Search results

  1. Double J

    Action Request (sajib somthing and the 2 other)

    A reason for this being denied is partly due to you seeing @FARSTAD behind your vehicle and still deciding to reverse into him. If you had just waited or called the police to get them to move then none of this would have occurred. You instigated the whole situation on yourself. Reviewed with...
  2. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    I appreciate the apology but you lost my trust the moment you meta gamed days after I unbanned you. You can wait the rest of the ban out, If I catch you doing it again once you are back then I will instate a very lengthy ban. Reviewed with @MiniRaze
  3. Double J


  4. Double J

    Server Suggestion City Worker job

    Could sort of work in turn with @Sam idea with the mayor budget
  5. Double J

    Police Suggestion Senior Officer Equipment Improvement

    Ahem, Let me present you this, There are many positions that open up when you are a Senior Officer for you to apply for, There is quite a bit of motivation. If your motivation is to just have a new firearm and that's it, then I think you need to be thinking about something else.
  6. Double J

    My "best" PD action part 3

    I'm on the same skill level as him?? I think I just passed out. ---- Automatically Merged Double Post ---- I'm on the same skill level as him?? I think I just passed out.
  7. Double J

    How to get VIP for free.

    2-3 Weeks of using it with content gain turned on has earned me about £10.
  8. Double J

    Warning Apology (collier)

    You can't apologise for warnings in hopes for it to be removed. Next time make a report and ask if it is alright to go.
  9. Double J

    The Tricycle

    For clarification, I was not aware this is how it acts when spiked now. There hasn't been any public update log about the tricycle and so this is new news to me and most likely many others.
  10. Double J

    The Tricycle

    No, it can not. It still crashes the server. As some have said, simple solution was to not give it out anyways.
  11. Double J

    Ban Apology (Dubble J)

    Your record is horrendous, especially for a player who still has the 'New Player' Tag. You spent more time banned than you did playing on the server. You're issued bans and such and keep failing to learn. We tell you consistently what is and isn't allowed when you're reported yet when you come...
  12. Double J

    Ban Apology (Dobble J)

    I appreciate the apology but your record is terrible. You're somewhat lucky I decided against issuing a longer ban for your actions. Next time myself or any other staff see you break rules again, you can expect to not be returning for some time.
  13. Double J

    Ban Dispute (Pug)

    Your Excuse to come back because you wanted to molotov the bodies yet already far away from the area. By the time you left to coming back the medic and police would already have gotten DNA. Killing them just left more DNA behind. 3.4 Will also be added to your ban reason. Reviewed with @A1L ...
  14. Double J

    Your teeth are offside, your teeth are offside, Kian Wolf, your teeth are offside

    Your teeth are offside, your teeth are offside, Kian Wolf, your teeth are offside
  15. Double J

    Warning Dispute (Mini)

    Your friend reported you for killing him. Regardless, there weren't any shots occurring near the area in your video, You sat outside for minutes without shots occurring and then shot someone who arrived at the door. Next time, don't jump the gun and you won't be warned. Reviewed with @Pugga...
  16. Double J

    Warning Dispute (Mini)

    Who are you saying lied in the F6? The staff member or the person reporting?
  17. Double J

    You did, apparently!

    You did, apparently!
  18. Double J

    Drug overhaul

    You and @Murtsley are our resident legal counsel. The legal department just recruited you both.
  19. Double J

    How many times did you say that last time?! If you truly are reformed, what do you think about...

    How many times did you say that last time?! If you truly are reformed, what do you think about @Tinky? BE TRUTHFUL!
  20. Double J

    I can't join, says map not found

    Thread makers issue has been solved by @flugs, surprisingly... Moved to support and solution marked. Any issues again, please make another thread.
  21. Double J

    What has happened, you're not being toxic. I'm worried. @blackdown help me here.

    What has happened, you're not being toxic. I'm worried. @blackdown help me here.
  22. Double J

    I can't join, says map not found

    Hey there! In case you still need to keep other addons from other servers where it conflicts with perp content, follow this guide: This will allow you to keep other addons but not worry about having them conflict. Simple fix to do...
  23. Double J

    I approve this message!

    I approve this message!
  24. Double J

    [IMG] [IMG] I guess 2021>2022 served you @Acerius and @Hayden well?

    I guess 2021>2022 served you @Acerius and @Hayden well?
  25. Double J


    Just as Tyla said, future ones won't be considered as you're not taking it seriously. Which is very apparent as you haven't even tried to properly apologise
  26. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    You've been banned 10 times in 3 months. I feel as though you need to wait this one out.
  27. Double J

    [IMG] Found him!

    Found him!
  28. Double J

    Ban Dispute (Enforcer Mini)

    You've tried apologising today not even 12 hours ago. This means that the staff member isn't going go accept your apology on the same day. You apologised and then made a dispute which indicates you accept your actions.
  29. Double J

    Ban Apology (Festive Double J)

    I know its Christmas and, usually, I'd accept apologies around this time but I'm making an exception here. You said it yourself, you metagamed 3 days after being unbanned. I trusted you enough to unban you the first time so I hope you understand how I don't have any trust in you at this moment...
  30. Double J

    Ban Apology (?)

    Player is already unbanned from the Discord.