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  1. StephenPuffs


    Reset everything like I said back in 2014 but even by then it was too late.
  2. StephenPuffs

    I will try to keep this up to date, I'd love to do a before and after but that would also eat up...

    I will try to keep this up to date, I'd love to do a before and after but that would also eat up too much time since with some I can easily take a half hour to get it right for just one part, so for some I may provide an after only. Vehicle Material Fixes List
  3. StephenPuffs

    I would make a public list so people can see what vehicles I've done, but the order might be...

    I would make a public list so people can see what vehicles I've done, but the order might be difficult to follow. Plus because of how insanely boring and time consuming each one is it would look like very slow progress. However if people show interest I could change my mind.
  4. StephenPuffs

    Status Report, I have done several more now, but I still have just about exactly 100 vehicles to...

    Status Report, I have done several more now, but I still have just about exactly 100 vehicles to go (~50 done) but as it's a ton of editing, saving, converting to a usable format, replacing, viewing, and then repeating; there's no real predictable pattern I can find as to when it produces either...
  5. StephenPuffs

    I will, but not until after I've done my own pass through and pushed it to live. This post is...

    I will, but not until after I've done my own pass through and pushed it to live. This post is just to let people know I am aware this problem and I will be fixing it, but if I happen to miss it to inform me at that time.
  6. StephenPuffs

    "If after" so clearly I'm not done yet. However, I have already gone through the Zonda as I...

    "If after" so clearly I'm not done yet. However, I have already gone through the Zonda as I noticed it was quite bad the other day.
  7. StephenPuffs

    If after I have finished doing the rework of all materials with cars and you see any major...

    If after I have finished doing the rework of all materials with cars and you see any major material flaws or greenish areas (see below) please let me know as I'm trying to fix a bunch of mistakes made by TDM when he originally set this all up. I'm also exploring changes to fix some other...
  8. StephenPuffs

    Vehicle material update: The order isn't perfect, done with Aston Martin, Audi, BMW and...

    Vehicle material update: The order isn't perfect, done with Aston Martin, Audi, BMW and Bugatti. Some vehicles may look bit different than before, but I am doing my best to keep them nice as best I can. I also am improving some textures as I see fit, but this adds a ton of time so I may not...
  9. StephenPuffs

    NPC Selling is still broken.

    :banghead: It do be like this sometimes, which is part of why I didn't plan to revert this change before the 7th anniv, since the code for shops and stuff is miserable to work with and really needs redoing, but that'll happen the same time I do a new UI for it. Apologies for not fixing it, it...
  10. StephenPuffs

    Unlimited upgrade on < 3mil cars

    I have covered something similar to this in the past, what post it was now, I don't remember so I'll just write it again... Firstly, let us consider the speed difference between a high end super car that reaches your 120 MPH threshold and a low-mid range car. So in this case on the high end I...
  11. StephenPuffs

    2020-07-05 PH 7th Anniversary / Change Log
  12. StephenPuffs

    BMW 340i Materials are broken

    Typically anything material related if it isn't a widespread reported thing, then it's conflicts on your own end. The problem with GMod is that Workshop addons can override materials/models/sounds/etc that get used on a server, despite that server specifying what addons the client should use...
  13. StephenPuffs

    Selling Fish by docks at the Pub again.

    It would appear that I was using a local branch so my reversion changes were not pushed to the correct location, anyways it will be fixed for tomorrow for all shops.
  14. StephenPuffs

    Selling Fish by docks at the Pub again.

    You mean like this?
  15. StephenPuffs

    BMW 340i Materials are broken

    First thing's first, this car uses a ton of different textures and materials than any other car and the model itself has some nasty gaps letting you see through it, so those are a couple reasons why I originally did not add it myself. However, as BMW starts with a "B" though, it is near the top...
  16. StephenPuffs

    2020-07-05 PH 7th Anniversary / Change Log

    I lost all of that sadly, so I ended up having to redo it, but I think it turned out even better now.
  17. StephenPuffs

    You mean the statistics in it? It would be interesting to actually see how vastly different...

    You mean the statistics in it? It would be interesting to actually see how vastly different those figures are now. I will see about asking Tiny to compile them as I know he loves that kind of thing.
  18. StephenPuffs

    2020-07-05 PH 7th Anniversary / Change Log

    Still debating this type of thing, it may be put into another drug at some point as painkillers already have their own positive effect, so before they're a massive cure-all, we will see how it plays out.
  19. StephenPuffs

    2020-07-05 PH 7th Anniversary / Change Log

    HAPPY 7th ANNIVERSARY PERPHEADS! Let me start off by saying thank you all for helping make the community that we are today, without your support we wouldn't be where we are! I personally cannot believe it has already been 7 years since PH officially launched, it feels like it was...
  20. StephenPuffs

    That's a map thing. Plus at the time Paralake was made, certain limits were basically at their...

    That's a map thing. Plus at the time Paralake was made, certain limits were basically at their maximum so that wasn't possible. Now maybe it is but that's up to @Xquality to do or investigate. If you mean the fading to black and white while bleeding, that was also a side effect of not being...
  21. StephenPuffs

    True screen effects would be gone, didn't occur to me that that was within that module as well...

    True screen effects would be gone, didn't occur to me that that was within that module as well. A lot of visual effects were put into one place when they never should have been, but trying to separate it out has proved troublesome with how GMod does those. I will look into a way to add something...
  22. StephenPuffs

    While I agree generally bobo, weather is unfortunately an aspect of real life. However, the way...

    While I agree generally bobo, weather is unfortunately an aspect of real life. However, the way we had to do weather before was awful. Originally my intention was not to remove it but to improve on its effects as well, but I encountered some issues in doing so in an efficient and effective way...
  23. StephenPuffs

    Well I didn't finish car materials in time, but I'm glad the day/night cycle is now more or less...

    Well I didn't finish car materials in time, but I'm glad the day/night cycle is now more or less complete. Of course adding weather back in will be a pain, but I hope everyone is enjoying the new stuff more. Plus this allows us extra freedoms we didn't have before. Yes I know my personal post is...
  24. StephenPuffs

    There, now the dark parts that shouldn't be shiny, aren't. [IMG] Had to reinstall Photoshop as...

    There, now the dark parts that shouldn't be shiny, aren't. Had to reinstall Photoshop as it had stopped working but we're back up and running again.
  25. StephenPuffs

    I sound like text on a screen.

    I sound like text on a screen.
  26. StephenPuffs

    There's a slight correction I have yet to do with mine in that image, but you can already see it...

    There's a slight correction I have yet to do with mine in that image, but you can already see it captures the light better than before.
  27. StephenPuffs

    I sure love having to fix mistakes made by TDM where I can... For example, I found out his...

    I sure love having to fix mistakes made by TDM where I can... For example, I found out his textures for the grille on certain cars was entirely wrong, so now it looks much nicer. His: Mine: There are plenty of other changes I wish I could do, but some are more practical than others.
  28. StephenPuffs

    I'm reminded why I probably stopped doing this process, it takes forever and is incredibly...

    I'm reminded why I probably stopped doing this process, it takes forever and is incredibly boring, as not all cars are set up the same way nor can I copy paste settings and have it be reliably good. That being said, progress there is being made.
  29. StephenPuffs

    Looking at cars again... Was I drunk or something when I did materials before (not paint jobs)...

    Looking at cars again... Was I drunk or something when I did materials before (not paint jobs)? They're all incredibly shiny. How did I find them acceptable at all? Time to redo.
  30. StephenPuffs

    Mini Cooper 65 top speed of 60MPH/100KPH? Hmm...

    Mini Cooper 65 top speed of 60MPH/100KPH? Hmm...