Search results

  1. Garret_Pp

    12.4 Parking

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: change What law do you wish to change/add: 12.4 Parking Vehicles may only be parked in designated parked spaces marked by two closely spaced white lines parrallel unless on private property so long as the parking on private property does not...
  2. Garret_Pp

    11.9 Discharging a Firearm

    I think it should be changed to allow confiscation in cases of "gross neglect of the privledge to own and use a firearm". But please remember that officer, especially newer, believe that it is always necessary to enforce the maximum and for that I believe a lot more guns will be confiscated.
  3. Garret_Pp

    Addition to 3.5

    I honestly don't trust that most officers, including yourself, will be able to set up safe and efffective check point without resulting in the deaths of yourself and probably the first car in the line if not the inevitable second who runs into all of you. Maybe if we could train everyone on how...
  4. Garret_Pp

    'Right to Arrest' and 'Right to Charge'

    Add: testimony from a LEO is reason enough for the conviction if a suspect and the testimony from a supervisory in cases where another LEO is involved. Also add: A person charged with a crime may may only be held for a maximum of 10 minutes without charging and this time must not be spent idle.
  5. Garret_Pp

    'Reasonably Believes' Law Definition

    I am totally in favor of this we need to clarify. Honestly search warrants are not often used in my experience because the burden of proof rests on the one who signs the warrant yet there is no clear range.
  6. Garret_Pp


  7. Garret_Pp

    Thank you good sir you have saved us.

    Thank you good sir you have saved us.
  8. Garret_Pp


    For me I have done passive RP singing and guitar concerts. I have also run a medical clinic (which I eventually used to do a fake surgery on the mayor in order to kill the bastard). Hmmmm I passive rp as FBI with Samuel and friends, Brinch runs our strike team. Passive rp can work fine done...
  9. Garret_Pp

    PERPheads Community Awards 2016: Category Suggestions

  10. Garret_Pp

    Soooonnn. Probably next weekend.

    Soooonnn. Probably next weekend.
  11. Garret_Pp

    6.11 Rights of the Accused

    To reply to your comment I will say they only represents in interrogation and they kjsyt show up within a reasonable amount of time ~3 minutes.
  12. Garret_Pp

    6.11 Rights of the Accused

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: NEW What law do you wish to change/add: Why should this change/addition be made: This law will further role play and also help when prevent the miscarriage of justice. What is the aim of this change/addition: To help control situations in which...
  13. Garret_Pp

    Favorite handgun.

    SIG Sauer P226 Shoots fast, reliable, accurate. The sights aren't great in game but it really is the pistol of choice for the trained shooters in game. The power is fine it's the speed, smoothness, and sleek design that makes this the choice weapon for me. Coming in second if certainly the Glock...
  14. Garret_Pp

    The most lonley man on PH...

    *reads comments* Very realistic yes yes 2.1 rp with self and multiple roles yes yes true.
  15. Garret_Pp

    Epic escape

    Oh yes this was the start of a string of bombing Baggers told me about in which he did so much damage to the city after terrorizing the city and bombing multiple buildings that he HAD TO CHANGE HIS NAME.
  16. Garret_Pp

    PLPD at it's finest

    Warned for 2.1 PH confirmed.
  17. Garret_Pp

    Multiple recommendations on those who need it

    @The HitMan is there because he resigned for Lt and wants it back :)
  18. Garret_Pp

    Cooking, why not?

    I love to cook so I thought I would share my creations here and I will continue to update the folder. Post your cooking below so we can all enjoy it!!! CHECK OUT MY COOKING Can't wait to see your creations soon enough!
  19. Garret_Pp

    How to defend your shit

    XD I shot you once (you can't hear in the video but I was yelling FBI raid)
  20. Garret_Pp

    Looking for some Mouse recommendations This is the one I use and it feels awesome. Plus the choice for DPI and the many customization buttons make it very good for gaming. Heck I have a macro to pull out my weapon and to speak in ts3 and to mute myself and...
  21. Garret_Pp

    Thank you to everyone for your support

    Thank you to everyone for your support
  22. Garret_Pp

    jack renfield

    What a wonderful thing. My two pets getting along. Renfiled is a wonderful lad.
  23. Garret_Pp

    PD Raid Gone Genocidal

    Oh this was a bloodbath, enjoy.
  24. Garret_Pp


    The days ahead are never as golden as the ones past but I look towards the future with a gleam in my eye for hope is on horizon. Hope that they won't FUCK RUNESCAPE WITH ANOTHER HORRIBLE UPDATE
  25. Garret_Pp

    Police Computer - Warning Markers: Suggestion Thread

    How does this suggestion not have 80 likes? This is such a great idea.
  26. Garret_Pp

    Things on the up and up. Special thanks to Samuel for #Garret4Enforcer as well as to all my...

    Things on the up and up. Special thanks to Samuel for #Garret4Enforcer as well as to all my supporters! Hoping to help out all I can.
  27. Garret_Pp

    August the 16th, Expert Member Day.

    My town put Haloween a day early one year for god knows what reason. Is that similar?
  28. Garret_Pp


    I think it can be annoying but I for sure miss it. It made some situations light and funnier and I didn't mind that at all.
  29. Garret_Pp

    I'm back again

    Welcome back buddy. Hope to see you soon patching-dis.
  30. Garret_Pp

    Mathias | Resignation

    We will miss you dear Mathias!! In my limited interaction with you I only had good experiences. Come back soon bbe.