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  1. Eviction Notice


    we up here playin perp while this guy playing mordhau
  2. Eviction Notice

    Paralake FM

    hold tight asnie
  3. Eviction Notice

    Paralake FM

  4. Eviction Notice


    ngl you sound like a proper twat in this pal
  5. Eviction Notice

    Paying $70,000 in-game cash for Maths Assignments

    Send me the papers, I passed Maths with a C so you know I'm big brain.
  6. Eviction Notice

    did you leave one of your shitty silenced deagles in slums 4

    did you leave one of your shitty silenced deagles in slums 4
  7. Eviction Notice

    [Suggestion] New Robbery System for Jennifers.

    lul me and @TheFrozenMonkeyKing did this like last week after asking staff permission, it was fun
  8. Eviction Notice

    Adam / Eyjuanel

  9. Eviction Notice


    filthy casual, I have a mod which makes me only have 30 carry weight because i'm no super soldier also why tf cant I comment here
  10. Eviction Notice

    Blatant Metagamers

    how tf can you disprove a metagaming claim when the video literally shows you in a discord call with your pals talking about the raid that is occurring at that time?
  11. Eviction Notice

    Change PERP to a HL2RP server.

    @Murtsley nah it would be like perp in the sense of less typing, more acting
  12. Eviction Notice

    Change PERP to a HL2RP server.

    you're funny asf!!!
  13. Eviction Notice

    Change PERP to a HL2RP server.

    its half life 2 but roleplay of it
  14. Eviction Notice

    Change PERP to a HL2RP server.

    Okay so basically, the server is clearly on life support. I'm going to suggest an extremely ambitious idea but bare with me alright? make PERP a HL2RP (half-life 2 roleplay) server I know what you're thinking: "but eviction that's a completely retarded idea and no one would like it" first of...
  15. Eviction Notice

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    so then criminal organisations will be punished for performing criminal actions? sounds kinda dumb to me bucko
  16. Eviction Notice

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    i'm referring to when you sell it for 0% tax when taxes are high, in other words, someone dropping the money and you then dropping the item for them as is common practice by many
  17. Eviction Notice

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    how would it be tracked that you've sold an item with zero tax?
  18. Eviction Notice

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    bruh the fact that you're saying that last part is kinda cringe bro zzz
  19. Eviction Notice

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    I like the concept of this all except the "enemy" part. It should be down to the organisations to perform surveillance and deduce who and who isn't in an enemy organization in order to strike. Otherwise it just becomes a TDM which isn't really fitting in PERP.
  20. Eviction Notice

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    reminder that orgs aren't just about illegal dealings, they can range from legal services such as guns to security services aswell.
  21. Eviction Notice

    Update Log - 24/07/2019

    no ones going to scoff at an update when we're starved of them, the issue is we want something game-changing that can make it fresh again, not something which is basically an update to
  22. Eviction Notice

    Update Log - 24/07/2019

    okay thanks tinyslayer very cool
  23. Eviction Notice

    Is the staff team active enough

    I haven't heard a peep from @Fredy in a good two years, in all honesty. @TinySlayer is probably the most active member of the senior team currently (bar Madda considering he just got his role, though his activity seems to be better so far) @StephenPuffs Is the same story as Fredy and I doubt...
  24. Eviction Notice

    Matt's Forum Apology

    POSTING FOR MATT! Appealing for: Forum Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) No Idea How long were you banned for: Perm Your Steam Name: Matt Your In-game Name: Matt Douglas Your Steam ID: Why were you banned/blacklisted: Leaking Finlay's height, eye colour...
  25. Eviction Notice

    My return to the community

    Grüße, mein Anführer, ich hoffe, wir können viel miteinander anfangen. :cool:
  26. Eviction Notice

    Why aren't you playing?

    because runescape has a playerbase that is on another level when compared to perp if we used this system nothing would get done as there would rarely ever be enough votes to reach over 75%
  27. Eviction Notice

