Search results

  1. xhantium

    AR on Stomper

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Xhantium Harper / Xhantium *Tuborg His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Stomper / Dont remember IG name His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96447027 Why Should This Player Be Punished: I believe he broke 2.5 by just randomly walking up to me in bazar and shooting me in the head. i believe...
  2. xhantium


    Samuel is amazing
  3. xhantium


    who the fuck are you? (jk plz no hurt meh)
  4. xhantium

    PerpHeads Community Awards 2016 - Vote!

    When will the results be out?
  5. xhantium

    AR on Xhantium

    So let me get this right, your posting an AR on me because Im reacting on rp information someone told me? You do realise that when you change your apperance and clothes its like getting a plastic operation and buying new clothes? You dont just become a new person because of that, if you wanted a...
  6. xhantium


    So as some of you have noticed I've been inactive these last 1-2 weeks. Reason for this is that I've started on adult boarding school with my girlfriend and will therefore not have time to be playing games at all (Atleast for now) So for now I will say bye to you all, and mabye I will be back...
  7. xhantium

    Cant disagree there

    Cant disagree there
  8. xhantium

    how are you not banned phillip

    how are you not banned phillip
  9. xhantium

    Favorite fast foods and fats food items

    Pizza4Life Pizza with: Garlic Cheese Bacon Minced Meat Chicken Onions
  10. xhantium

    Ar on Donald Gaskins

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Xhantium *Tuborg / Xhantium Harper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Doge / Donald Gaskins His/Her SteamID: Dont know Why Should This Player Be Punished: Pulling a gun and forcing someone into their apartment from a public area (5.1) And also 3.4 by starting to punch a guy...
  11. xhantium

    Refund request for 4 drug plants

    Your in-game name: Xhantium Harper Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21957724 What do you need refunded: 4 Drug plants, 2 coke 2 weed. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: We raided this guys shop and when we were waiting for the drug plants to finish he disconnected. Evidence...
  12. xhantium


    Sup exro, im sure you remember me
  13. xhantium

    Goodbye for a while.

    You forgot to mention me :(
  14. xhantium

    The Scandish Family

    You can add that your in war too, Harpers declares war on you.
  15. xhantium

    The Scandish Family

    You didnt defeat cosa nostra, we defeated you lol I still remember that time were you could not even base anymore so you always tried to hide, but we always found you again and fuckt you up, at last the only thing you did was try being a cop lmao
  16. xhantium


    Can not unsee.... (Make part to plz)
  17. xhantium


    Was Prepper left out? (Congratz to Samuel,Fedorable and the new mods!)
  18. xhantium

    RR For Xhantium

    Your in-game name: Xhantium Harper Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21957724 What do you need refunded: 64K(Its 64k right?) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: The user whos done this do me will be punished at later date. Evidence: @MrLewis Tick: @MrLewis could you respond since ar was accepted?
  19. xhantium

    AR D3V/Gary Belinsky

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Xhantium*Tuborg / Xhantium Harper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: D3V / Gary Belinsky His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:75742188 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking 3.4 (And if james mclovin could add his evidence) also 2.5 I basically walked up to regals app and he came...
  20. xhantium

    EconomyRP - MrLewis Admin Sit

    Bye guys im joining EconomyRP and hoping to get admin
  21. xhantium

    RR For Xhantium X2

    Your in-game name: Xhantium Harper Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21957724 What do you need refunded: 64k for the repair of my tesla (Its 64k right?) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was wrongly carbombed, the user have been punished Evidence...
  22. xhantium

    Action Request on Xhantium.

    All sorted via steam chat
  23. xhantium

    Something you are proud of?

    Im proud of my dad whos worked hard to get this far.
  24. xhantium

    Chris Andrews

    @Chris is a great mod, he spends alot of time doing player reports, hes also a amazing rp'er, proboally one of the servers best, hes clearly very dedicated to the server and to this community Hes also done a good job with the whole police thing! Keep it up chris! :D
  25. xhantium


    @Archibald is a amazing enforcer. He always does his best to assist players in need, I believe hes forfilling his duties as enforcer to perfection. Hes a very friendly person to speak to and always provides good guidance of how to sort or deal with a situation.
  26. xhantium

    Action request - Stormzi

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Xhantium*Tuborg / Xhantium Harper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Stormzi / Alex-big something His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:80440841 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking rule 3.4 and 2.5, this user decided to carbomb my tesla over me gunpointing him. He also broke 3.15...
  27. xhantium

    AR On Chris Harper

    Thanks cruse I actually did not know about this AR. So I joined the server and was instantly told by one if not more org members that the Japanese/Chinese guy in R3 (or was it R4??) Had bombed my good friend and captain in our organisation Samuel and that aaron had helped and someone where shot...
  28. xhantium

    The Harpers.

    |Loyality|Honor|Respect|. History. The Harper started back in 2015 when Xhantium Harper moved to the city, quickly he realised that the real money was not in being hired by goverment, yet he was a very skilled lawyer. He realised that he was on the poor side of the law, and decided to form a...
  29. xhantium

    AR on SGT Masterchief.

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Xhantium*Tuborg / Xhantium Harper. His/Her Steam/In-game Name: SGT Masterchief / Poul Richard His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:99631634 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking 3.4 (Pulled out a gun under gunpoint) Evidence (Demo Required)...
  30. xhantium

    Cheers victim xD

    Cheers victim xD