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  1. Ragnarock

    Search Warrants

    support +1
  2. Ragnarock

    Cooldown for Taxes

    yeah and also food and drinks but thats not so bad
  3. Ragnarock

    Becoming SWAT or Chief when Police is full

    the reason is?
  4. Ragnarock

    Cooldown for Taxes

    better for shop owners aswell
  5. Ragnarock

    Cooldown for Taxes

    Mayor should have like a cooldown before she or he can change the taxes cause of changing it imidiatelly when shes about to get killed and then claiming it was RDM doesnt seems right
  6. Ragnarock

    Drivers license

    good idea but get rid of the lag spikes first
  7. Ragnarock

    Speed Camera's

    yeah inside the city cause outside is cop job to stop the guys when speeding cause what would they do
  8. Ragnarock

    Remove keys

    yes i think he ment that like Evil Ls said
  9. Ragnarock


    ATV flip too much even problem in dayz you would have to code a feature that makes you flip it back
  10. Ragnarock


    +1 for the death room but you have to watch for NLR breakers i guess giving away informations
  11. Ragnarock

    Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

    yeah tazer would be nice
  12. Ragnarock

    Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

    +1 on alex
  13. Ragnarock

    Fredy Admin Abuse

    well we know he didnt had godmode on :P
  14. Ragnarock


    yeah nice idea was thinking about that maybe make like a pizza delivery boy :D
  15. Ragnarock


    create a tool like camera that triggers the action and somehow work it so you can show it like a picture
  16. Ragnarock

    Chritii Musasen - Extremely reckless driving as bus driver

    I support the idea above(alex_:D)
  17. Ragnarock


    I have sometimes feeling that some people as cop metagame and make up stories to go warrant people cause they maybe know some guys who are used to plant drugs and they go and tell they have seen someone with heavy fireams like shotgun and etc. So i want to suggest a system that can make pictures...
  18. Ragnarock

    Job list changes

    iam gonna say yes but as a guy who likes to rob the bank no if you get me :D