Fuck Zergs [Actual Suggestions]

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United Kingdom, Devon
Main idea: Limiting organizations to a MAXIMUM of 10 MEMBERS

Description: Only 10 member slots in organizations at any given time, in addition multiple organizations will not be allowed to team together in an ongoing raid if the members taking place >10 this includes but is not limited to: Flankers, initial contact and late game players (people arriving 10 minutes after the raid has started).
Pros: Stops the whole server being one team.

Cons: Last part could be hard to enforce however I believe its worth the time. @Slayerduck has a point, 1 team of 40 is getting incredibly boring and it leads to the only shootouts being one sided as fuck. :)
This post has devolved into shit talking about raiding, can we actually keep it on topic instead of a dick measuring contest?
This post has devolved into shit talking about raiding, can we actually keep it on topic instead of a dick measuring contest?
Still no comment function so bear with the shit replies in this thread

OT: I like the idea of limiting the maximum number of zergs for orgs and raids as it can get one sided in a fucking instant when there is no mayor that can up the slots. It's been a while since we had a good org war but since the whole server is allied no one has the balls to start beef in a game for fun. It would be interesting to see what results this will yield with some people moaning how the update is ruining their zergs.

Also, anyone remember what happened to the PD having a shorter NLR timer? Was supposed to be implemented ages ago but seems like everyone forgot now that crims who died raiding a property have to wait 30 mins to return to said property to start a new zerg (same should count for flankers who didnt participate in the raid before hand and died somewhere)
personally this is a good idea. I sometimes go on at 12 noon, on a school day and there is about 20 people max if that. All but one property is owned, no one is on a job, search the whole city, and they are all in 1 base. all 20 of em, happened a few times. This needs to happen.
Sorry to necro but this is an awesome idea personally, hard to enforce yes but it might encourage people to go their own ways, IC beef is fun af, just look at each time @MrVenomX1 tries to raid McYeke's never makes me sad, I just laugh at it, usually because randoms get involved and kick the shit outta him or the PD fly past.

But back on track, as someone who use to main the PD, it is fucking solid if you have flankers every 10 mins coming around, I've been part of some ridiculous raids before that have lasted upwards of an hour due to flankers and it being a consistent warzone.
Sorry to necro but this is an awesome idea personally, hard to enforce yes but it might encourage people to go their own ways, IC beef is fun af, just look at each time @MrVenomX1 tries to raid McYeke's never makes me sad, I just laugh at it, usually because randoms get involved and kick the shit outta him or the PD fly past.

But back on track, as someone who use to main the PD, it is fucking solid if you have flankers every 10 mins coming around, I've been part of some ridiculous raids before that have lasted upwards of an hour due to flankers and it being a consistent warzone.
IC name is Connor Blount I don’t remember raiding you at all??
You see my org consists of 9 people that all get along well and all are good mates.

Meanwhile when I was in shit tier Zerg orgs (mohammads, Aaron-era Jarheads, The Purps, sanguinem, Wagwan, etc.) No one trusted each other and everyone was constantly stabbing each other in the back and generally clusterfucking.

Smaller orgs = Better for raids and everything
Bigger orgs = Shit clusterfucks of powergrowers and a constant argument over who flanks cops and who actually FUCKING RAIDS.
man you really do like being a hypocrite huh, been a long time since i've seen u fags raid with anything less than 2 teslas full of ppl

also you do realise the only way to counter people like u who make perp into their life and do nothing else is to get a big group of randoms

also your pro "Pros: Stops the whole server being one team." - this wouldn't be a problem if you didn't spread your asscrack so wide for all the 12 year olds to get their tongue good in
man you really do like being a hypocrite huh, been a long time since i've seen u fags raid with anything less than 2 teslas full of ppl

also you do realise the only way to counter people like u who make perp into their life and do nothing else is to get a big group of randoms

also your pro "Pros: Stops the whole server being one team." - this wouldn't be a problem if you didn't spread your asscrack so wide for all the 12 year olds to get their tongue good in
Shh let him have his moment for thinking he's got the solution.

Yes everyone's basically a big zerg. Everyone wants money, nobody wants a to challenge anyone as that means loss of money.

And it's human for players to want the best possible outcome for themselves.

The only way to fix the zergs is to fix everything. If we'd be to make a rule about limiting players to an amount whilst raiding, that would mean that the PD would also need to get limited a bit.
2 inch’s fight me

That was well expected from a villager boy

Meanwhile when I was in shit tier Zerg orgs (mohammads, Aaron-era Jarheads, The Purps, sanguinem, Wagwan, etc.) No one trusted each other and everyone was constantly stabbing each other in the back
BIG UPS TO fuckIgn ME ur still a snake for killing me

also yeah, honestly fuck zergs, they ruin the balance of the server and it means everyone is buddy buddy with eachother, I just want people to raid dude

I've been in many zergs and honestly fuck them
You see my org consists of 9 people that all get along well and all are good mates.

Meanwhile when I was in shit tier Zerg orgs (mohammads, Aaron-era Jarheads, The Purps, sanguinem, Wagwan, etc.) No one trusted each other and everyone was constantly stabbing each other in the back and generally clusterfucking.

Smaller orgs = Better for raids and everything
Bigger orgs = Shit clusterfucks of powergrowers and a constant argument over who flanks cops and who actually FUCKING RAIDS.
Wagwan was not a zerg org back when it was good and before the israelis filled it up

However i agree either orgs need to be limited or new start ups need to be somehow protected
Wagwan was not a zerg org back when it was good and before the israelis filled it up

However i agree either orgs need to be limited or new start ups need to be somehow protected

yeah man it was amazing before the Israelis came... oh wait its run by one
past tense: filled; past participle: filled
  1. 1.
    cause (a space or container) to become full or almost full.
    "I filled up the bottle with water"
    synonyms:make/become full, fill up, fill to the brim, fill to overflowing, top up, charge, load (up), pack More

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