Search results

  1. Appricey

    Paralake News

    Myself and Henk did attempt to help keep it going with ayjay, but like Ayjay had said we didn't have reporters creating content, so it became difficult to manage and keep running. If people are willing to put the effort in then I don't see any reason that it should fail, but until we have that...
  2. Appricey

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  3. Appricey

    Refund Request for 50k.

    Accepted Contact Senior-Administration in-game for your refund.
  4. Appricey

    Ermak's Small Raffle

    It's very kind of you ermak to be giving away some games it really shows that this community is a truly friendly place. Keep up the kindness, that's what we want! :)
  5. Appricey

    Olsen Drama

    Honestly, I'm disgusted with this behaviour and disappointed with those who has attempted to defend it. It's an absolute shame that there's people who ruin this extremely friendly community and consistently go out of their way to cause trouble within it. It's sad that they feel they can harass a...
  6. Appricey

    AR Nexus

    The evidence clearly shows and allows us to hear that in the heat of the moment Kaczak clearly said "fuck this i'm dc'ing. As a result of this the user will be punished accordingly for his actions. thanks for creating the Action Request. (Btw the guys name is Ainsley not Nexus)
  7. Appricey

    RR Car

    Contact Senior Administration in-game
  8. Appricey

    Happy birthday to you!!!!!!

    Happy birthday to you!!!!!!
  9. Appricey


    Accepted Contact senior-administration in-game to receive your items.
  10. Appricey

    AR against Vonz

    Accepted Due to the persons disrespectful nature during the situation he/she will receive a warning for their actions. In future the user should resort to means provided by the Paralake Police Department if he believed the officer in validly searched him.
  11. Appricey

    [Suggestion] Ford Explorer | SUV | Addition.

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: The idea of this is to add the Ford Explorer SUV to the Perpheads server. Full description of the idea: Well nothing really much to add as a full description other than the fact that it's a...
  12. Appricey

    Merry Christmas and a Happy new year from me !!!!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy new year from me !!!!
  13. Appricey

    Happy birthday bolli!

    Happy birthday bolli!
  14. Appricey

    Well, it better not come until I've landed in cuba.

    Well, it better not come until I've landed in cuba.
  15. Appricey

    There's actually a storm called Dylan yeah baby

    There's actually a storm called Dylan yeah baby
  16. Appricey


    Contact Senior Administration in-game to collect your items.
  17. Appricey


    Contact Senior administration in-game to receive your items.
  18. Appricey

    It's been 2 weeks

    Well, you pulled off a Appricey lmao. I got to admit it's good to have you back (Whispers to everyone but Ermak "not really") Honestly though I do think the police department has been a bit quiet without you shouting down the radio :) Try not to do another Appricey in future :)
  19. Appricey

    I was to good for enforcer xD

    I was to good for enforcer xD
  20. Appricey


    I would like to be the first to thank you for your service. During my time as a staff member you constantly showed me you were deserving of your rank. I hope your uni stuff goes well and hopefully you can come back into the police and staff team once again when you hopefully have your degree...
  21. Appricey

    Resignation From Moderator

    Hi all, I have recently made the decision to resign from my position of moderator. I resigned because I felt that I cannot maintain time into doing reports which I did enjoy doing, but at this stage it has become hard maintaining a high report count working on my command duties and revision for...
  22. Appricey

    Happy birthday James, I hope you have the best of days!

    Happy birthday James, I hope you have the best of days!
  23. Appricey

    staff bias?

    Speaking as a staff member that works very closely with all members of staff, I see no biased decisions being made by any staff member. Staff members are always impartial to any situation (at least in my experience ) like @John Daymon said the only times I've ever seen a member of staff accused...
  24. Appricey

    Very good... (congrats)

    Very good... (congrats)
  25. Appricey


    No Appricey on this list :( . In all seriousness i've loved every minute in the staff team with you, not only did you make me feel very welcome when I first got enforcer but you also welcomed me back with open arms when I decided to leave traffic and rejoin patrol. I've loved every minute with...
  26. Appricey

    Some good things must come to an end.

    I would just like to say that it's been an absolute pleasure working with you as a moderator despite your sad ending to your time as a moderator you did perform exceptionally during reports and I'm sure everyone would agree that you tried your best. I wish you the best of luck with your six form...
  27. Appricey

    Happy birthday mate!

    Happy birthday mate!
  28. Appricey


    User is community wide banned, so cannot receive his items.
  29. Appricey


    Contact a member of senior administration in-game, to get your items.
  30. Appricey

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday