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  1. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    i will remember the 20 remaining players hahahah

    i will remember the 20 remaining players hahahah
  2. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    2.3, 2.5, 3.4, and 3.5 @ ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    and no i was too fast can see that on vid too
  3. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    2.3, 2.5, 3.4, and 3.5 @ ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    thats a lie right there you right you ahd a reason i raided you and you put your hands up and let me in your base that talk shit was ooc
  4. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    2.3, 2.5, 3.4, and 3.5 @ ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    and about the 3.4 clip you killed me in mid of city while there is so many npcs around you ...
  5. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    2.3, 2.5, 3.4, and 3.5 @ ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    about the 2.3 dom already send msg about that idk why this dude doing ars about situations that already been dealt
  6. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    2.3, 2.5, 3.4, and 3.5 @ ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    3.4 had been dealt already idk why you doing ar on that 2.5/1- after raiding him he spawn at the city saw him came to talk to him but was too fast didnt break-in time sorry about that 2.5/2- was drifting and parking accidentally ran him over again was too fast both time he was on road and i...
  7. ✪[Sky]-Nooni


    funny one g boi
  8. ✪[Sky]-Nooni


    any rust players here with 3k h +?
  9. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    Stavs r6

    better then being a cop main :D
  10. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    Stavs r6

    l v y
  11. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    Gulag Simulator

    1v1 me noob
  12. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    Gulag Simulator

    wanna see you playing with ivgani and geting more then 1.1kd fss
  13. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    remember but this is the sad thing that you playing almost 3 years and still sweater you are...

    remember but this is the sad thing that you playing almost 3 years and still sweater you are sweater bro...
  14. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    you cant call somebody sweater when you sweater too

    you cant call somebody sweater when you sweater too
  15. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on brad

    still wasnt like brad ....
  16. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on N0Oni

    first raid wasnt me i wasnt involved raided you only 1 time you treat me with your machete when you saw im armed so its 3.4 uplode the rest of the vid when you went out of your car and start hit my car with your knife when im armed
  17. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on brad

    Your Steam/In-game Name: robert/nooni His/Her Steam/In-game: @DJBREEZY420 /brad His/Her SteamID:idk Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1 Evidence (Demo Required): after he got raid start being toxic in occ [OOC] -.-brad-.-: slaughters = pussys! [OOC] -.-brad-.-: slaughter4ban2k20 [OOC]...
  18. ✪[Sky]-Nooni


  19. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on smol

    can see first floor tho pushed cuz i knew that you was 3 guys
  20. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on smol

    i could of cut the vid at the end but i leave it like that so admins can see that there is no scar on ground and that you was unarmed
  21. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on smol

    because i didnt use that and didnt jump to exploit i wasn't care uploading the vid showing me jumping
  22. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on smol

    you still didnt explain why you stored your gun and tried to pick up your friend pistol unarmed
  23. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on smol

    no i didnt even looked up i jumped to see if there is scar on the ground cuz i knew that one was with scar so i wanted to see if i killed every one i jumped to see the bodies ....
  24. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on smol

    forgot to add 3.4 he tried to pick up his friend gun unarmed this is the logs when smol died he died 30 sec after storing his gun
  25. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on smol

    Your Steam/In-game Name: nooni/robert His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Smol His/Her SteamID:idk Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.18 Storages and trunks While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is...
  26. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    Ar On Nooni

  27. ✪[Sky]-Nooni


  28. ✪[Sky]-Nooni


    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: @Sorle Your Steam Name: nooni Your In-game Name:robert Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:108145691 Why were you banned?: 3.4 - User failed to comply with police officers without a reasonable excuse, leading to a parking ticket...
  29. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on tinky

    you cant help you org if you died ill ask admins to check logs to see if no body said any thing about raid on p1 but you can see that my aprt is bombed
  30. ✪[Sky]-Nooni

    ar on tinky

    Your Steam/In-game Name: nooni/robert His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Tinky His/Her SteamID:idk Why Should This Player Be Punished: 5.3 Raiding got raided by him two times in the first raid he died. the second raid was after 10min and he was involved in this raid too If a civilian has died whilst...