Search results

  1. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Okay, I have decided to add on another week from today. After that draws will be closed and we will look at all papers and dish out the winner.
  2. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    I've noticed that many of you have entered, but I see no sign of any paper so I'll give you till tomorrow.
  3. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Thanks to those who have submitted their Newspaper already! For those of you who haven't time is running out :p
  4. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Of course, I don't mind how you send it to me guys, post it here or PM me :)
  5. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    @MRleyer32, I'll allow you post 2 and only 2, no more.
  6. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    The deadline for participants will be on Wednesday 30th April. All competitors must have submitted their "Perpheads Newspaper" by Friday 2nd May. So if you want to have the chance to win get in now!
  7. ind

    The PERP Gamemode.

    Pfft, it wouldn't be worth $10,000 what you talking about Willis? We are talking tens of thousands (=
  8. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Anything you wish my friend it doesn't really matter, as long as it involves humour and looks like a decent enough newspaper.
  9. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Judges: Ind, Fredy, Xquality, =7Cav=SGT.Sparks.N //// The deadline for participants will be on Wednesday 30th April. All competitors must have submitted their "Perpheads Newspaper" by Friday 2nd May. So if you want to have the chance to win get in now! \\\\\ We are hosting a fun and creative...
  10. ind

    Inactive for some days! -Robin Ljungberg

    Enjoy yourself man, see you when you get back :).
  11. ind

    Realistic Cars Prices

    For car prices to change then it would require everything else on the server to change. So it's very unlikely that it would happen.
  12. ind

    Rule 3.4 - By Toffelfabriken

    Toffel my man! that was genuinely awesome haaha nice job lol :D
  13. ind

    3.21 - By Swiper The Fox

    Unbelievable, I never realized that you could sing Swiper, I'm so impressed Though, perhaps this should be played to every player who breaks the rule :/? Who knows
  14. ind


    I made a thread about me resigning about 1 month ago because of real life events which were taking place, but that is about to start up again; and as you know I haven't been playing PERP often. Therefore, I will still be playing on the server now and again but not as often as I did. I have made...
  15. ind

    Resigning from Moderator

    Sad to hear you going, you've been a great moderator and you were a nice guy who many could get a long with. Take care buddy! Good luck with everything else
  16. ind

    Ban Request: Myrothas

    Right, okay thank you for that Myrothas. I will watch the provided demo.
  17. ind

    Ban Request: Myrothas

    Just to let you know I am looking into this. However, Paralyzed I'd prefer entirely if the demo was uploaded with or due to complications and the concerns that I have downloading that file. Although you've already send me the demo via PM paralyzed and it...
  18. ind

    The Warning Cone

    Well that escalated quickly.
  19. ind

    How tidy is your desk?

    Daaam that is a huge desk, mines only small :/
  20. ind

    Need help for buying a new car.

    Go for the GTR or the Martin.
  21. ind

    Hey Everybody!

    Hello Rogue, welcome to the perpheads community mate, enjoy :)
  22. ind

    How tidy is your desk?

    Um okay fair enough, unusual but ok :eek:
  23. ind

    How tidy is your desk?

    I've just been intrigued to know, mainly because I seem to frequently tidy my desk (removing all pens, paper and other junk) from it, but then a couple days later it's a complete tip. Just a question to you fellow PerpHeads players, is your desk tidy?
  24. ind

    Daddy's back!

    Um okay :c, welcome back Mr Howard
  25. ind

    PerpHeads Launcher

    I'm impressed, such an easier way for everything made into one small program! Nice work ;)
  26. ind

    My absence from the server

    Oh right I see, wow awesome man, good luck with the rest of your project though.
  27. ind


    Hey Boden, welcome to the perpheads community! Enjoy
  28. ind

    My absence from the server

    Hm looks interesting, if you mind me asking Fexxe how did you get into that profession? From the looks of things I'm assuming that you went to University and studied some sort of Security? or Information Technology based course.. just generally interested :).
  29. ind

    The Much Needed Greeting

    Hello, welcome back :)
  30. ind

    Jack Singer - FailRP

    Watched the demo, the guy blatantly shot your car and denies it so he'll be banned. Thanks for including the demos tickrate. Ban request accepted. //Closed.