Search results

  1. double oooof

    double oooof
  2. you sure bout that?

    you sure bout that?
  3. Ooof

  4. I just started University, very busy at the moment

    I just started University, very busy at the moment
  5. Bodyguard BBC Series

    God dammit @CodezBlack i'm supposed to be packing for Uni but now i'm hooked onto this lmao
  6. lol stop trying to bad evade dumbass. Mr Simon will find every single one of your accounts!

    lol stop trying to bad evade dumbass. Mr Simon will find every single one of your accounts!
  7. Results day, what are you expecting?

    I hope the best for you! Good luck!
  8. Results day, what are you expecting?

    I wish you good luck @ShadowJoey , luckily I work full time for my 6th form so ill be getting my results a tad early as a special favour from the admin staff. By the way, if you don't get what you're expecting, are you going to be using the clearing services?
  9. no

  10. Email Server Help (Linux)

    plz remove thread. cheers. issue solved.
  11. ShadowTyler

    I gave up jumping the borders a long time ago when @TinySlayer slayed my entire mexican family and sent them back to scambans city
  12. An Hour In TS with Joey.

    Your wish has been granted...
  13. yeh yeh, it's on gmodstore, but he got it from leakforums so shhhhhhhhhh...

    yeh yeh, it's on gmodstore, but he got it from leakforums so shhhhhhhhhh. really cheap man, just put it in your addons folder and good to go. hope you get it working. :) xxxxx
  14. 1 year 4 months and 9 days. However as I replied to Creepis yesterday. TinySlayer is being...

    1 year 4 months and 9 days. However as I replied to Creepis yesterday. TinySlayer is being extremely nice about the situation since I was 100% truthful to him on TS.
  15. its okay. I was planning on kicking her in the stomach anyway.

    its okay. I was planning on kicking her in the stomach anyway.
  16. Were you the kid that shot up the hall?

    Were you the kid that shot up the hall?
  17. Yes. In regards to the ban. I'm working with TinySlayer to come to a decision. At the moment if...

    Yes. In regards to the ban. I'm working with TinySlayer to come to a decision. At the moment if i'm fully co-operative it will be reduced to 1 month or 1 week. So hopefully all goes well.
  18. The Dark Red And Blue People

    Are you good at shooting (don't lie please): Have you got more than 1 mill: I did. Then bought a lot of guns and rifle ammo lmao. Are you autistic: Yes but not as much as Henry do you think i like YOU?: Probably not. Cars: Transit Van (for picking up children) Name: John Clay Steam name: Wotsit...
  19. The last day of Olsen

    This is fucking brilliant :laughcry:
  20. Olsen Drama

    Shouldn't this post have "DEV LOG update" in the title since you have fixed cancer Fredy?
  21. אני לא מדבר אנגלית

    אני לא מדבר אנגלית
  22. IM BACK

    C4n w3 p4tr0l t0g3th3r?
  23. Selling 2017 Doll

    Would you accept 200k?
  24. Around one month left...

    Hello, not really seen you around much, probably cause i'm an unsocial cunt. But you should look into getting a Satellite internet connection. Its quite expensive but allows remote locations to have a decent connection. Anyway, good luck in the move, enjoy!
  25. Hi

    Well that lasted long...
  26. Tesco Journey

    Fresh out of Clarks? Also I can't help but notice, but some greedy cunt couldn't even wait to pay and get out the front of the store before munching in on some Doritos and dip...
  27. A message from Shaun and his current condition

    :( Wishing him all the best, no one deserves this.
  28. Turning steam wallet money into real cash

    So basically, I accidentally added £100 onto my steam wallet instead of £10 and now i'm trying to find out ways to turn that money back into real cash. I know there is no official way to cash out in steam but a few people have told me you can do this with other methods. I was just wondering if...
  29. Joe Baggers...

    So yesterday we were having a massive argument over who stole a bong and it ended up coming to this... @Slayerduck XD
  30. RR - $135,999 - Me and Dapsas

    Your in-game name: John Clay & Trauk Sankaba Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:184395586 & STEAM_0:1:56733990 What do you need refunded: I need to be refunded $135,999 and Trauk needs to be refunded $136,000 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: After we successfully robbed the bank, the cops decided to...