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  1. Carrot

    Ban Dispute (Carrot)

    You were most definitely cheating. You can try appealing this ban with an apology in a few months.
  2. Carrot

    Server Suggestion Make reticle designer MUCH cheaper

    The crosshair system was intended to do 2 things: Provide a way for players to customize their reticles without having to edit game files. This also allows us to put some restrictions on what is allowed without having to moderate everyone's custom reticle textures. Add an additional money sink...
  3. Carrot

    Server Suggestion Give the luger mag an item description

    I swear I remember a commit by someone that fixed this but that might have been something similar. Anyway, it is fixed now and should go live some time soon when we update the server.
  4. Carrot

    Server Suggestion Buff XP Gain For Firefighters and Paramedics

    It already does this!
  5. Carrot

    Bug Report (using the Optic Modification Tool randomly equips another item)

    A fix for this should go live after we merge next. The inventory wheel would stay open if you continued to hold q and you could still interact with it and use items.
  6. Carrot

    Server Suggestion Scale custom crosshair size with screen res

    I had to figure out some annoying math to do this but I did manage to scale the crosshairs based on the distance to the sight. However, in order for this to work without larger crosshairs getting cut off on guns which are far away from the players view, the base size of crosshairs would have to...
  7. Carrot

    Server Suggestion Scale custom crosshair size with screen res

    They are the same size for every sight however different guns are different distances from your view which causes the reticle to appears smaller/larger depending on the gun (this has always been true). This could potentially be adjusted for but would take some work to do so.
  8. Carrot

    Ban Apology (Carrot)

    Your ban has expired so I will be closing this thread.
  9. Carrot


  10. Carrot

    Ban Apology (Carrot)

    I appreciate that you have taken the time to read over the rules more carefully but, given your previous ban for 3.4, I think you should wait out the remainder of your punishment. Your ban is only a week long which is quite lenient given you were recently banned for breaking 3.4.
  11. Carrot

    Ban Apology (Carrot)

    I have reduced your ban length. Please consider your actions more in the future.
  12. Carrot

    Using and Creating Custom Skins

    You just have to create the folder, it is not created automatically. If you need help you can ping me on discord.
  13. Carrot

    April Fool's

    The free spins were only for the melon. You won either Paper Towels, Light Bulb, Metal, Salt, or a Pumpkin with equal odds for each then the melon was a 1 in 1000 chance. You could still pay 8k for a normal spin.
  14. Carrot

    April Fool's

    A total of 35 melons were won and 5 players decided to eat theirs
  15. Carrot

    Using and Creating Custom Skins

    I added a video showing how to convert your old custom skins to the new system to the first spoiler.
  16. Carrot

    Using and Creating Custom Skins

    The server supports the ability to have custom materials located in GarrysMod/garrysmod/data/phcustomtextures applied to your first-person weapons. Previously it was allowed to use custom textures from a folder in the addons folder that overwrote the server’s workshop content. However, these...
  17. Carrot

    Weather what happened

  18. Carrot

    Weather what happened

    It was laggy also do you want to listen to this shit all the time
  19. Carrot


  20. Carrot

    Beat my time

    Timing is possibly off by a few frames (1-2 hundredths or so)
  21. Carrot

    Prime minister

  22. Carrot

    Server Suggestion Add a confirmation message for upgrading a vehicle

    Done, this should be live on next restart.
  23. Carrot

  24. Carrot

    Content Bug Report (tetris bug!)

  25. Carrot


    You just have to keep going until you hit it big!
  26. Carrot

    Queen Elizabeth II
