Search results

  1. Jarvicbal

    Flashing cones/Police barricades

    No idea if anyone is going to reply to this anymore. If nobody responds anymore you can close it cuz i think it means it did got a big fat DENIED. Also if it stays open, can like an high rank staff member look at it? like say yes or no to it. Just close it, i think nobody is going to respond to...
  2. Jarvicbal

    Firefighter Job/Vehicle Suggestions

    I would love to see the Fire-truck ladder ingame, would be awesome, but the firefighter ladder, i dont know how we could use it, because you never need to rescue people from buildings, like maybe sometimes if someone is going to jump and try to kill himself you can put it there to get him down...
  3. Jarvicbal

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    Ingame name: Jarvic Bishop Steam Name: Dutch_Player Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41893574 Total playtime: 2 weeks Are you a VIP: Yes i am List of all cars you own: Mazda RX-7 When are you mostly online?: mostly on the weekends, but most of the times i am also online on school days. In which organizations...
  4. Jarvicbal

    A little game!

    BUT... the tacos had special powers like in Magicka and revived bob, so bob went
  5. Jarvicbal

    Luke Ban Request

    I got an demo, if you watch it it shows enough i think :/ * SORRY MISSCLICK TRYD TO COMMENT ON HIM *
  6. Jarvicbal

    Luke Ban Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dutch_Player / Jarvic Bishop His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Luke / Luke Person His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:7218412 Reason: Me and my frend Arron went to the storage to put some thing in the storage, when i drove to the storage and tryd to park, i slowly hitted Luke Person...
  7. Jarvicbal

    Paralake Song?

    Yes take me down to paralake city where the gangs are creepy and the cars are speedy...
  8. Jarvicbal

    Loading problem..

    i only can give one tip, re-install the whole gmod shit/folder etc, and if that doesnt work, then i am out of ideas
  9. Jarvicbal

    Loading problem..

    What does it say? does it say getting addons?
  10. Jarvicbal

    shoot the tires

    ONLY if he is an danger for you or another person, like if he is going towards another officer on foot, you can try to shoot his tires.
  11. Jarvicbal

    Sint Nicolas

    Should sint nicolas and his frends come to paralake city? :D with many many many many presents? :D
  12. Jarvicbal

    A little game!

    another guy at the mini turtle fan club :D
  13. Jarvicbal

    A little game!

    Doesnt know i needed to get my Alerts button fixed and doesnt know i am going to send him a bill of 46587634465877865436785437684536783548$ ingame money :D
  14. Jarvicbal

    A little game!

    is letting my Alerts going crazy,
  15. Jarvicbal

    A little game!

    must be an FAN of the MiniTurtles song :D
  16. Jarvicbal

    A little game!

    loves mine turtels
  17. Jarvicbal

    A little game!

    Had an AKlololol who got stolen
  18. Jarvicbal

    A little game!

    Was my taxidriver and tough i was going to mugg him * i was but my frends got raided D: *
  19. Jarvicbal

    Unmarked speed enforcer

    It isnt an bad idea, it has been requested already, but still, also i would like to see not only one car because people will see the car and think, thats an speed enforcer car, but like you can choose out more cars like 2/3/4/5. +support if you want it like this -support if you want to hold it...
  20. Jarvicbal

    Bishop Brothers

  21. Jarvicbal

    Flashing cones/Police barricades

    Topic:The police cones/police barricades in night* Short explanation (in notes): -hard to see cones/police barricades in night -Flashing police barricades/cones -less accident's -you also have it IRL Detailed description (why should it become added?): When its dark in Paralake City, and you...
  22. Jarvicbal

    Warning request Kay Uwe *PekASusRechterNippel*

    -Comment, please use the comment function in future please -Ash
  23. Jarvicbal

    Warning request Kay Uwe *PekASusRechterNippel*

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dutch_Player Jarvic Bishop His/Her Steam/In-game Name: PekASusRechterNippel Kay Uwe His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86256664 Reason: I was patrolling when i saw a dead guy, the mayor and a car from a guy was next to it, when the mayor said i needed to arrest the man * as a...
  24. Jarvicbal

    PN Racing

    I'm a SUV driver right? a rammer i got the Escalade * Jarvic Bishop
  25. Jarvicbal

    PN Racing / Applications

    thank ya belg :D
  26. Jarvicbal

    PN Racing / Applications

    Steam name:<Dutch_Player> In-Game Name:<Jarvic Bishop> Character's story:<I was born in the big city, untill my 5th we lived there, i always saw the big and deluxe cars, after those 5 years we did go to a small town out of the city, IT HAD HIS OWN RACE TRACK! i always loved to watch, i dreamed...
  27. Jarvicbal

    The Trapani applications

    was a application * dont know how to delete it *
  28. Jarvicbal

    Bishop Brothers

    Ok, Good luck Michael it was fun to work with you
  29. Jarvicbal

    Bishop Brothers

    lol i am nearly evryday online me and another 3 people. i even was last night online when michael was online
  30. Jarvicbal

    Bishop Brothers

    I still dont get it.... I had some problems with marco belinsky he is or was in the org but i dindt do shit to him he traided me... is that what you mean?