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  1. Weazel


    i'd pick none thank you. cant let them get my gamer swet
  2. Weazel


    you act like a smart man also
  3. Weazel


    Your Steam/In-game Name: weazel His/Her Steam/In-game Name: douglas His/Her Steam ID: ??? Why Should This Player Be Punished: Goes on duty just to free his friend from jail. He and Brinch started a hostage situation at slums and 1 died and 1 got revived. The one that got revived DC'd. He said...
  4. Weazel

    Ask me some questions about being in the army

    is this an alternative to becoming homeless
  5. Weazel


  6. Weazel

    What pushes a man to his limits?: A phylosophical view on massRDM.

    life is a one time offer, use it well
  7. Weazel

    can't join server

    @Fredy @Madda @Collier how u doin
  8. Weazel


    thats a shitty massrdm
  9. Weazel

    rr here u go u most promising best moderator best administrator most popular and best staff member of the year (2k16 2k18 and 2k19)
  10. Weazel

    taxation is theft

    overheid neukt ons de moeder
  11. Weazel


    we lost rapper conyo
  12. Weazel

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    coronavirus isn't real. they are fooling you. This is obviously fake propaganda trying to make us look foolish.
  13. Weazel

    PERPHEADS Rust Server

    how do u get raided on 2nd day
  14. Weazel

    PERPHEADS Rust Server

    shit map tyla am angery
  15. Weazel

    Rivals in General

    sorry im cop main cant relate haha
  16. Weazel

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    sad news u can only get really sick from it once guys D:
  17. Weazel

    AR on Synatec

    I'm not involved i am just posting for synatec
  18. Weazel

    AR on Synatec

    you obviously did an act and it looked exactly like a panic animation, you even show us you did an act... cant you clearly see its just a misunderstanding posted for victim
  19. Weazel

    Police Deputy Chief Of Department and Current Affairs

    ahh yes tyla for CoD
  20. Weazel

    u look thick in ur pfp

    u look thick in ur pfp
  21. Weazel

    Best hostage situation 2020

    best hostage situation?
  22. Weazel

    PD Corruption?

    stop typing so much like fr fr
  23. Weazel

    hi lois

    hi lois
  24. Weazel

    Equipping Secondaries and Melees [Same Time]

    if this was super realistic me and the boy would hold 3 ppk in the same pocket
  25. Weazel

    My recommendation for Sorle

    So I was playing perp today and I had to give this recommendation to Sorle. There was this situation going on at the Slums about jay hatch being a high IQ individual and he handled it very realistically. He honestly showed a great example of how to roleplay. Including a lot of extra details...
  26. Weazel

    Org wars

    @exrobitten wanna do new org wars?
  27. Weazel


  28. Weazel

    tell me your favorite vehicle and I'll decide if you're worthy enough to be let through temporary road works

    because im very depressed and i want to get attention from people