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  1. [STG]NissanMikli

    My return to the community

    Welcome back!
  2. [STG]NissanMikli

    Decrease the car speed difference.

    What you guys are describing as Tuning options are A'LOT of work and I mean a Shit load. However, increasing the vehicle speed may not be such a bad idea. I get why its done like that. Garry's Mod maps are not as massive as they seem, but this may seem like a good idea to get more balance on the...
  3. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on Tadgee

    Well, I think you had plenty of chances to store it and wait for the incident to be dealt with And the whole thing could have been avoided. However, it is not up to me and if I'm wrong I'm wrong. Let's leave that up to the staff team.
  4. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on Tadgee

    But you had every chance to go and store it. I told you multiple times to leave the scene yet you stayed. Also having coke on you is max 3 years. Not enough to cause a major shoot out.
  5. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on Tadgee

    Your Steam/In-game Name: NissanMikli | Nissan Mohammad His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tadgee | Tadgee Rankins His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57582090 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke rule 3.4 I placed him in restraints because I saw him next to the mayor's body. He decided to flee with a...
  6. [STG]NissanMikli

    ETS PERPHeads Convoy

    I agree with you. Lets do this shiet
  7. [STG]NissanMikli

    ETS PERPHeads Convoy

    ETS without DLC's is boring tho. I'm in.
  8. [STG]NissanMikli

    La Camorrá - Applications

    -OOC Info- Steam name: NissanMikli Age: 20 Playtime: 1 month 14 days and 14 hours. How active are you?: Pretty active. Normally around 5 hours a day. -IC Info- In game name: Nissan Mohammad What cars do you have?: Lamborghini Reventon Roadster and Ford Transfit Previous organisations...
  9. [STG]NissanMikli

    [Discussion] Enforcing 2.9

    I fully stand by this! So many times I have seen players give out misleading information. For a new player, they can take it seriously. Perp is a very confusing game mode if you have never played it before. It takes a while to learn and is very complicated compared to dark RP. I hope something...
  10. [STG]NissanMikli

    Identity RPG game

    Been waiting for this game for 2 years now. Slowly losing my patience, but I shall have hope for another decade or so!
  11. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on Gorbit Johnsson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Nissan Mohammad His/Her Steam/In-game Name: NordLandeR /Gorbit Johnsson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9282627 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He broke rule 2.5 and 3.4 and he also lied in the admin sit. He asked me for an SS slot. I denied him a slot because he told me...
  12. [STG]NissanMikli

    Changes to Senior Administration

    Well deserved! Congratz!
  13. [STG]NissanMikli

    How to be the roadcrew

    Very well done man. From now on if anyone asks me how they do the RC job I will simply give them a link to this.
  14. [STG]NissanMikli


    Garry's Mod Stranded was the very first game mode i ever played and i loved it. I would love for someone to remake it or remaster it. Don't have any great ideas at the moment but i wish you good luck. @Creepis Battle royal has already been made by a community. But i don't know if the server is...
  15. [STG]NissanMikli

    Roadcrew Radio's

    Me and @Gimic are both together in this. Discussion Post: Main Idea: I believe the roadcrew should get radio as well. If there are 2 roadcrews on the job it will help them divide cases and they will also be able to speak to one...
  16. [STG]NissanMikli

    What was the order in which you played on certain consoles/gaming devices?

    PS 1 Nintendo 64 Windows XP PC PS 2 Original Xbox PS3 PC/laptop
  17. [STG]NissanMikli

    TeamSpeak doing a giveaway Mine glitched out as well.
  18. [STG]NissanMikli

    TeamSpeak doing a giveaway

    Enjoy your 10 entries from me <3
  19. [STG]NissanMikli

    AR on Windower

    He also could have asked for help from one of us since we clearly know how to do it. @Wiki
  20. [STG]NissanMikli

    The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

    @Moon The Goon I'm not that worried about getting the high rank at all. What bothers me more is that i spent 2 years of my damn life on this and i get kicked out for not showing up for a damn month
  21. [STG]NissanMikli

    The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

    (Quote from Creepis)Why did people play back in the "golden age"? Here's why: -PD was open to everyone, trusted people could apply for Supervisor and help out where needed instead of making it look like a full time job (*cough* Command) (Quote from Creepis) I fully agree on the part about the...
  22. [STG]NissanMikli

    ok my bad. Let me correct my mistake. May be even worse than england <3

    ok my bad. Let me correct my mistake. May be even worse than england <3
  23. [STG]NissanMikli

    same shit :*

    same shit :*
  24. [STG]NissanMikli

    Yess but i don't live in England cause England is shite <3

    Yess but i don't live in England cause England is shite <3
  25. [STG]NissanMikli

    you see. Its called public transportation as well as i do have a motorcycle but i cant ride that...

    you see. Its called public transportation as well as i do have a motorcycle but i cant ride that all the time in the years. But i am gonna get my self a new car soon
  26. [STG]NissanMikli

    aint driving anything at the moment :(

    aint driving anything at the moment :(
  27. [STG]NissanMikli

    nahh to expensive mate.

    nahh to expensive mate.
  28. [STG]NissanMikli

    Im leaving, mass item giveaway and 9 million dollars

    May not know you well. How ever i would still like some shizzle
  29. [STG]NissanMikli

    LEWIS 088 - The time has finally come, thank you to everyone.

    Sad to see you go man :( We must play together again! IM ALWAYS ON DISCORD YER WANKER
  30. [STG]NissanMikli


    Just because you have been reviewed by overwatch and that 1 person from overwatch belives you are hacking you wont get banned of that. The way it works is they review the clip and decide. if they believe you are hacking they will tick those boxes and then it is sent in for further investigation...