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  1. ind


    Hello Trande, I'm seen you in the server a couple times, you seem like a good player.
  2. ind

    Ban Report

    If you could provide us with a demo that would help in great manner. Also I spoke to Berget Swesson yesterday also, as he did break a couple minor rules. He is a new player so I gave him a warning, and I think that I did respond to that report of him handcuffing you. There is not going to be a...
  3. ind


    Had some great times playing with you and the rest of that ORG you were in. Cya man!
  4. ind


    There are tons of youtube videos on how to install sourcebans on your server. Just type that in :)
  5. ind

    I'm taking a break

    I see, I'm happy that you're having a break :). See you when you get back.
  6. ind

    Hey guys

    Heey menta! Welcome to the server and forums mr anonymous xD
  7. ind


    Because then scissors can only be used for cutting rope than knifes, unless Fredy or Stephen made knives which could cut the rope by right clicking but yh anyway, maybe it wasn't such a good idea.
  8. ind


    I think "rope" as an item should be added which allows players to tie others, a bit like on Fearless RP/Applejack. The player must be still and it takes 10 seconds for the player to tie the person. Even though the use of /me is good, this will make it easier and more realistic when role playing...
  9. ind

    Ind failing

    Who are you Liam Holder to tell me that I cannot increase your ban for having previous bans? Do not even bother, and it makes clear sense why it would be increased, I could rant on for a while about the reasons why it the ban was increased. But this is the last thing I'll say. If someone was...
  10. ind

    The reason i haven't been online so much

    I'm glad you made this thread as people complain of admins being inactive but I hope to see you on when the new map comes :) I'm excited too! But fair enough it can be boring but cya soon :)
  11. ind

    Ind failing

    You are more than aware of the reason of your ban Liam Holder. The reason of the ban gets added after by the admin as there isn't a feature to ban players consisting of a reason In-game. You have just chosen to make a thread upon your ban when you more than know the situation in-game of why the...
  12. ind

    Staff team idea

    I disagree with you Killing_Floor_Dead completely, like Twitty said Luke's life isn't just around computer games and forums all the time, he has an objection and duty to life as Most have. Basically you think that all inactive admins should be demoted? well no because just because one of them is...
  13. ind

    Hello from LUFT :D

    Hey Luft, nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy playing on the perphead server and meeting new people :)
  14. ind


    Deary me, as much as this makes me laugh this is what we go through day to day sometimes :p
  15. ind

    Perpheads died when Cyrus left...

    Fair enough, we all have different feeling and what not but the amount of threads based on Cyrus, this can't go on. Yes, we understand that he was a friendly person and as people say one of the best Admins but why not just move on? From making these threads I don't think it's going to make much...
  16. ind

    Server can improve in gameplay.

    As we all know perpheads isn't that terrible of course, but I agree with you Max as this server is supposed to be a SeriousRP server. The decisions people make ingame sometimes aren't serious enough and people should re-think what they are doing. But that is why with the rules and bans we have...
  17. ind

    I have a brilliant suggestion! Car Explosions...

    Yes, fair enough and yh there would be a hell of a lot of explosions going off, as you said like "Afghanistan" haha. And depending on the servers strength from all these explosions could crash the server? but I don't know. This thought just came into my head and thought it would be an awesome...
  18. ind

    I have a brilliant suggestion! Car Explosions...

    Maybe so but it doesn't mean the car has to be repaired for a fee that much, it's just an alternative way of a car colliding with another + the point of it being on flames for over 2 minutes. The same procedures should be carried out just like if it was just disabled but didn't catch a light...
  19. ind

    I have a brilliant suggestion! Car Explosions...

    How would it sound if cars, when in flames for about 2 minutes exploded? However it might be difficult to tell this because what if a fire was to spawn randomly or a fire happened to touch the fire? Would that mean it should explode or no? Or let's say if a car has been disabled and then a fire...
  20. ind

    i was kicked

    Hm no, you were either AFK or an admin kicked you.
  21. ind

    Evidence of the bank robbers shooting first

    Okay then. From as far as I've seen the Police and SWAT did in fact return fire and to be honest with you they had the right to. Many people said to me that the bank robbers shot a couple of civilians before the police and swat arrived at the scene, however the Police did well for not shooting...
  22. ind

    Evidence of the bank robbers shooting first

    It is related to a situation which happened in game not long ago, about a suspected rule breakage by the officers. But nothing for you to worry about.
  23. ind

    Buy in-game money online

    From the amount of people who donate VIP (which is of course great to help sustain the server), I think would buy a lot of ingame money, unless they feel negatively about it, but this wouldn't be ideal at all. Everyone would be buying money depending on the price, and then there would be no...
  24. ind

    Getting Married.

    Hm interesting but when is it really that people want to marry each other? What are the benefits and things you get to do as being married?
  25. ind

    Fire Smoke

    Some of you may think that this will be pointless, but I think it'll make things more interesting if the smoke which comes off of fires affects your health. So when it get's to close to you in realistic terms **you breathing it in** you couch and lose a bit of HP. I guess it's only a small...
  26. ind

    Should bleeding cause stamina loss?

    Yes like members above have mentioned, you should lose some stamina preferably 1 stamina point because if you are shot you're obviously a lot weaker than usual; despite the adrenaline you may have. So it makes sense.
  27. ind


    Are you 100% positive you entered the correct SteamID? If you did are you sure the payment went through?
  28. ind

    I'm seriously leaving the server.

    Bye Frosty had fun playing with you in the past, growing or whatever we used to do! Hope you come back again soon!
  29. ind

    hi im new to the server

    Hey man, welcome to the server! Everyone in the community seems to be fairly nice so I hope no one will disrespect you in any way.
  30. ind

    Best Game You Have Played?

    Hmm this is tricky because they're many games that I've enjoyed and played a lot of times. Let's change "Best to Favourite Game" which will probably be Gmod. But I have others like Sleeping Dogs, GTA series and other console games I guess. Actually, I mostly enjoyed the PS1 > Crash Team...