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  1. sjappy10

    TASK FORCE 141

    OOC Information Steam name: sjappy10 Age: 15 Country: Netherlands In-game Playtime: 2 Weeks IC Information Name: Sem Mustafa Age: 23 Past Experiences (org's, military experience etc.): A lot, Dutchmans, Preston, and some other small orgs. Why should you be accepted into this org?: I know the...
  2. sjappy10

    Action Request on Jake Anderson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: sjappy10 / Sem Mustafa His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ??? / Jake Anderson His/Her SteamID: ??? Why Should This Player Be Punished: Jake Anderson was a cop, and decided to gunpoint me because someone told him I "raped" him. I took cover in my house, and then he decided to...
  3. sjappy10

    Action Request on Gilles Cena

    Your Steam/In-game Name: sjappy10 / Sem Preston His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Gilles79a / Gilles Cena His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:150111940 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player broke 3.4 by not opening the doors under gunpoint, and screaming "HELP!!" under gunpoint. The player was gagged...
  4. sjappy10

    Lewis 088

    Completly true! He is always responding quikly to my reports and is friendly for new players.
  5. sjappy10

    Paris Attacks

    This is extremly sad... So many people dead, a lot of wounded civilians. #PRAY4PARIS
  6. sjappy10


    This game looks absolutly sick! Lets hope there will be a good rule system, so not everybody want's to RDM each other.
  7. sjappy10

    What headset ya guys using??

    Logitech G430, it's an awesome headset! I use it for 1 year now
  8. sjappy10

    Ban request on: Carl Everson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] sjappy10 / Sem Preston His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Zoey / Carl Everson His/Her SteamID: Unkown Why Should This Player Be Punished: Carl started punching me for money, in the middle of the bank. Every NPC could call the police, but he ignored that completly. After...
  9. sjappy10

    Keys being re-added

    +/-Neutral Making an option for this is a good idea, but it's fine by me as it is now. IRL i've my keys always in my pocket till i need them, and that's now on Perpheads. So I stay neutral.
  10. sjappy10

    Paralake for beginners.

    Nice work! I am sure beginners can use this guide good, its verry usefull!
  11. sjappy10

    Callum ban request

    +Support, killing a criminal with a car is not realistic. And ofcours going alone in a gun fight is 3.4, because you can get killed.
  12. sjappy10

    Update - 06/07/2015: 70 player slots

    Awesome! I hate it when the server is full, and now there is more chance that there is a slot free.
  13. sjappy10

    Reason why i was away for 1 month

    Welcome back!
  14. sjappy10

    Jonas Karlson

    +support, I was on the situation to, and I was gunpointing him aswell. But he ignored it completly, so he broke 3.4. He was AFK when the Moderator arrived, so I agree with your BR.
  15. sjappy10

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  16. sjappy10

    PD Car Bomb Explosion

    Haha that was fun xd I arrived as a medic 2 minutes after the explosion