Ban requesrt: jack flagg

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] LiLSam [173rd]STEAM_0:1:20032054
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:[PH] Jack flagg
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45509480
Reason: rdm starting a raid giving me no orders just walk in about shot me in the face (i was leaving the office at the time) and also when i did it today i was told by a admin if i do it again i will be banned so not really fair that he can get away because he is staff shouldnt staff show us how to play not break the rules?
Bas. Jack could've been standing at the office scouting you for like 10 min or so and was looking at your guns what type of guns you guys had so he shot you to save his own life AFAIK
well i was told u never kill unless they put your life in danger and/or dont lisen 2 u also i have been told that u can raid somewhere that has more people in it then the number of people raiding as u would not put your life in so much risk by doing so just just what ive been told by other admins so im making the report as thats what ive been told
lilsam747 said:
well i was told u never kill unless they put your life in danger and/or dont lisen 2 u also i have been told that u can raid somewhere that has more people in it then the number of people raiding as u would not put your life in so much risk by doing so just just what ive been told by other admins so im making the report as thats what ive been told
He could have, As an Enforcer you should know that if he was to pull the pistol out he would be ignoring FearRP.

Time after time again admins tell you one thing then Enforcers do the opposite.

I was told by an Moderator that I should not have raided a guy if I was outnumbered to which I got a warning for, it was 1 - 6 you were outnumbered there was 8 of us and 2 of you.

I have also got told that you cant just randomly shoot everyone when your raiding, Sam was unarmed you had time to react to that but you waited a second then killed him.

Time and time again people get told one thing then another admin tells them another thing.
It's reasonable of him to want to use his firearm when raiding as they were clearly outnumbered judging from the size of the building and the amount of cars parked outside.
lilsam747 said:
well i was told u never kill unless they put your life in danger and/or dont lisen 2 u also i have been told that u can raid somewhere that has more people in it then the number of people raiding as u would not put your life in so much risk by doing so just just what ive been told by other admins so im making the report as thats what ive been told
jack i could have but thats part of the game i done the same before walked into a raid shot the 1st person i saw in the face and a admin told me it rdm as i did not tell him or he did not do anything no ression to kill
Liam said:
What Jack did sounds like it was roleplayed well.
so just walking in and shooting me is not roleplayed well he could have waited for me 2 leave or told me 2 go back and tied me up or something
You guys need to stop creating excuses against him, this does not need a ban appeal imo it's pathetic. If you haven't raided before, you don't stand still and think 'OH what should I do next' You do your first thought. He was also following the rule 'Do whatever it takes to stay alive' well. By the time he told you to get out, someone could of shot him without him expecting it. This seriously should be cased closed and denied.
Alright, time to clear this up.

First of all Enforcers/Mods should not being telling you anything unless its clearly stated in the rules or is just plain old common sense, for example Lewis a mod should never have told you that if you are outnumbered in a raid you cannot raid them, obviously if its 1v5 then you shouldn't be raiding because thats just plain stupid and IS putting your life in danger, if you come across an admin telling you something that is not in the rules please message me on steam or ts and I will confirm what they have said.

Secondly, Jack shooting you is upto him, if he believe that his life would be in more danger by keeping you alive then he can end your life, if he feels there is no benefit to killing you then he shouldn't have killed you. For example if you were unarmed and you were on your own then killing you would be stupid, but delaying by tying you up ect might risk his life more then just shooting you on the spot.
Alex_:D said:
Alright, time to clear this up.

First of all Enforcers/Mods should not being telling you anything unless its clearly stated in the rules or is just plain old common sense, for example Lewis a mod should never have told you that if you are outnumbered in a raid you cannot raid them, obviously if its 1v5 then you shouldn't be raiding because thats just plain stupid and IS putting your life in danger, if you come across an admin telling you something that is not in the rules please message me on steam or ts and I will confirm what they have said.

Secondly, Jack shooting you is upto him, if he believe that his life would be in more danger by keeping you alive then he can end your life, if he feels there is no benefit to killing you then he shouldn't have killed you. For example if you were unarmed and you were on your own then killing you would be stupid, but delaying by tying you up ect might risk his life more then just shooting you on the spot.
killing is still always the worst way to rp
we will watch the full demo
ok and no point in uploading the demo as its sorted now and also my internet sucks plus dont want to waste upload as i use it for my channel
well there saying its not breaking a rule so no point me wasting more uploads mb
lilsam747 said:
well there saying its not breaking a rule so no point me wasting more uploads mb
its nothing against u its not i really want u banned its more of i get mad that we get told by other mods and that that we cant just shoot then u do it so i was like WTF that unfair but if u can there no point fighting for it
Well, all our characters on PERPheads shouldn't be cold-blooded murderer. If you break somewhere in to steal stuff, you try not to kill someone, because dead bodies will just make it worse for you. The Police in Real-Life would do a lot to catch you, if you leave 6 dead people there, but not, if you just break in, and steall some stuff. My opinion is killing everyone in a raid is just FailRP, if they pose no threat of course. Maybe raiding without killing someone is just not an option for some trigger-happy people.
It's perfectly fine to kill people on a raid, However it's not recommended. Jack didn't do anything wrong there,
ps. If you make an ban request in the future be sure to put the entire demo on not just a little part of it
- Support

He first off asked a higher ranking staff member if what he would do is fine and he would know the rules much better than you would therefor I believe that Jack Flagg is the correct one in this case.
Blackdown said:
- Support

He first off asked a higher ranking staff member if what he would do is fine and he would know the rules much better than you would therefor I believe that Jack Flagg is the correct one in this case.
You should add, why you - support it, or + support it :)
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