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  1. Yaboi Spooky

    never forget

    never forget
  2. Yaboi Spooky

    Met a famous Twitch streamer

    nice one, the uniform looks good on you
  3. Yaboi Spooky

    Ban Apology (SamSN)

    tbh I 100% back up Jamie for this one, after reviewing the clip I made of it I can see a /me was done, Jamie telling you in LOOC that a /me was being done and me verbally trying to tell you that you should only use this time out of cuffs to put on attachments. We pretty much did everything in...
  4. Yaboi Spooky

    Nipul Ekes

    Nipul Ekes
  5. Yaboi Spooky

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  6. Yaboi Spooky

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  7. Yaboi Spooky

    Thanks flugs!

    Thanks flugs!
  8. Yaboi Spooky

    Dank u!

    Dank u!
  9. Yaboi Spooky

    Thank you! i got 1.5 liters of vodka hehehe

    Thank you! i got 1.5 liters of vodka hehehe
  10. Yaboi Spooky

    Thank you very much Rogue!

    Thank you very much Rogue!
  11. Yaboi Spooky

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  12. Yaboi Spooky

    It only just started! Fair enough rogue is a huge minge

    It only just started! Fair enough rogue is a huge minge
  13. Yaboi Spooky

    Thank you! Third? Who beats me?!

    Thank you! Third? Who beats me?!
  14. Yaboi Spooky

    Thanks Angel! :D

    Thanks Angel! :D
  15. Yaboi Spooky

    Thank you Henry Lopez

    Thank you Henry Lopez
  16. Yaboi Spooky

    Thank you Ophelia

    Thank you Ophelia
  17. Yaboi Spooky

    Thanks Acer!

    Thanks Acer!
  18. Yaboi Spooky

    Thank you walnash!

    Thank you walnash!
  19. Yaboi Spooky

    Server Suggestion Group chats

    The first part is a really good thing to add to this, and the latter is technically a problem by default, it's a good negative though! There will always be rule breakers
  20. Yaboi Spooky

    Spooky's Miscellaneous Montage

    That's not supposed to happen! I had it the first time too but retrying helped, maybe refresh the page or smth? Never using medal again >:(
  21. Yaboi Spooky

    Spooky's Miscellaneous Montage

    I have made my first attempt ever on making a video/montage, it was pretty fun, however I'll probably never use medal for making the montage again. It's good for clipping, not for much more in my opinion. If anyone has suggestions for what I could use instead to make clips, then I'dd love to...
  22. Yaboi Spooky

    Server Suggestion Group chats

    A solution for cops and other government employees is either disallowing them from seeing the messages just like ORG chats, or instead, censor certain words, or, a idea I like personally Have something similar to a status bar available, showing you wether someone is working or not. In real life...
  23. Yaboi Spooky

    Server Suggestion Group chats

    With this in mind I already tried to think of ways that would still show the average player that being in a organisation is superior, as I imagine the server owners and devs and everbody involved would prefer it this way. Since I've seen @Fredy word a bit on the phones lately, I think this could...
  24. Yaboi Spooky

    Map Suggestion Add a second entrance for Projex like Slums

    This could go nicely hand in hand with a suggestion I made about the Scrappy Joes Trailer property!
  25. Yaboi Spooky

    Server Suggestion Group chats

    Suggestion Title: Group chats Suggestion Description: Add the ability to create groupchats in the messenger app on the phone. This ability should be available next to when you're adding a contact, I think it could look something like a + next to a group of default profile icons, to indicate a...
  26. Yaboi Spooky

    4.3, Firefighters Edit

    What rule do you wish to edit: 4.3, Firefighters Your version of the rule with the changes highlighted in bold: 4.3 Firefighters Typically, Firefighters may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel. Firefighters using the patrol vehicles (Dodge RAM...
  27. Yaboi Spooky

    Server Suggestion Add a timer circle for health too (Just like stamina)

    Thank you very much In my opinion it could be acceptable thanks to Stamina having it too, but my written con might be a big one. However this could also help with decision making wether someone wants to give up in a gunfight or not, and perhaps create more urgency for the others to push in...
  28. Yaboi Spooky

    Server Suggestion Add a timer circle for health too (Just like stamina)

    Suggestion Title: Add a timer circle for health too (Just like stamina) Suggestion Description: After the new stamina update, stamina will now show a little circle to indicate when it's about to regenerate. My suggestion is to add this to your health aswell, which would only apply if you have...
  29. Yaboi Spooky

    Server Suggestion Being able to cancel being healed (Press C)

    I would like this alot as I have even seen medics and firefighters do this while ganging up on one police officer, maybe this should also disallow someone to be healed for like 5 or 10 seconds, so they cant be swarmed or piled ontop of by a zerg of XP hungry healers
  30. Yaboi Spooky

    Action Request (Tomten, Legion, Limme, Aquaa, Fxjiwara)

    TFU Tactics also literally say camping is a valid tactic, I was one of the TFO's on scene and at one point did ask you if you were ready to give up, with no response. I did not make any attempts to negotiate as I believe you guys threw a grenade in the stairwell (This might have been a different...