Search results

  1. SatoshiAaron

    Zoephix Ban Appeal

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: Madda How long were you banned for: Permanent Your Steam Name: Zoephix Your In-game Name: James Casey Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50197118 Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating Why should this appeal be considered: Hi, as...
  2. SatoshiAaron


    Those boys are actually proper jokes though.
  3. SatoshiAaron

    Remove OOC limit

    I would personally be happy with increasing the limit to around 30. I believe that is a decent amount. If not as I have already suggested, add a Cooldown timer such as a majority of ClockworkRP servers that have always had fairly high player counts. To be fair, I understand what the purpose of...
  4. SatoshiAaron

    Remove OOC Message Limit

    Description of the idea: Remove OOC Limit Why should this be added? (pros): Potential to improve relationships between other players What negatives could this have? (cons): Local Chat gets separated too much *Other additions: I have always enjoyed conversing in OOC. Yes, it can get a bit...
  5. SatoshiAaron

    Radio Stations

    LBC would be nice so I can drive around like a prick
  6. SatoshiAaron


    Tbf, you actually have a really straight forward and honest reason for quitting. At least you gave it a go.
  7. SatoshiAaron

    you disgusting degenerate weeb cunt

    you disgusting degenerate weeb cunt
  8. SatoshiAaron

    Keep f*cking crashing

    It is a bit of a tough one really. It is a big combination of various different things. Just gotta keep trying things and seeing if it improves. As I said, I am having a lot of issues with it myself and often with this issue there isn't just one simple fix.
  9. SatoshiAaron

    Keep f*cking crashing

    Been getting the same myself a lot lately. Generally if your game is prone to crashing, it will. Especially in Gamemodes like PERP. Try switching between the 64-bit and 32-bit versions and see which one crashes LESS (again, you will probably still crash but one or the other usually performs...
  10. SatoshiAaron

    FPS Issues and overall Lag

    If you are really scared about a Restore point, then backup before you do it. When I start encountering issues like this, I just throw an install disk in and tell the installation software to keep my files so I can keep everything valuable. If your computer becomes such a mess the best thing to...
  11. SatoshiAaron

    Police Suggestion Bring back white gloves to Command+

    To be honest, I always liked the style of it but the issue is that there is already too much discrimination against ranks under Corp and this will not help that scenario.
  12. SatoshiAaron

    Israel and Palestine?

    Are they not the same continent? I thought it was like, you can call it a bag if crisps or a bag of chips (the latter if you are backwards)
  13. SatoshiAaron

    Update Log - 12/04/2020 (EvoCity)

    Se this is the problem. It is bad as it is, but as you said, people decide to kick shit off in the city, although I see why. There is too opportunity in the City such as decent basing places and bank. All the hotspots are within the city.
  14. SatoshiAaron

    Update Log - 12/04/2020 (EvoCity)

    You have just backed up my point, yes with lower player counts and less activity, the map performs fine. Paralake is laid out in a way that works well with the gamemode and the player number. Fairenough, the FPS is not great on PL either, but it doesn't play up as badly as EvoCity does.
  15. SatoshiAaron

    Update Log - 12/04/2020 (EvoCity)

    Really love EvoCity, I have personally always preferred it more than Paralake, but one thing that Paralake has that EvoCity doesn't is: stability. Even as dispatcher my game is choppy as fucked and I am quite embarrassed saying that - considering I have a very decent computer. As I said, I love...
  16. SatoshiAaron

    @apology to @Kenty

  17. SatoshiAaron

    Where your perp name came from

    Originally it was Satoshi Nakamura because big weeb and that has always been my wanna be japanophile name (No, it is not based on any anime character, it is just a regular jap name). And then I changed it to my real first name with and my second name "Satomura" is a mix of SATOshi NakaMURA.
  18. SatoshiAaron


    I struggled to decide what I prefer. Instead I have decided to present you all today with the First Chapter of "A Study in Scarlett" Chapter I. Mr. Sherlock Holmes In the year 1878 I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, and proceeded to Netley to go through the...
  19. SatoshiAaron

    PerpHeads Fire in the booth

    Something in me actually believed this would be half decent... Little to say, but long story - short - I am fully disgusted. @Sorle @Pugga I especially expect better from you man
  20. SatoshiAaron

    RC Station able to repair tires

    Would prevent a lot of issues where people drive miles down the highway with no tires which personally does my head in despite doing it myself.
  21. SatoshiAaron

    La Raton Laveur Applications.

    -OOC Info- Steam profile name: aaron Age: 20 How active are you?: Fairly Active. Am getting back into it again. -IC Info- In game name: Aaron Satomura What cars do you have? Skyline R34
  22. SatoshiAaron

    Hicktown Skinheads

    This is some major deja vu where that photo is concerned. The only difference is that the dollars were pounds and there was more washing powder and ketchup on the table.
  23. SatoshiAaron

    Mass CDM Not as bad as massRDM?

    Everyone getting MassCDMed is really plesent. It is one of the funniest things that can happen. I even find it funny when I am a victim of MassCDM it is that great. Should we really be discouraging this sort of Noble behaviour?
  24. SatoshiAaron

    What made you stick around?

    I came on here from LifePunch Jailbreak back in 2013. I knew someone called Boden and he came on here with MrAaron to fuck around. We went round hitting people with bats and then we stopped playing after round 2 hours. I joined back around 2 months later and just messed around and tried figuring...
  25. SatoshiAaron

    Update Log - 18/12/2019

    Sorry about that :rolleyes: I did scan the list but I didn't catch onto that for some reason.
  26. SatoshiAaron

    Update Log - 18/12/2019

    Did the Dispatcher Seating get rectified?
  27. SatoshiAaron

    Dispatcher Chairs do not work

    Hi guys, Again, I can't login to GitHub so I am making a thread. The Dispatchers Chairs in the Jailer area does not function. Regards
  28. SatoshiAaron

    Wagwarn Lads

    @Kenty fair enough g, if you ever want some brown I can share also
  29. SatoshiAaron

    Wagwarn Lads

    dw boy, I don't live in Islington XD
  30. SatoshiAaron

    Wagwarn Lads

    Does she live on Finsbury Estate (Patrick Coman, Michael Cliff, Townsend?) I am automatically assuming it is St Johns Library.