Search results

  1. Eddie

    AR on MTCKitten

    Alright so basicly what happend was i got picked up from my gang member Ole. Ole drove me with his Dodge charger to the rc so i could pick up my bugatti. I got my bugatti and Ole jumped in, thats when i got the message of Panda that he needed a pickup, i completely ignored the message and drove...
  2. Eddie

    Met police on road wars

    EDIT: Im retarded
  3. Eddie


    Meh i still got seeds so i guess i can sell that for quite a bit
  4. Eddie

    When Boyle is mad

  5. Eddie

    Happy bithday Robin

    Happy bithday Robin
  6. Eddie

    Tyrone Taurus RR

    Your in-game name: Tyrone Taurus Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52418897 What do you need refunded: 1 deagle (full mag) 1 benelli (full) 4 large pots, 10 coke seeds, 10 marijuana seeds Why do you want your item(s) refunded: MatStar wallbanged me through my door for no reason. Madda warned him for 2.5...
  7. Eddie

    Matt's Mapping Project!

    Make a small hood
  8. Eddie

    Quadcopters, planes and more RC!

    Got a Traxxas E-Revo brushless Top speed around 100km/h Then i got a HPI Racing Pro Top speed around 90km/h Then i got a small quadcopter that im learning on before i go big scale I have 2 more cars that are driven on fuel but i never use them so cba to post them
  9. Eddie

    The one bangs are real today!

    Oh shit take cover we have retards with guns! 2 shots 1 dead = 1 bang holy shit so pro dude fucking faze next m8
  10. Eddie
  11. Eddie

    The Arnolds

    New application format: (OOC) Steam name: Steam ID: Average play time per day: Age: Country: Playtime (Hold q ingame to see playtime at the top): (IC) In game name: Can you bring your own guns? Crafting level: Firearms level: Cars: Balance in bank: Favorite gun: Why do you want to join...
  12. Eddie

    The Arnolds

    (OOC) Steam name : HeaTz Average play time : 1.5 Months. Im on the server atleast 5 hours a day sometimes up to 10. Age : 13 Country : Sweden Playtime : 1.5 Months (IC) In game name : Eddie Stallone Cars : Mini Cooper (Can almost get a bugatii) Balance : 3 mil if i sell some drugs and meth...
  13. Eddie

    Recommended Youtube

    Don't even know why i have this in recommended cause i only watch lolyou xd
  14. Eddie

    When i clean out my storage

    Cleaned my storage from 11k packages of drugs. Turned out pretty well :P
  15. Eddie

    No its just so fast and driving with 200 ping and 10 fps is hard while downloading arma update...

    No its just so fast and driving with 200 ping and 10 fps is hard while downloading arma update in background xd
  16. Eddie

    Just test drove the bugatti and didnt have time to go to cd cause the turning is shit i smashed...

    Just test drove the bugatti and didnt have time to go to cd cause the turning is shit i smashed into the highway tunnel wall in 100km/h rip
  17. Eddie


    Your in-game name: Eddie Stallone Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52418897 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: The police raided me for no reason, made an ar and it got accepted Evidence: @Blicky Tick: I lost 1 ak-47 3x 30 bullets for...
  18. Eddie

    AR on Yamashita and Jacob

    Your Steam/In-game Name: HeaTz / Eddie Stallone His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Yamashita His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Niggasaururex / Jacob Latham His/Her SteamID: No idea Why Should This Player Be Punished: It all started with the police raiding regals 1 after the KKK did something with the police...
  19. Eddie

    AR on Alex Escobar

    Your Steam/In-game Name: HeaTz / Eddie Stallone His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Twister / Alex Escobar His/Her SteamID: No idea Why Should This Player Be Punished: He mugged me in a public place and took 136 weed bags and 11 cooked meth of me. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: @GraveDinosaur
  20. Eddie

    AR on Tadge Rankins

    Your Steam/In-game Name: HeaTz / Eddie Stallone His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tage.jpg / Tadge Rankins His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57582090 Why Should This Player Be Punished: So I was just killed by Harry Barnett because of killing Jimmy Fernandoz wich apparently was Tadge's friend. So I was...
  21. Eddie

    AR on Jimmy Fernandoz

    Your Steam/In-game Name: HeaTz / Eddie Stallone His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jimbo / Jimmy Fernandoz His/Her SteamID: No idea Why Should This Player Be Punished: As seen in the video he was trespassing my property and being mingy even tho I told him several times to leave. So i gunpoint him with...
  22. Eddie

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: HeaTz -Age (OOC): 13 -Are YOU Active?: Yes every day -Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52418897 -Total playtime: 1.5 months -Are you a VIP: Yes (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Eddie Stallone -List of all cars you own: Mini Cooper (Saving up for bugatti tho) -Favorite...
  23. Eddie


  24. Eddie

    RR for ak

    Your in-game name: HeaTz Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52418897 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I got rdmed with my ak, ash told me to make rr Evidence: @Ash Tick:
  25. Eddie

    noooooooo ;(((

    noooooooo ;(((
  26. Eddie

    Paralake Police force 2k15

    And this is why i love perp xD
  27. Eddie

    Action request on Saltguy

    Your Steam/In-game Name: HeaTz / Can't remember His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Saltguy / Dont know His/Her SteamID: Dont know Why Should This Player Be Punished: Well basicly for around 3 months ago i picked up daymon from the bridge and took him to the farm, i had respawned like 5 mins before and...
  28. Eddie

    Riekelt doesn't wanna get caught

    A time to remember with @Riekelt and @Homer
  29. Eddie

    how would i know that? Im just going around in forum fucking around cuz i have nothing else to do

    how would i know that? Im just going around in forum fucking around cuz i have nothing else to do