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  1. Eviction Notice

    Paralake SIMP license.

    nah but tom has a thing with him
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  3. Eviction Notice

    Organisation Update

    literally rating farming smh
  4. Eviction Notice


    seems like Bolli is snoozing 24/7 tbh
  5. Eviction Notice

    Update Log - 26/01/2020

    bruh you're straight-up making me beg for this organization update
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    Scariest Experiences/Memories you've had!

    Type 2 False Awakenings are some of the most stressful experiences one can face in the bed, seconded only to sleep paralysis. Feeling like you're trapped in dreams can seriously make you question reality once you actually do wake up. Luckily I get it chronically so i'm used to it now, but the...
  7. Eviction Notice

    The Game of Games

    the bucket
  8. Eviction Notice roulette

  9. Eviction Notice roulette cool ip address wat
  10. Eviction Notice

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    "i have nothing constructive to add so im just going to call you a cheater lol" shut the fuck up dude for real, if you spend five minutes around dan it's obvious his aim is like a wet towel
  11. Eviction Notice

    A new tyla jai gmod video

    I had a stern telling off for fake knocking on my desk my mother was FUMING
  12. Eviction Notice

    Stepping Back

    Thanks for everything you did for the server
  13. Eviction Notice

    Organisation Update

    The server was not and will not ever be based around roleplay, the mechanics provided a game-loop focused on one thing: making money. Guess what, the "roleplay" you're looking for doesn't make much money, therefore you're handicapping yourself to perform it.
  14. Eviction Notice

    Organisation Update

    Fishing Organisation Perks: Better Bait - less chance to hook trash, leading to a greater yield overtime. Trash Collector - less chance to hook fish, leading to a greater yield of trash overtime. Higher Rod Count - more rods are place-able by one person. Fishing Expertise - catch fish faster &...
  15. Eviction Notice

    PERP crack addiction

    it's hard to tell when a dumbass is trying to ironically act like one
  16. Eviction Notice

    Should Perp be displayed in the Darkrp section on the server list?

    its treated as a joke and all but with the codebase of perp and the team behind it, it could easily become one of the, if not the most popular HL2RP server. serious drought rn
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    no, i dont think i will

    no, i dont think i will
  18. Eviction Notice

    Yes, me and @TheFrozenMonkeyKing are doing tall tales rn

    Yes, me and @TheFrozenMonkeyKing are doing tall tales rn
  19. Eviction Notice

    A Perpheads TV Show?

    guys perp is just one big black mirror episode :0000 for serious though you'd be able to do this alot better in sandbox with a few actors and voice overs, don't do it on the actual server
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  21. Eviction Notice


    look at the time, go to bed!
  22. Eviction Notice

    Map Change Poll #3

    okay dell laptop user
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    okay zoomer

    okay zoomer
  24. Eviction Notice

    Map Change Poll #3, I don't think I will.
  25. Eviction Notice

    Server Suggestion Make links clickable on phone messages

    Discussion Post: Main idea: Make links clickable on the phone messages. Description: Links posted on messages are able to be clicked, opening the site the link goes to. Why should it be added?: Makes links easier to distribute...
  26. Eviction Notice


    can we go back to when this was just a community where people called each other retarded and had funny banter please, when I tell someone to rustle some kids i dont mean for them to actually do it ):
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    STARWARS: The Rise Of Skywalker - The Thread (Spoilers)

    All we need now is an empire sided Star Wars story. That or pull a JoJo and just reset the universe if they really want to break free from the original saga.
  28. Eviction Notice

    Is this against policy?

    form of entertainment by the way LUL
  29. Eviction Notice

    STARWARS: The Rise Of Skywalker - The Thread (Spoilers)

    there was alot of sexual tension right after she saw him S W O L E
  30. Eviction Notice

    Add Forum Rule 2.9: Thread Titles

    no just remove them