Server Suggestion Add a timer circle for health too (Just like stamina)

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Suggestion Title: Add a timer circle for health too (Just like stamina)
Suggestion Description: After the new stamina update, stamina will now show a little circle to indicate when it's about to regenerate.

My suggestion is to add this to your health aswell, which would only apply if you have regeneration genes. Similarly to the stamina circle, it would show you when your health will regenerate. This process would obviously take a bit longer then the stamina regeneration, as this is relatively fast. I don't think the healing times need to be changed, i'dd just like to know when i'm healed to be honest.

Why should this be added?:
- It can give you a understanding of when you'll be fully healed again
- Stamina has it, so why shouldn't health have it too? :P

What negatives could this have?:
- It could make it feel a bit too arcade-like, unrealistic
- It might create the urge for people to stay and hide rather then look for a medic if they have regeneration.
This is the perfect example of how to write cons for your suggestions by the way.
I think it'd be great to add. This is a realistic server yes, but it's also just the right mix of arcade. Having a circle and ^ or v arrows to see if your health is going up and down would be nice. I sometimes arent sure if im still regening or not.
Wait so if you have genetics as regeneration your health regenerats? Didn't even know that.
This is the perfect example of how to write cons for your suggestions by the way.
Thank you very much

I think it'd be great to add. This is a realistic server yes, but it's also just the right mix of arcade. Having a circle and ^ or v arrows to see if your health is going up and down would be nice. I sometimes arent sure if im still regening or not.
In my opinion it could be acceptable thanks to Stamina having it too, but my written con might be a big one. However this could also help with decision making wether someone wants to give up in a gunfight or not, and perhaps create more urgency for the others to push in while their oponent is still making damage sound queues like the coughing from when you're bleeding.
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