Br on {PH} ThePro'sAssistant

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Texas United States

Your Steam/In-game Name: Cole / Cole Rogerson

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: {PH} ThePro'sAssistant / [unkown]

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76405499

Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk & 3.3 Realistic Actions by punching me to death just for calling in an " Code pruple" via radio.

Evidence (Demo Required):!IdU2DDaT!ZOdI6uYc4hN8j_8-W7AX9hCf0hYl3wvbmRmY7tYgpzw

Tick: Starts at: 23500. .
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This was already sorted in an admin situation and you have began taking it further when it wasn't needed, we didnt know how injured you was and i hit you once to show our dominance to you but it turned out someone had attacked you before hand therefore stop making it sound like i brutally beat you down like a caveman. thanks
[DOUBLEPOST=1428422465,1428422226][/DOUBLEPOST]well he did clearly aswell so..... kinda dropped himself in it
So is this ban worthy or am I fine to carry on playing because I'd just like to know just in case I start growing at some point and I get banned half way through the process which will end up aggravating me a little. reply asap please and thanks for the staff's co-operation into the investigation to this incident.
Request Accepted

There was no reason to continue to punch Luca during this situation. The punching was fine in the beginning because he was not dropping his radio as he was instructed but after that it is just minging about. He was cooperating fully as far as I could tell in the demo so there was no reason to kill him other than to get rid of him to prevent anything being traced back to the group but this was clearly not your reason for punching him as Matt Grand had not finished dealing with him and you randomly punched him one or two times at a time during the situation.
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