A Perpheads TV Show?

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United States
Hello everyone!

I've been thinking of the idea of a sort of weekly TV show for Perpheads! It would be a cop/crim drama that would have developing characters, a story to it, and each episode would talk about a problem in the community, problems in the PLPD, or in the real world. The episodes would have the actors come across the problem within the community, or within the PLPD, and they would in there own way deal with it.

For Example:
One major problem we are discussing within the PLPD, is if we should bring back SWAT.

  • This would involve the lowest members (TFU S.Ofcs/Corporals) acting out ingame why the TFU program isn't working, and why SWAT would be working better.
  • The episode would then show the Chiefs/SMT bickering among themselves the problems of the morale of TFU, talking about the TFUs problem, and would have each character arguing in their own way.
  • Resolution is made, the verdict is reached, and we then show what the outcome of that result that was reached.
This is a VERY BROAD idea/sketch of what I am thinking, it could go so much in better detail, but this is just a draft.

The unique things about the show is:
  • Everyone can choose to play themselves, or their own made-up character.
  • There is little to no script. Again, all the actors are themselves.

Please let me know what you think, leave feedback, leave character ideas/episode suggestions, and if you are interested in acting/participating let me know!

All participants will be paid for there time/dedication!
If you wanna see if TFU is or isn’t working then just start a shootout as civ lmoa

So do you want me to write the theme tune, sing the theme tune?
Again, it was a loose draft/example. But the point is is that each episode would highlight a problem in the community/PLPD, and show how all the key players/components work to solve it.
Ok you don't get the reference :(
@Jay_ as a fellow Englishmen tell me you get this
guys perp is just one big black mirror episode :0000

for serious though you'd be able to do this alot better in sandbox with a few actors and voice overs, don't do it on the actual server