TFU - still has head armour?


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There was a discussion a while back about TFU gear having head armour even when the only form of protection of their head on the model is a hat, which would realistically be useless.

Wouldn't it be much better if the head armour was removed? Noticed a deagle can't 1bang headshot a TFO and wondered what was up.

Considering the upcoming changes to the PD which will buff them significantly, and the fact that crims are struggling already, the head armour removal would be a good way to nerf them in such a way that only rewards good players

Unless those model changes/separate gear for patrols and shootouts are coming, then you could honestly just ignore this.
AFAIK TFU doesn't have head armour. You probably didn't 1-shot a TFU because the server's tickrate is -20
and the fact that crims are struggling already,
Are people still trying to make TFU easier to kill? Are you sure this isn't a more quality of life suggestion rather than a balancing one? You, people, have already made TFUs only main advantage obsolete and yet you want to be able to 1 tap them with pretty much any gun? I'm sorry I'm not supporting this and it's not because I am ex TFU but because you still forget the fact how TFU get rekt as soon as they are out-numbered. I have already stated the factors which determine which side is OP so I am not telling others again but you still need to realise that when taking on the Police Department of a city the odds are realistically in their favor most of the time, Sure there are many times which the PD will lose which they currently do but if you keep making them easier to deal with then you might as well have no cops at all? If everyone is wanting realism over quality then making the PD easy to defeat is not the right way to go. TFU are easy to kill when you have large numbers but if you people keep going it's going to be easy to kill them when you have small numbers and who would want to go TFU knowing their chances are slim in the majority of situations? I certainly would not. Your legit going to put people off from going cop if you keep making them easier to kill and keep limiting them. Hell, some people have already been put off from going cop because in terms of shootouts I struggle to see the point atm.
Are people still trying to make TFU easier to kill? Are you sure this isn't a more quality of life suggestion rather than a balancing one? You, people, have already made TFUs only main advantage obsolete and yet you want to be able to 1 tap them with pretty much any gun? I'm sorry I'm not supporting this and it's not because I am ex TFU but because you still forget the fact how TFU get rekt as soon as they are out-numbered. I have already stated the factors which determine which side is OP so I am not telling others again but you still need to realise that when taking on the Police Department of a city the odds are realistically in their favor most of the time, Sure there are many times which the PD will lose which they currently do but if you keep making them easier to deal with then you might as well have no cops at all? If everyone is wanting realism over quality then making the PD easy to defeat is not the right way to go. TFU are easy to kill when you have large numbers but if you people keep going it's going to be easy to kill them when you have small numbers and who would want to go TFU knowing their chances are slim in the majority of situations? I certainly would not. Your legit going to put people off from going cop if you keep making them easier to kill and keep limiting them. Hell, some people have already been put off from going cop because in terms of shootouts I struggle to see the point atm.
The suggestion is based on a combination of balancing + realism.

I understand you may not be as involved in the community nowadays, but if you weren't aware there's gonna be a new police update giving TFU G3A3s, SR25s, and non-geared TFU loads of other stuff, when crims are already having a hard time.

EDIT: I’ll list all of the changes I can remember:

Geared TFU - added G3A3s and SR-25s
LT+ whitelisted TFU but non-geared: M16s in the place of Remingtons
LT+ non-TFU: MP5/10s in the place of Remingtons
CPL+ whitelisted TFU but non-geared: Benelli M3s in the place of Remingtons

This change to head armour would help counteract that in a sense, because at this point the argument of the arsenal of crims vs police can't really be argued.
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when ur so obsessed with perp ur posting on the forums in school, yikers it's begun again
my lessons are boring as shit and too easy
i posted this thread when i was on the bus anyway

can we get a comment fuction now please
I honestly have no clue as to when people are going to learn, You cannot balance the PD and crims. There are too many factors that determine which side wins, Making TFU able to be one tapped in bad for then in close quarters because nowadays most of perps shooters are vets at CS:GO meaning it's no problem for them to get a shot on someone's head. Another thing is that yes if TFU get the SR-25 which they apparently will it will be a disadvantage for the crims, It's the case of making sure a new feature doesn't change the odds of either side too drastically.
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I honestly have no clue as to when people are going to learn, You cannot balance the PD and crims. There are too many factors that determine which side wins, Making TFU able to be one tapped in bad for then in close quarters because nowadays most of perps shooters are vets at CS:GO meaning it's no problem for them to get of shot on someone's head. Another thing is that yes if TFU get the SR-25 which they apparently will it will be a disadvantage for the crims, It's the case of making sure a new feature doesn't change the odds of either side too drastically.
Honestly it’d be 10x better if the new police weapons were rolled out one at a time until a good balance level was reached, instead of throwing out a bunch of massively game-changing updates to the PD at once.

Also, there are only around 5-10 people I could probably name who are actually as good as you’re trying to make out all crims to be, so that argument honestly can’t be used. These days, police outnumber crims more often than not and by a great deal, usually with 6 TFU. Add on the advantage they already have with armour, and these new loadout changes, and crims really need some sort of boost. I’ve never seen crims losing this much and this consistently, yet some of the PD are still asking for MORE advantages.
These days, police outnumber crims more often than not and by a great deal, usually with 6 TFU. Add on the advantage they already have with armour, and these new loadout changes, and crims really need some sort of boost. I’ve never seen crims losing this much and this consistently, yet some of the PD are still asking for MORE advantages.
The fuck have you been smoking, TFU is outnumbered almost always 4 to 1? They also already have no head armor. You can 1 tab a TFU with a m1911 or revolvers. If you fail its prob cuz of gmod being gmod

The fuck have you been smoking, TFU is outnumbered almost always 4 to 1? They also already have no head armor. You can 1 tab a TFU with a m1911 or revolvers. If you fail its prob cuz of gmod being gmod

I often see the police force as a whole having double the numbers of crims, unless there’s like 5-10 rimlicks running around lol, when the main active people in olsen are on we’re often equalled in numbers by TFU

If they already have no head armour, then I actually give up on life because most of the shots that should've been killing are just getting eaten up because good ol' gmod
like the blood even comes out of their head sometimes so idk

Will check the video when I get home, can't see it atm
For some reason some types of guns take 2 hits, afaik m4 and stuff all take 2 headshots. But bigger handguns are all 1 tap, i actually vouched for head armor to be returned because its retarded for a tactical unit to go into a shootout but forgets his helmet lol

There are usually only 1 to 3 TFU on duty at any point in time, i hope we get new TFU members soon because beretta snipers can only do so much.
For some reason some types of guns take 2 hits, afaik m4 and stuff all take 2 headshots. But bigger handguns are all 1 tap, i actually vouched for head armor to be returned because its retarded for a tactical unit to go into a shootout but forgets his helmet lol
I dunno, apparently I hit the headshot on @ShadowJoey with a Deagle according to @Husky i think it was but it just didn't kill which led me to believe there was still head armour, as it's not like I didn't take enough time to line the shot up or anything

the thing is with the helmet argument is the fact that the model itself doesn't have a helmet, afaik there's some sort of changes to separate patrol/prepped situation gear coming soon but imo in the meantime the armour should match the model, I imagine it'd be an easy enough change to make
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The discussion about TFU having head armour a while back ended with a developer saying that TFU doesn't have head armour. But he also said that there is a chance that there is a bug which sometimes causes the shadow of a helmet to return and give benefits, but this is a bug. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing head armour return in some form of way but the last time was a bit broken I agree.
The discussion about TFU having head armour a while back ended with a developer saying that TFU doesn't have head armour. But he also said that there is a chance that there is a bug which sometimes causes the shadow of a helmet to return and give benefits, but this is a bug. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing head armour return in some form of way but the last time was a bit broken I agree.
There is some form of head armour in its current state due to M4's taking 2 headshots to kill a TFO, which is what I am arguing against, as the armour should stay true to the model.

However, I wouldn't be opposed to separate gear which includes head armour, where you need to return to PD to collect it in the event of a shootout.
Was accepted ages ago, still broken. = )

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