Search results

  1. JJannui

    The very old medicine

    Oh my goodness, I can't believe that!
  2. JJannui

    Fishing Adventures with DannyD!

    we were ahead of the game
  3. JJannui

    Mobile Homes

    Thank you so much bro
  4. JJannui

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    You can hire me! I'll do it for the experience (I've actually done some work now).
  5. JJannui

    he moved out and started to roleplay in real life instead of perp

    he moved out and started to roleplay in real life instead of perp
  6. JJannui

    PERPHeads Staff Team Christmas Giveaway

    Merry Christmas to all
  7. JJannui

    Gym routine for a 14 year old

    I personally do 5 day splits as it works good for me. However you are young so be careful - I have stretch marks at the top of my biceps because I started too young for my body to cope. They're not too noticeable but if my arms ever get smaller they will be noticeable - Wait till your 16 or so...
  8. JJannui

    Post your most embarrassing moments that were your fault

    @j man loves my morning after stories :)
  9. JJannui

    My setup! Almost complete

    Can't have fun?!?!? Just pretend it's not there and there's nothing wrong with it! (the scores are out of 100) Just a snippet of my scores (The 91 was exam month xd)
  10. JJannui

    Server Events: 8th & 9th September

    It's GMT+1 not 2
  11. JJannui

    My setup! Almost complete

    SHHH the insurance might hear ;)
  12. JJannui

    My setup! Almost complete

    18 and just coming up to a year - That was my first year
  13. JJannui

    My setup! Almost complete

    They're the most expensive, I've got a 1.6 and the car cost me 3.4k and my insurance was 1k with blackbox
  14. JJannui

    My setup! Almost complete

    2010 Ford Fiesta Zetec S ;)
  15. JJannui

    My setup! Almost complete

    Your setup is just under twice the price of my car and insurance :)
  16. JJannui

    My setup! Almost complete

    Or you could buy a real car instead? Meh I suppose people have different hobbies :)
  17. JJannui

    ParalakeCars Club website

    Where is my credit though?
  18. JJannui

    Scripted RP events?

    This is already in the game and can be activated by Senior admin + godstick - It's the Halloween event.
  19. JJannui

    Post Your Own Car Thread

    1. This thread is almost 4 years old 2. This thread is talking about IN-GAME cars 3. I've run out of things to say
  20. JJannui

    Find this Homophobic attacker

    No offence to you here Duffy but you're not exactly a muscular unit - why the fuck is he starting on you? What a pathetic piece of shit man.
  21. JJannui

    Results day, what are you expecting?

  22. JJannui

    F4 Org Permissions

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Add an org option in the F4 buddies list so you can give permissions to everyone in your org. Full description of the idea: Have the same options and tickboxes their but have it under 'Organisation' or...
  23. JJannui

    Results day, what are you expecting?

    4 days - It doesn't matter what I believe at this point
  24. JJannui

    Results day, what are you expecting?

    Why the hell is everyone so confident in themselves - i genuinely think I've failed. Goodbye Manny :(
  25. JJannui

    Update Log - 08/08/2018

    I'm just happy I can see my legs again!
  26. JJannui

    Update Log - 08/08/2018

    Hi there good sir, I have read your proposal and agree that it would be a good idea. Would you like me to make the discussion thread for you?
  27. JJannui

    Help me get rid of this atrocious issue on YouTube

    More importantly... what are these videos you're watching
  28. JJannui

    "An Administrator's discretion" is retarded

    I think the problem mainly lies within the staff team needing to meet up more often and discuss with each other certain aspects of 'discretion'. We used to have our staff meetings and make fine rulings on controversial situations. For example, killing medics was a common theme. Admin discretion...
  29. JJannui

    How can we revive?

    personally i blame @j man