Laws which are not really known

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9.7 Emergency Vehicles
When any emergency vehicle with its emergency flashing lights and/or sirens active is approaching, drivers are expected to pull-over to the side of the road and stop their vehicle as quickly, and as safely as possible to allow the vehicle(s) to pass, regardless of the direction in which the emergency vehicle is traveling.
In the event that a law-enforcement vehicle has stopped behind a driver’s vehicle, at the side of the road, drivers are expected to turn-off their vehicle’s engine, unlock their door(s), open the driver’s-side window, remain stationary within their vehicle and wait for further instructions from law-enforcement personnel.

9.8 Accidents
In the event of a vehicle-related accident, the driver(s) should generally contact emergency services and inform them of the situation; leaving the scene of an accident that hasn’t been appropriately processed by law-enforcement personnel is a criminal offence.

Many citizens first don't know, that you HAVE TO pull over on the side of the road if you see activated emergency lights behind you. I was some time a paramedic, I got an respond. Started my vehicle, activated the ELS and began driving, but no one were pulling over. The victim died because of that (0% real story, but can happen).

Really often seen with police cars. Accidents. Police Officers just ignore their care damage and drive along. When I crash into police cars (as police officer) accidently, I stop my car and but the indicators on. Police officer ignores me and drives along.

Thanks for reading this thread and watch out (as government worker) if you do an accident.
Good to see you understand the laws! Hopefully this will allow some newer players to understand some of the Key Crucial Laws as they are not often obeyed aha :)
This is a great way to remind people of these laws, because those are really useful when it comes to an emergency. Sometimes people even blocking the cops/EMS way to the scene :(

This is really appreciated!
6.3 Display
Firearms for the use by an individual may only be openly carried when the owner is on Private Property which is not in a Public Setting. Carrying a firearm that is concealed on one's person is legal when it is being carried on Private Property. However firearms that are labeled as ‘for sale’ in a property that is considered by the XQ Bank as a ‘Shop’ are exempt from this law.

People think that carrying a AK-47 on their back o their property is legal.

11.2 Issuing of Search Warrants

Search warrants may only be issued under certain circumstances, and can only be issued for Private Property that is inhabited. A Search Warrant is typically necessary when it is believed that a crime has been committed or is in the process of being committed within Private Property - please see section 11.5 for whether or not a Search Warrant is required.
Typically, if a Search Warrant is believed to be necessary because of suspicious behaviour, LEOs should first ask the occupant(s) of the property for access to the property to conduct a search - in this case, LEOs must thoroughly explain the process and extent of the search procedure.
If a Search Warrant is required, LEOs must have observed some or all of the following examples of suspicious behaviour: refusal to allow LEOs to enter and thoroughly search the property, barricaded windows and/or entrances, regular instances where people enter the property who have not been there before and who do not go there again, and/or regular instances where the number of occupants within the building exceed the number of bedrooms multiplied by 3.
With regards to Private Property that is uninhabited, a Search Warrant is not required, but LEOs may only search the property if it is believed that a criminal is currently within the property, has entered the property recently, and/or the property contains illegal items/substances, and/or items/substances which are believed to be related to a crime.
At any time, LEOs may search properties owned and controlled by the government, if it is believed that a criminal is currently within the property, has entered the property recently, and/or the property contains illegal items/substances, and/or items/substances which are believed to be related to a crime.

Basicly everything from this law.

11.11 Right to Use Firearms

LEOs may only use their firearms when a suspect(s) is posing a direct threat to any other member of the public and/or is believed to be intent on harming any other such person(s) (appropriate evidence, as defined under section 10.3, must have been obtained when acting on such a belief).

Almost everyone will shoot you down for running away/escaping
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11.7 Right to Restrain

If a member of the public interferes within an investigation and/or enters a restricted area, they may be restrained until such a time where it is no longer deemed necessary. LEOs may also restrain members of the public during a search of that person, or during a search of Private Property if they believe that they may present a threat to themselves, other members of the public, or LEOs.

People often forget that anywhere near a crime scene, LEO's have the rights to stop you and restrain you for your own safety. Most civilians forget this and just start saying "This is unlawful Detainment".
Yeah, sometimes I feel like I am the only one who obeys Law 9.7.
For players who do not know where to see the law when not in-game there is a link here
It is useful for people such as myself who studied the Paralake Law before applying for supervisor.
9.1 - Speeding
Drivers are expected to adhere to any and all city speed limits; the speed limits that drivers should adhere to are those posted along the sides of the roads and should be adhered to prior to the front of the vehicle passing the road sign.
Maybe it is just a few people who really follow this law.For me I am going to go 120+ no matter if it is a 50 zone