Search results

  1. Mooney

    9pm on the dot

    9pm on the dot
  2. Mooney

    subs 3 bathroom

    subs 3 bathroom
  3. Mooney

    fuck u

    fuck u
  4. Mooney

    Your oldest/best screenshot

    When was the first screenshot?
  5. Mooney

    thehomelessdude' RR

    Your in-game name: John King Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73279587 What do you need refunded: AK47U, rifle comp, ak101 stock and a full mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: @JackHilton's trunk ate my AK-74U, it had a rifle comp, AK-101 Stock and a full mag Evidence: Provided by @Super...
  6. Mooney

    Woah I was staff on that for so long, ended up being Head of Apps before it shut down

    Woah I was staff on that for so long, ended up being Head of Apps before it shut down
  7. Mooney see u at his set... see u at his set at parklife my dude
  8. Mooney

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    -Steam Name: Mooney -Age (OOC): 17 -Are YOU Active?: Yes, i'm on more a less every day for a good amount of hours. -Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:84783184 -Total playtime: 2 months & 1 week -Are you a VIP: Yes (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Travis Rodriguez -List of all cars you own: BMW M6...
  9. Mooney

    Hello, it's "Mooney"

    Hello, For those who don't know me, my name is Mooney. I joined the server properly mid 2016 after playing it a couple of times in 2013/14 with my irl friend, who you may not know @Joe - I played a bit in 2013/14 before coming back in 2016 to start off my PERP.. time? properly. I ended up...
  10. Mooney
  11. Mooney

    VH? DarkRP server? Pls say yes

    VH? DarkRP server? Pls say yes
  12. Mooney

    Congrats on enforcer dude

    Congrats on enforcer dude
  13. Mooney

    I'm actually sad dude

    I'm actually sad dude
  14. Mooney

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    -Steam Name: Mooney -Age (OOC): 17 -Are YOU Active?: Yes -Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:84783184 -Total playtime: 2 months 6 days 21 hours -Are you a VIP: Yes (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Travis Rodriguez -List of all cars you own: BMW M6 -Favorite Weapon(s): M4A1 -When are you mostly online...
  15. Mooney

    Bringing RP back to perp?

    Bringing RP back to perp?
  16. Mooney
  17. Mooney

    R Ra Rac Raco Racoo Racoon

    R Ra Rac Raco Racoo Racoon
  18. Mooney


    You're irrelevant to this AR entirely, the bottom line is that Tilin could of very easily gunpointed me out and cuffed me instead of shooting me to death!
  19. Mooney


    INVOLVED: Didn't kill one cop, fired one bullet, doesn't make any of this reasonable, the car was stationary, why would you fire 4 times into it? he was clearly meaning to kill me
  20. Mooney


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Mooney His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Tilin His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: Absolutely gatted me out of my car when I could of very easily been... gp'd? Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  21. Mooney

    sawed off

    sawed off
  22. Mooney


  23. Mooney

    PERPHeads Montage #4

    Nice clips
  24. Mooney

    Knoxy82 & Jay

    To be honest I can take @Jay out of this AR as he did nothing significantly bad, it’s just @Knoxy82 ’s sudden hatred fuelling towards me.
  25. Mooney

    Knoxy82 & Jay

    But you still targeted me because of this OOC beef, you came to see who it was and then you saw my name on my car, you pulled out your gun, if that was absolutely anyone else on the server, you would of drove off, wouldn’t you?
  26. Mooney

    Knoxy82 & Jay

    Nah, just don’t appreciate the petty beef you’re attempting to target me with, Garret told me to make the AR for the other things you did.
  27. Mooney

    Knoxy82 & Jay

    Nothing of this is relevant, you can see yourself run up to the car, check the name of the car to see if its me, if that name said anyone else you would of drove off, because surely otherwise you would of got straight out with your weapons and ran at the car if your intention was to mug a random...
  28. Mooney

    Knoxy82 & Jay

    Let’s not focus on the irrelevant part of the AR then, couldn’t care less about the fact he called him Jay, I was just describing the situation as it happened, more bothered about the fact he’s attempted to target me for petty childish OOC beef.
  29. Mooney

    Knoxy82 & Jay

    Oh right Lewis, what rule does reading the name from the cars break then? Ah yeah.
  30. Mooney

    Knoxy82 & Jay

    You left the farm, checked to see if it was my car by reading the name on my car, then mugged me, Knoxy broke 3.24 and then carries on trying to start OOC arguments, lets see what the staff have to say anyway, shall we.