The Tricycle

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With more and more people gaining access to a new 'type' of vehicle, namely the tricycle, and considering we need to expect that it will be released to the markets of the car dealer at some point, to avoid unclarity in regards to enforcing traffic laws etc. on these things, we need to hold a clear line on what we allow with it to be done.

I will name two of them;
Will we allow the tricycle to be driven out on the highway?
The Tricycle according to one source drives max. 23 MP/H and also in itself poses a big threat to drivers and passengers in case of collisions (12.12). Will we allow that vehicle to be driven there?
If not, how will citizens be able to move the vehicle from one area of the city to another?

Will we allow it to be driven in the bazaar area?
Considering it would be one vehicle that could be placed in the bazaar area more easily, will we allow it to be driven there, with the danger of accidents between tricycle-operators and people on foot?

Or will we just treat it like a regular vehicle on the road and only involve ourselves when someone is actively endangering other people's lives while operating the tricycle?

I'm interested in your thoughts.
you can't even spikestrip them wth is this pay to win gamemode man

The vehicle definition needs to be updated within the laws to include motorized vehicles (ICE and/or Electric Motor). The pedal bike isn't motorized by any logic, only by a human using their feet. Vehicles that do not fall under this terminology should not be allowed on public roads.

As of right now with the current laws I even believe they shouldn't be allowed on highways. They sperg out on the smallest hit.
Tricycles shouldn't be allowed on the highway, they're slow, the hitbox is weird and they bug out easily.
This could have been avoided by not giving them out to begin with.

It has a plate and by law it is a vehicle so yes its a vehicle and all applicable vehicle laws apply to it.
This could have been avoided by not giving them out to begin with.

It has a plate and by law it is a vehicle so yes its a vehicle and all applicable vehicle laws apply to it.
please leave this thread to RTU command and deal with your section. your knowledge of traffic laws seems inadequate.
Deshawn Tyson
I won the tricycle as a result of an exceedingly rare chance of it appearing on the wheel. After this, the tricycle was given out to a few select staff members as a result of their efforts within the staff team. I believe there are no plans to release the tricycle to be purchasable.

Even though it is somewhat unrealistic, I think it's relatively fine that the tricycle is allowed on the highway, it only goes 10mph slower than the mini cooper and while the steering is a little erratic it can easily be controlled as long as the driver isn't stupid about it and if they are then it is still liable to be impounded, if however a person is driving a tricycle down the street or the highway perfectly reasonably and is still hit then it's the person that hits them's fault for not paying enough attention.

As for the issue of not being able to spike the tricycle; while yes it has very little reaction to being spiked and ideally this could be fixed, really it shouldn't matter. The tricycle is clearly not intended to be used in any serious capacity within the server, and if the very few people who have been granted the tricycle decide to abuse it to get into police chases etc or give it to people that can't be trusted who do the same, then it should be brought into question whether they deserve to keep it.

Just to clarify; @Double J is incorrect. the tricycle is perfectly safe to be spiked now but spiking it has very little effect on how it handles.
Just to clarify; @Double J is incorrect. the tricycle is perfectly safe to be spiked now but spiking it has very little effect on how it handles.
For clarification, I was not aware this is how it acts when spiked now. There hasn't been any public update log about the tricycle and so this is new news to me and most likely many others.
How come the biggest minge the server has ever seen (me) hasn't even got himself a tricycle?!
This could have been avoided by not giving them out to begin with.

It has a plate and by law it is a vehicle so yes its a vehicle and all applicable vehicle laws apply to it.
True, however, that also means that 12.12 can be applied to them as well, which in turn means, we need to discuss if driving a tricycle on the highway is reckless or not.
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