Search results

  1. Laladin

    AR against Deckard Shaw

    Why should i stop? It's the same AR as everyone else. It's to be fair. If i want the Permanent why don't you give me it since there is no problems for the staff team to do it?
  2. Laladin

    AR against Deckard Shaw

    Your Steam/In-game Name: T.S.S | Experimental / Deckard Shaw His/Her Steam/In-game Name: T.S.S | Experimental / Deckard Shaw His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59108437 Why Should This Player Be Punished: I got 1 week ban when requesting a permanent one. Evidence (Demo Required): None Tick: None Do not...
  3. Laladin

    AR Against Deckard Shaw

    Your Steam/In-game Name: T.S.S | Experimental / Deckard Shaw His/Her Steam/In-game Name: T.S.S | Experimental / Deckard Shaw His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59108437 Why Should This Player Be Punished: I got 1 week ban when requesting a permanent one. Evidence (Demo Required): None Tick: None
  4. Laladin

    01-10-2015 Update log

    This update is just working perfectly. Now easier to manage with the storage :)
  5. Laladin

    Parking Brake, Vehicles

    Well, Read the suggestion again. This is when the vehicle is off. Not when its on?
  6. Laladin

    Parking Brake, Vehicles

    You don't hold your handbrake while exiting the car IRL. You just set it and leaves the vehicle. Thats the point of this Suggestion. That when the vehicle is off you simply has to press it once to activate the Parking brake and press it again to deactivate
  7. Laladin

    Parking Brake, Vehicles

    Yeah, but the thing you don't get is when you enter the car the handbrake turns off automaticly. Thats what i want to get prevented. And it does even make it easier to only press space once?
  8. Laladin

    Parking Brake, Vehicles

    Parking Brake Short explanation: -Easier way to use the Handbrake when parking downhill/uphill -Even More realistic parking -Press "Spacebar" to Activate Detailed description: I think this is an easier way to park. If you're parking up stressed you don't care of doing holding the "Spacebar"...
  9. Laladin

    Law 9.4 Change - Allow Police to use the side of the road

    Since we won't be making the sirens and lights to drag power from the battery we atleast can do it impossible to put on lights and sirens while car is off. More of the power/Ignition should cut it off. Great Idea Tyla! Supporting this project!
  10. Laladin

    Police late night banter ...

    It's even called Quality time...
  11. Laladin


    He is good at planning gangfights 5v1 with Officer Sticks... Otherwise He is using his mind :)
  12. Laladin

    The Armenian Mafia Applications

    OOC Information Steam name: Laladin Jenkins Age: 18 Country: Sweden Are you active enough?: Yes. How long have you been on the server? 2 Weeks, Joined about 2 weeks ago again IC Information In-Game name: Dennis Ahola Age: 18 Any extra cars beside of the demanded one: BMW M5 E34 Are you VIP...
  13. Laladin


    What if you guys who are such negative get into the real life. This game doesn't rule the reality, It's not even close to reality. I've never meet you IC but I'd like to say bye since you might been a big part of the community. Good luck in future!
  14. Laladin

    The Avito - Applications

    In-Game name: Dennis Ahola Age(OOC): 18 Playtime: 2 weeks How will you be a good asset to the Organisation?: Driving skills, create weapons & kinda funny person Why do you want to join the Organisation?: I've just came back after a break, now i got no organisation and i felt like. Why not join...
  15. Laladin

    [PLPD TRAINING] Suppressing a Disturbance

    I was one of the people who attended to this. Must say, It was quite a great training. Hope more people are attending to this later on as there is only a few using this method.
  16. Laladin

    Laws which are not really known

    This is a great way to remind people of these laws, because those are really useful when it comes to an emergency. Sometimes people even blocking the cops/EMS way to the scene :( This is really appreciated!
  17. Laladin

    Updating vehicles

    Fix Body kit for Volvo 242 :)
  18. Laladin

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Your Steam Name: Laladin Jenkins™ Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59108437 Your Roleplay Name: Stephen Zchmetterling Buying Price (In-game money): 80k Length of premium (30 days, 90 days or 180 days): 30 days Still Buying: Yes
  19. Laladin

    The Belinsky Family Applications (Open)

    OOC Name: Laladin Jenkins™ IC Name: Stephen Zchmetterling IC Age: 23 y/o Country: Sweden What are your best abilities: Assassination, Cold Blooded & Driving Vechicle(s): BMW M5 E60 (White) Firearms: Got every firearm except the sniper rifles Previous Organisation or Relations: The Hitman Crew...
  20. Laladin

    Jail time guide (Cops only).

    Good job. This is a great guide to new people on the server joining to police force.
  21. Laladin

    Returning, Oh no! New map!

    The new map is quite nice. There is more like a city than before when there was too much open space at some places.
  22. Laladin

    Nate Sparks ban request

    I recommend you to make a youtube video to make it easyer to see.
  23. Laladin

    Electroshock weapon

    Nice Idea! I really like It and i agree with Leyer that It may cause alot of problems. Ill give it +Support
  24. Laladin

    Allow SWAT to watch the television

    The Police department Isn't really 3.9 "Public Area" So you would be able to place TV/Radio when you're working as an officer & Higher grade. The rule might get changed but Ill give it a +Support I believe since people are not allowed to walk through the gates at the PD and the parking lot...
  25. Laladin

    Realistic Cars Prices

    If you lower the car prices you will have to lower the salary also. The car prices and the Salary is pretty unrealistic. I will have to give it a -Support
  26. Laladin


    - Support - Agree with Blackdown, I believe this would be a big step but in future It would be usefull.
  27. Laladin

    Hat Tipper

    -Support -Reasons Alredy listed!
  28. Laladin


    Everyone has done It, so why should'nt I? 100% Swedish #YOLO A friend took this picture of me... Known in-game as: Dennis Ahola & Stephen Zchmetterling Steam-Name: Laladin Jenkinsâ„¢
  29. Laladin

    So many whiners...

    The Big problem is no one is even following them... And Admins don't enforce that rule...
  30. Laladin

    So many whiners...

    I totally agree. This is a major problem on the server now on. The Admins is trying to work it out and yeah. We have to make the best of the situations, but i think we really need to solve this by putting up new rules against yelling out of character like "OMG IM CALLING AN ADMIN"... This is...