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  1. koren054

    Ban request for Maor

    Before i goto find my demo that you failed, let me place some explain. Me and my friend that you ran over was attemped to a crime and taught that you guys sneech on us to the police that we saw you do. i followed after you and put my gun out infront of your car to your god damn face and you just...
  2. koren054

    Hello EveryBody | Maor Koren | Return | 7 Days <3 |

    Thank you every body <3 Much love <3 <3
  3. koren054

    Hello EveryBody | Maor Koren | Return | 7 Days <3 |

    Finally Ban Apeal got ACCEPTED And the Perm Ban Got Lowerd Back to 3 Month (That i allready aint play 3 Month) Happy To Return. After 3 Month of Ban Time finally i am on my way back to the server. I Am So excited to meet a lot of new people and back and play a really good server. My History...
  4. koren054


    I Am the guy in the middle This Is Gabi Gabison (A Guy used to play in the server)
  5. koren054

    Maor Koren 14/08/2014 (Bye Bye)

    I Write it only for people that really know me. My Name is Maor Koren i came here from israel with more 6 of my good friends I Bring them after i was completle Newbie and got help from some Server members After a Week of playing in the server i fell in love with the server i was playing like...
  6. koren054

    R.I.P Mrs. Doubtfire

    The fucking Heroin Killing people.
  7. koren054

    A check bank app

  8. koren054


    From what that i know This community really supports Newbie people like you, its fine to ask questions from anybody (IC) About things. About the Comp setting find out some Google/Forum tutorials that can help you to run this game Smoothly. BTW = SORRY ABOUT MY ENGLISH
  9. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    I Will told you it again and again and again until you will know! NO THE FUCKING MEDIA NO THE FUCKING BOOKS NO THE FUCKING TV I TALKING ABOUT REALITY! I Fucking live this life you are in germany dosent know really shit what happen every fucking fuck face ho write a book you belive that...
  10. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    Its just duble it self
  11. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    Ho owned Iran A Guy ho called ahminajad A "Good" Guy then so much love israel and to show is love to us all the world know and photos proof it then this guy on the way to nuckler bomb! Ho treating ho??? You know that you lie or you just stupid and not invistegate that story enugh We treating...
  12. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    Alex They cant apply for a visa. Nobody want them Look at United States After Osama Ben Laden every arab now then going into a plane of united states you have to be fully search! i know some a lot of people then live in gaza + lebanon inocent people then hate their countrey but they cant just...
  13. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    That's Kind of the number 4 operation then going out now after a lot of chances then we gave them and when they want a cease fire we stop to Bomb them and stop to bomb their rockets and live in peace but they keep lunch rockets to sderot! now after a 4 time if you will do a little bit research...
  14. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    Hamas Mention Around the world has a Terror army! They target is to remove israel from the map. Do not bullshit me with the civilian Protection bullshit! Becaouse if you was live in gaza you was know the rules! 1. Drug dealing/Growing/Pruducing = Death 2. Women Are scared from their husband 3...
  15. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    How can you compare IDF (Israel Defence Fore) To 'Hamas' (Terrorist Army Then Capture Gaza) How can you compare it! IDF Send a messege to gaza's civilian in the news tv radio phone every thing to told them to stay away from Hamas! Becaouse they are our target!!! If we was a terroristic army we...
  16. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    Israel does not open a war 'Its not called a war for israel' Its a operation to give back our silence 'hamas' to stop lunching a rockets and kill inocent people. And BTW: Server-Discussion (Its to give you info and discuss about it)
  17. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    Its not to blame all the arabs its completle to explain about the war and what happen here in israel And BTW The Muslim Not belive that Israel Does not exist on the map So Take a min a try to read before you talking about to close the topic
  18. koren054

    *The Problem With Israelien Members|PerpHeads| Information.*

    Hello People If you saw someone suddenly afk in a middle of Police Arrest/Raid/Mug/Admin Sit (Etc...) Ask that guy from where he is? Israel Zuk Eitan Operation Against Gaza Terrorizem. Hello My name is Maor Koren and i am from israel City: Ashdod kind of a city way South A Little bit closed to...