AR on Windower

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Your Steam/In-game Name: KeiwaM / Ayumi Ichiko

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Windower / Shugar Mcgowan

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65079732

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Walking in during a bank robbery randomly and shooting all the bank robbers. Claimed that "I was taking his gun hostage" although I clearly shouted "Get the fuck out". When confronted, he refused to give me his ingame name and when arrested by police, he disconnected.

He also refused to give me his in-game name when confronted.

EDIT: From the views we have, he also shot Nissan though a closed door with a headshot, we believe he is also using cheat.

@Chloe Lethemonnier
@A1L (Officer that saw the guy DC after detaining him)

Evidence (Demo Required):

Chloe's view:

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Staff please request demo, he killed all 3 with his Taurus headshot. Some possible trough a wall? my demo is to far away to check. Possible citizen
I was one of the officers on scene at the time, it wasn't actually him that disconnected it was his friend which I'll be making a separate AR for, as for the claim of cheating; I've tried to drag him multiple times and he doesn't react to it at all, which apparently is something cheaters get?

We also believe the person with the Taurus is cheating. Please request his demo. Through our demos and views, he shot Nissan through a closed door with a headshot.

Wiki disconnected in cuffs when he had all of the firearms he jacked and tried to lie in /desc's and try to stall role-play, then once I told him that I'm taking ALL of the guns, he decided to disconnect, then once we were trying to take AK-74U from Windower, he ran when we uncuffed him and told him to drop it, he ran away from gp also and then pulled the AK and got shot down.

Also they seem like they were hackers or some shit, Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Also, acting highly defensive and being toxic generally


Also "Magically" his demo won't load when asked to provide it for cheat accusations:

Sent to Chloe:
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This is heeps of SLANDEROUS accusations by Hentai, I have yet to be given proof of me 'cheating' and the 'wallbang' was me opening the door but blocking it enough with my body to peak into it, the door opened backwards toward me because was in the corner (simple Garry's mod physics and mechanics) and I had seen the other two assailants when I jiggle peaked and fired once at them. This was blatant false accusations thrown out at me because of anger, in my POV it was relatively easy to kill them all, no disrespect.

Also, I was initiated on before the demo reel was shown on both perspectives of demos, my friend was told to get on the ground but later told to get out so I acted on the first initiation and one deaged him and somehow his shell of flechette hit the wall beside me, a shotgun.

If you didn't initiate on us I would not have killed you, we came to get our money and to transport our guns back to slums.

I admit to the failrp with the police and I did witness Wiki disconnect with the truck filled with guns, this is a case of misunderstanding and lack of cooperation with the robbers to try and talk to us via teamspeak, they replied with "no I'll let the staff handle it" when I had asked to speak to him to resolve past tenses.
A staff is going to request your demo, then we all have a good view on the whole situation from start to finish as ours lacks it cuz we're dead. If you're not cheating it will also show on it.
A staff is going to request your demo, then we all have a good view on the whole situation from start to finish as ours lacks it cuz we're dead. If you're not cheating it will also show on it.

If I WAS cheating, persay using citizenhack, the demo would not show anything.
We have our ways to detect it on demo, is posting the demo giving you anxiety?
Is being a raging cunt giving you sore balls? Why would I be anxious about posting a demo, even if I was cheating screengrab nor demospoof can be used on it.
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