Adam / Eyjuanel

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Elvy.
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Adam Andrews / Eyjuanel Chapo,
His/Her SteamID: No clue.
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

Before I say anything, I don't give two fucks about you guys raiding or mugging me, it's how perp is, and I 100% accept the fact you guys raided me and wanted to take my shit, I really really don't care about it. I'm more of a pacifist and I just want to do my drugs in peace. But when you guys come around my apartment and want to mug a guy that doesn't even know how to surrender, and kill me without giving me a chance to read the chat, that's a bit too far for me.

Eyjuanel; well, I don't think it's allowed that they " wanted to blow up my meth with us inside " or something along those lines. They also wanted to mug a guy I've been playing with for three days, I've been teaching him how to do meth and he's growing weed with me, he doesn't have a lot of playtime and they wanted to mug him.

Other than that, Eyjuanel didn't do anything, I'm willing to forgive the guy for trying to mug my friend that knows fuck-all about the game.

Adam: RDM'd me for being angry at him for randomly hitting me when I already complied, dropped my gun, listened to all of their commands. Then when I tried to explain to Eyjuanel that my friend is new and he doesn't know how to do /act surrender, Adam tells me " say one word and you die ", I couldn't even read it cause I was trying to talk to Eyjuanel about the fact Jill is new, he immediately killed me. He did not give me any second to read the chat.


Just cause you said " stfu " doesn't mean you can instantly kill me after saying " say one word and ur gone faggot ", give me a chance to read the text.

Evidence (Demo Required):
ehh, i didnt want to mug him, I could tell he was new, I just wanted him to surrender so that he wasn't a threat. he kept trying to walk away

And what are you on about in regards to the meth? no one wanted to blow ur meth up, we wanted it done so we could get out
If you could tell he was new, why did you let your friend kill him and mug him? He kept trying to walk around cause he was incredibly confused, he never really ran away from your gunpoint, aka running out of the house or anything.

He didn't know how to surrender whatsoever and you guys still tried it without explaining it to him whatsoever, I did not see anything LOOC.
Also, what did you exactly say when you talked about my meth? All I heard was you saying " blow it up ", then you cut out.
i'm not responsible for another persons actions, we didn't mug him, we ended up killing him because he was lying to us after continuous attempts were made for him to surrender including buttons on how to do it
@nade You're letting another guy break the rules lol, and what was he lying about? You're saying " Z/C " was the button to surrender, he might've understood it being another letter.

Even I didn't know C was to surrender, and even if he did hold C he would need a lot of time figuring out which one the surrender button is.
@nade I'm not telling you he doesn't know the letter C, I'm telling you probable reasons.
Because you did stuff I believe is against the rules?
Gonna make a second AR on both the guys, will be shown in a second.

Jamal ban will be extended because he harmed you for no reason, breaking rule 2.5.
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