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  1. lilsam747

    Ban request on 3 people

    also ss should be punished as he is door blocking just because this is a offence that does not effect you it should still be reported
  2. lilsam747

    Ban requesrt: jack flagg

    its nothing against u its not i really want u banned its more of i get mad that we get told by other mods and that that we cant just shoot then u do it so i was like WTF that unfair but if u can there no point fighting for it
  3. lilsam747

    Ban requesrt: jack flagg

    well there saying its not breaking a rule so no point me wasting more uploads mb
  4. lilsam747

    Ban requesrt: jack flagg

    ok and no point in uploading the demo as its sorted now and also my internet sucks plus dont want to waste upload as i use it for my channel
  5. lilsam747

    Ban requesrt: jack flagg

    so just walking in and shooting me is not roleplayed well he could have waited for me 2 leave or told me 2 go back and tied me up or something
  6. lilsam747

    Ban requesrt: jack flagg

    jack i could have but thats part of the game i done the same before walked into a raid shot the 1st person i saw in the face and a admin told me it rdm as i did not tell him or he did not do anything no ression to kill
  7. lilsam747

    Ban requesrt: jack flagg

    well i was told u never kill unless they put your life in danger and/or dont lisen 2 u also i have been told that u can raid somewhere that has more people in it then the number of people raiding as u would not put your life in so much risk by doing so just just what ive been told by other...
  8. lilsam747

    Ban requesrt: jack flagg

    [b]Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] LiLSam [173rd]STEAM_0:1:20032054 [b]His/Her Steam/In-game Name:[PH] Jack flagg [b]His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45509480 [b]Reason: rdm starting a raid giving me no orders just walk in about shot me in the face (i was leaving the office at the time) and also when i...
  9. lilsam747

    motor bikes

    Create one topic for one Idea, if you have more ideas create another topic. If you have different ideas which belong to each other add them to "Optional additions". When you create future Idea-Topics please follow this Template: Topic: Short explanation (in notes): i think there should be...
  10. lilsam747

    fireworks show video

    np thanks for the view and comment
  11. lilsam747

    fireworks show video
  12. lilsam747

    this server and some problems i and other i think havee

    Thanks guys for all the comment alex: To address your reply to example 1 and 2: thank you very my much for that now i can be a lot clearer on what i can and cant do (Y) To address your reply to example 4: ok thanks for that but my point its we spoke to one admin then another comes along To...
  13. lilsam747

    this server and some problems i and other i think havee

    well i am new to this server and what i have seen i like i have played perp since june 2009 on and off so i have seen my fair share of things and well this server is a tricky one you guys have a amazing server the only problem i have seen really is with your staff they do not seem to know what...