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  1. Sonzy

    Why do you watch anime?

    i also wonder why humans like entertainment, fascinating huh... must be hard for us "normal" people to understand right? I watch it for the massive tits like everyone else (except the pedos @Creepis ) if u give any other reason ur lying
  2. Sonzy

    i got bored haven't even watched the ep that just came out, 002 cute tho

    i got bored haven't even watched the ep that just came out, 002 cute tho
  3. Sonzy


    atleast ur self aware, doesn't really change much tho
  4. Sonzy

    Fuck Zergs [Actual Suggestions]

    man you really do like being a hypocrite huh, been a long time since i've seen u fags raid with anything less than 2 teslas full of ppl also you do realise the only way to counter people like u who make perp into their life and do nothing else is to get a big group of randoms also your pro...
  5. Sonzy

    Forced to Quit.

    honestly your getting to the disgusting level of sorle atleast dont write a wall of text like anyone cares, kind regards.
  6. Sonzy

    A guide for those looking to replace vehicle sounds

    Another wall of text, thanks furkie.
  7. Sonzy

    Me shooting kids with OP weapons

    Actual shit. Considerably worse within the first 5 seconds than most others
  8. Sonzy

    PSA: Guns do not overheat easily therefore THE BARREL ISN'T HOT.

    i'm not going to sit there for 30 mins with my balls in ur gun barrel to see if u shot it or not, the way it is now is fine and works
  9. Sonzy

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    roleplaying against the rules on a roleplay server @
  10. Sonzy

    Toxic man alert

    do it pussy, sorry i don't insult you much it's just even during my rimjob times you were a nobody, atleast nothings changed.
  11. Sonzy

    i see you're preparing for a return by asserting your autism, i get it.

    i see you're preparing for a return by asserting your autism, i get it.
  12. Sonzy

    Toxic man alert

    not really a new thing, but thanks for recognising my noble practice, with that you can do what you claim you want to do, no ones stopping you. Judging by the fact ur banned and i'm not i'd have to say i'm the less toxic individual, but i guess that's a subjective opinion. Yes i'm speaking like...
  13. Sonzy

    TFU - still has head armour?

    wow you actually said something i can agree with congratulations
  14. Sonzy

    Update Log - 09/05/2018

    I just saw you post the same cancer somewhere else, guess i can add not creative to ur long list of disabilities too... thx for fixing TV's now i can play unlisted hentai and pause so @Exrobite can nut
  15. Sonzy

    TFU - still has head armour?

    when ur so obsessed with perp ur posting on the forums in school, yikers it's begun again
  16. Sonzy

    How does it feel getting beat by a virgin?

    better a virgin than some useless pleb begging for unban after picking the least funny way to get banned, oh and he has like -2 GCSEs and ur English makes his look good, pls get some lessons.
  17. Sonzy

    How does it feel getting beat by a virgin?

    silver 1 wow
  18. Sonzy

    Update Log - 08/05/2018

    ur not included sweaty fag
  19. Sonzy


    thought by the start it'd be something different but i guess i was wrong, gotta say that widescreen is atleast something different but still shit
  20. Sonzy

    Reintroduction of the Construction Booklet

    i also love complaining about rules then complaining when they're gone! bases were just as cancer during the aids book and they will continue, just make a rule for no props in houses and ur sorted
  21. Sonzy


    more entertaining than perp and its not even modded hf with ur server if u get 20+ players ur ahead of perp, also terraria is better
  22. Sonzy

    leaving yet again
  23. Sonzy

    Last clips

    yeh man im writing my goodbye post rn but i still owe @Exrobite burgers darn guess i gotta go back XD !
  24. Sonzy

    Last clips

    what a piece of shit. done with perp btw
  25. Sonzy

    L8r b

    finally the few times i come on the server i wont have to listen to ur dog shit mic
  26. Sonzy

    I quit boys, cya

    wow it looks the same as every other montage and i only wasted 10 secs watching it
  27. Sonzy

    probs a goodbye forever

  28. Sonzy

    mass unban (with exceptions)

    i'm afraid for your health, i can tell your brain cell count and iq is pretty low and a return to perp would probably make matters worse. Docs advise.
  29. Sonzy

    which one of us is banned?

    which one of us is banned?