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  1. Carrot


    Please use the template:
  2. Carrot

    Ban Request

    Request Accepted
  3. Carrot

    Ban Request on Taurthos Arthellion & John Stelneck

    Request Accepted There was no reason to kill Mr. Casual in this situation. He was not towing the car and even if he was what do you benefit from forcing him to let it go? At most you would have saved $500 from not having to pay for him to release it but you would have surely gone to jail or...
  4. Carrot

    Ban/Warrning request on Jason Walker

    Request Accepted There was no need to run away and try to shoot Moher as he simply told you to leave the area and presented no real threat as he was not arresting you. I will not be banning you Villz as you could have easily seen what was happening and killed the cop for revenge but next time...
  5. Carrot

    Br on {PH} ThePro'sAssistant

    Request Accepted There was no reason to continue to punch Luca during this situation. The punching was fine in the beginning because he was not dropping his radio as he was instructed but after that it is just minging about. He was cooperating fully as far as I could tell in the demo so there...
  6. Carrot

    Ban Request Luke Person/Luke

    Request Denied First off realistically Luke would have just shot into the car as it is open-top and that would have been that but due to the way the game works he had to first shoot the car several times before he could shoot you. Secondly he appears to finish you and run off immediately after...
  7. Carrot

    Hyperlate & Dylan Smith

    Request Accepted First off I am not going to issue a ban for this only a warning. In the video you can hear the officer say that he is stopping you because they received a report of cars matching the description of those you were driving being involved in a mugging. However they should not have...
  8. Carrot

    Ban Request On Xhantium

    Request Denied While I am not going to be issuing a ban for this situation Xhantium you should not just jump out of your car and start shooting the officer right next to the City Hall and Police Department. If you were wanted for those crimes why add murder of a police officer to the charges...
  9. Carrot

    Ban Request Ros Davidson (more included)

    Request Denied As stated by about everyone else in this thread there are four people with guns so there is not much the drug dealer could do, it is a drug dealer so they are not going to call the police, and it is night so there would not have been many people in the area. The rule states that...
  10. Carrot

    Br on {PH} ThePro'sAssistant

    Please add the tick at which this incident occurred.
  11. Carrot

    The Political Compass - What are you?

  12. Carrot

    Forum Suggestion - Debate Section

    This would be absolutely terrible and just cause pointless arguments/flame wars constantly.
  13. Carrot

    UFO Sighted

  14. Carrot

    police dont cross tape

    Since this has come back up I guess saying this is relevant again. Stephen did mess around at some point and make this tool but in order to make it so that you simply cannot make tape going from the wall to the floor or other unrealistic placements there were restrictions put on how far the tape...
  15. Carrot

    Ban request

    I don't see anything hugely major in this. Yes, they did run the red light but they seem to have done so when they saw you pulling up near them so they could have done something and worried they were going to be arrested and had a valid reason to do. Yes, they did take several decent impacts in...
  16. Carrot

    Ban request

    User has been banned for 3 days.
  17. Carrot

    Ban request

    User has been given a warning for this and will be spoken to ingame about the incident. From the video it seems to me that he was not trying to kill any of the police (he did not point the gun at you until he was being shot at). But no matter what he was doing if he was not trying to kill the...
  18. Carrot

    Robin Jansen Ban Request

    If you didn't want to push him off why push him when he is at the absolute edge of the bridge? Even though you apologized you still attempted to do it several times. If you "just wanted to scare him a little" why would you persistently do it? On top of all of this is the fact that even if you...
  19. Carrot

    Ban request Bloddyharry

    User has been spoken to about the use of headglitch barricades and has said he will not use them from now on and a warning has given for this offence.
  20. Carrot

    Ban Request on [PH] Ranlu911GT3 // Ran Luka

    Well Ran you very much should not have just shot him thought the window as there was no reason to do so when he was standing there very much unarmed as far as you could tell. You also clearly had the drop on him so you could have simply told him to get on the ground. It is known that you cannot...
  21. Carrot

    Help us break PH

    Join the "Public" event channel on the teamspeak for this test.
  22. Carrot

    Ban request - Diego, and Matinio.

    I have decided to accept this ban request. If you wish to dispute it please upload a demo of the incident in a ban appeal. If this demo shows sufficient evidence that you had a valid reason to kill Blackdown in the first place then it will be accepted and you unbanned.
  23. Carrot

    my melone

    I r hi
  24. Carrot

    my melone

    Me thinks
  25. Carrot

    Storage/Shop Menu Rework

    @Bamarin [IT] - Comment character limit was too short for this The problem with making each item shorter is that then the image of the item would get smaller and less distinguishable. I find that having something that you can tell what it is at a glance visually rather than having to read...
  26. Carrot

    Storage/Shop Menu Rework

    Topic: Storage/Shop Menu Rework Short explanation (in notes): - New storage and shop menu design - Able to input specific amount of item to buy/take/store - Able to search items and sort by category Detailed description (why should it become added/...): The storage menu would display as it...
  27. Carrot

    Ban request

    Just my opinion on this, you should probably upload a demo of the incident instead of a youtube clip considering that this only shows a limited view of the situation. The video does not show anyone else other than you having a weapon drawn. If you did have 3 friends with you who also were...
  28. Carrot


  29. Carrot

    [SOLVED] No way to check the other pages

    There are 18 posts in the guide section, not 18 pages.