better morale compass, more prospects and more human decency than his own. Absolute fucking sociopath.
oh would you look at that speed racer! MAD CUZ BAD????? Stay mad, you greedy little cunt. Fuck you and the legacy you’re trying to live up to, fucking sociopath cunt.

As you can see here, speed racers primary source of victory is through vehicular manslaughter or the deaths of people.

Speed racer literally not giving a shit About another racers death.

Notice how speed racer literally at some moments is cumming over racing... what a fucking weirdo honestly.

Fuck speed racer, fucking cunt. I’d nick the Mach 5 and flog it for crack to deal to his community to kill off his chances of ever owning another car without it being sold for crack.

Fuck this guy Honestly.​
Speedracer is a racist, dont @ me. He took part in so many races that he is literally the biggest racist there is. I mean god damn look at this dude. He probably tryhards on every single race to tape up his shattered ego because his parents didn't love him enough and uncle Dave's freelance prostate exams didn't do much good either. Like holy shit look at him. He looks like if you stuck your balls in a bong god damn I hate this little faggot. And honestly if you don't agree go fuck yourself, y'all niggas dustin
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