BMW 340i Materials are broken

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Type of bug: Content

Description of the bug: The BMW 340i has the wrong materials on the majority of the car. It looks horrendous.

How to reproduce the bug: Own the BMW 340i.

Time stamp(s): 7th Anniversary Update




This is how the car is supposed to look like:

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First thing's first, this car uses a ton of different textures and materials than any other car and the model itself has some nasty gaps letting you see through it, so those are a couple reasons why I originally did not add it myself. However, as BMW starts with a "B" though, it is near the top of the list as I slowly make my way through fixing vehicle materials and textures on occasion.

That all being said though, I don't know how any of the changes I made would have caused it to be any different now, but maybe I'll find out when I get to it. I'll likely have it done by next weekend. So if it's still an issue after that, it sounds like you might have conflicts on your end, like having TDM's content or workshop addon in addition to PH content.
At this point I don't really know what's broken by the server or broken because of my client.
@Clarky had this problem, it was closed and being handled as a client side issue when I had the same issue but it fixed itself after rejoining the server.

I don't know what might cause it, probably some left over files in the downloads folder from servers? The TDM SVN is outside of my addons folder and I only have the 2 big PERPHeads addons installed. I'll try it out later, thanks for the help.
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Typically anything material related if it isn't a widespread reported thing, then it's conflicts on your own end. The problem with GMod is that Workshop addons can override materials/models/sounds/etc that get used on a server, despite that server specifying what addons the client should use. So I'd check to make sure you only have the latest PH content packs and do not have any other vehicle related addons active or in your addons folder of GMod.
Yeah, my M9 Beretta and AUG have a different look but so far I don't know what's causing it, some random addon that's somehow still enabled.


I'll sweep my entire .gma folder and downloads later.
I am unable to say if Stephen has fixed the issue. But I can see that he commited changes for the 340i 3 weeks ago. And he might have forgotten to update the actual content pack. The new materials probably went live when we pushed the recent PERP update.
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