Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] Prepper / Bob Nixon

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dolan / Willy Doman
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57156232

Reason: The driver of the vehicle, Willy Doman, violated a traffic law (server rule) as he ran a red light in the intersection:

I manage to catch up with him and effectively pursuit him. I rammed the vehicle multiple times with my police cruiser throughout the chase. Despite that he ignores the damage which was caused to the vehicle:

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Andoyan / Andii Millheimer
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:36783994

Reason: Andii Millheimer was one of the 3 passengers and once both vehicles were wrecked he ran off while held at direct gunpoint. He also laughed multiple times throughout the entire chase (both in IC chat and/or microphone) which is highly unrealistic and inappropriate to the general RP atmosphere.


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I only laughed once. I did not even have my microphone activated so i dont know what you are talking about or what you want with this ban request. And second of all i never heard or saw you pointing a gun at me until i ran into the bushes
I dont understand why you have to cry and make a banrequest for a something that I dident know,
I have played on prep for a long tima and I have been rammed by cops and when they talked to me thay dident say anything about 3.20. I mean why not just talk and say that this is a agenst the rules and so that I know so I dont do the same thing again.
I think this is a over reaction. I do care about roleplay and I just started playing again.
But I just want to say that I made a misstake and is wont happend again.
If we gonna be realistic with car damage ( just a tought by me ) you your self drove in to the mounten and rammed me, drove in to a tree, drove in to the other cop car and you drove in to the high way wall.
I mean is that really that realistic to ?
Im not trying to blame you for being unrealistic but im just saying.

And in our RP reason for laughing was that we drove high on drugs.

( sorry for my bad spelling im not the best ... )
I only laughed once. I did not even have my microphone activated so i dont know what you are talking about or what you want with this ban request. And second of all i never heard or saw you pointing a gun at me until i ran into the bushes

I kept shouting: "Get on the ground. You're held at direct gunpoint" etc. which can be seen in the video. (The white microphone symbol appears) - You were within range of my voice.
I dont understand why you have to cry and make a banrequest for a something that I dident know,
I have played on prep for a long tima and I have been rammed by cops and when they talked to me thay dident say anything about 3.20. I mean why not just talk and say that this is a agenst the rules and so that I know so I dont do the same thing again.
I think this is a over reaction. I do care about roleplay and I just started playing again.
But I just want to say that I made a misstake and is wont happend again.

I'm sorry to say this but it's your responsibility to know the rules. Once you joined the server for the first time you had to "Accept" that you have read the rules. Therefore it's not my responsibility - it's yours. I definitely don't see this ban request as an over exaggeration (and no I'm not "crying"). You both got caught in the act of violating multiple server rules.

I suggest that we don't discuss whether or not you violated the rules. Let's leave it to the staff in matter to avoid any misunderstandings since you've already given me your version(s) of the situation.

After watching the video, it is clear that the vehicle damage wasn't taken into consideration, there is also evidence that he did break 3.22 by not stopping at the intersection, as for Andii it is clear that he saw the gun there for he did put his life at risk, 3.4.

He clearly broke 3.22 by ignoring the red traffic light at the intersection and 3.20 by completly ignoring the vehicle damage, in real life he would be injured and he wouldn't be able to drive his car anymore no sign of RolePlay at all from his side of this situation. So there for im going to +Support this.
A few things too point out, first of all I would like to point out that while sprinting your gun is not shown as being in attack stance and I am fairly sure that the point Andii stops is as soon as he realizes that he is under direct gun point. The second thing I would like to point out is that laughing is not against the rules and at the end of the day whilst we all realize this is serious RP it is a game and people do play to have fun so this can't really be held against Andii. Finally whilst it is plausible that the user broke 3.22 there is no real evidence provided to show that he did not have a reason to run the red light and you know innocent until proven guilty and all that. In addition to this I would like to point out that you yourself had crashes throughout the chase just as hard as the user that you claim broke 3.20 without taking them into account, however as a player of the game myself i realize this is a harder rule to follow in the heat of the moment so this can really be forgiven in 99% of situations. My personal opinion is that the situation was completely resolved in RP and there is no real reason for this however it is not my BR week so the final say does not come down to me.
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Detective shaun on the case
This video is slowed down the light was red
1. You're running in an area densely covered in corn, it's hard to see anything (When running weapons are held by your hip, hard to see)
2. As you see in the video, the light was amber as they drove through it which is fine by me.
3. 3.20 is debatable, I would leave it out though, as you were smashing your car into everything and anything, both can be held accountable.
Detective shaun on the case
This video is slowed down the light was red
The thing is, as the driver set off to journey through the intersection, the light was AMBER, it changed when they were in a postion/going a speed to not stop or see it. (Comment function broken)
A few things too point out, first of all I would like to point out that while sprinting your gun is not shown as being in attack stance and I am fairly sure that the point Andii stops is as soon as he realizes that he is under direct gun point. The second thing I would like to point out is that laughing is not against the rules and at the end of the day whilst we all realize this is serious RP it is a game and people do play to have fun so this can't really be held against Andii. Finally whilst it is plausible that the user broke 3.22 there is no real evidence provided to show that he did not have a reason to run the red light and you know innocent until proven guilty and all that. In addition to this I would like to point out that you yourself had crashes throughout the chase just as hard as the user that you claim broke 3.20 without taking them into account, however as a player of the game myself i realize this is a harder rule to follow in the heat of the moment so this can really be forgiven in 99% of situations. My personal opinion is that the situation was completely resolved in RP and there is no real reason for this however it is not my BR week so the final say does not come down to me.

I'm completely aware of the fact that it's a game and people are supposed to have fun. I don't find it fun nor enjoyable to play the gamemode when people violate the server rules. I consider it highly unrealistic to laugh while getting rammed by a police cruiser as your life is at an immediate risk. Based on their reaction I don't see any reasonable reason apart from baiting/boredom.

They definitely violated the server rules somehow. It was clear that the damage caused to the vehicle was severe - no doubt about that. We were unable to resolve the entire RP situation IC'ly due to the server restart. I perceived the entire situation as an attempt to have a good laugh or generally causing troubles. If you doubt whether or not he never saw the service pistol in my hands I think you should ask to see the situation from his perspective (demo).

I'd say regardless of the color of the traffic lights he still violated a traffic law by overtaking the vehicle which was awaiting green light to appear. He therefore managed to draw attention by law enforcement either intentionally or unintentionally.

I'd bet that if an admin/moderator had seen the pursuit they would have manually disable the vehicle(s).

I know that Garry's mod isn't real life and it'll never be. It's a gamemode which aims to emulate real life and therefore we have rules such as 3.22.

To prove my point about the vehicle damage here's a video. It shows how damaged the vehicle would be and how injured the people inside would be:

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They ran a red light at the start of the video (3.22 was broken), also Prepper T-boned him on the highway and he ignored 3.20 that T-bone in a real life sense would of stop their car completely, it probably would of killed the passenger. Also at the end of the day they only broke a traffic law, so what was the need to do a U-turn on highway, this could of killed him or another civilian. When Prepper held them at gun point and told them to stop they totally ignored it even tho they could of been shot at. They were also rammed in the farm with another heavy hit and they also ignored that completely
1. You're running in an area densely covered in corn, it's hard to see anything (When running weapons are held by your hip, hard to see)
2. As you see in the video, the light was amber as they drove through it which is fine by me.
3. 3.20 is debatable, I would leave it out though, as you were smashing your car into everything and anything, both can be held accountable.
I dont understand why you have to cry and make a banrequest for a something that I dident know,
I have played on prep for a long tima and I have been rammed by cops and when they talked to me thay dident say anything about 3.20. I mean why not just talk and say that this is a agenst the rules and so that I know so I dont do the same thing again.
I think this is a over reaction. I do care about roleplay and I just started playing again.
But I just want to say that I made a misstake and is wont happend again.

3.20 is a rule about police chases and damage being taken into consideration in a chase, just because Prepper crashed there's no real rule saying that he should stop and take the damage into consideration. Driving in GMOD which isn't a game made for driving it is quite hard to do so, if we all had to take damage into consideration for every little crash, the game wouldn't be fun.
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Obvious 3.4 and 3.22 as 3.20 is hard to follow but Prepper had them under gunpoint as soon as they got out the car, on another note, why did they overtake at a red light, @Fexxe gave me a warning for the same thing.
I don't see anything hugely major in this. Yes, they did run the red light but they seem to have done so when they saw you pulling up near them so they could have done something and worried they were going to be arrested and had a valid reason to do. Yes, they did take several decent impacts in the chase but I don't see this as anything major because if they were simply being chased for running the red light then ramming them is not necessary as it could have majorly injured the passengers of the vehicle which posed no threat to the officers life. When Andi was running away there were several suspects and you were the only officer pointing a gun at them so him running off in the first place I do not see as that big of a deal and he did stop soon after when he realized he had a gun pointed at him at close range. Because the only real thing another demo would solve is if they had a valid reason to run the light I do not see a reason to have them upload theirs as it would be quite a lot to go through for a somewhat minor offence.
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